Friday, June 25, 2010

What I’m seeing a lot of in this World is that people think that it is very important to evaluate “what people do” rather than “who they have been created to be”. They are able to do that but it doesn’t work well and it helps no one. And what is being eliminated is personal respect.

I see parents doing it to their children, guys and girls do it and individuals end up doing it too. So grades, positions, degrees, money and status are a small number of the things that are based on that.

But what about our creator? Would He make a mistake? Didn’t He form us in our mother’s wombs? Didn’t He write all of the days of our lives before we were born? Didn’t He plan things in advance for us to do? Yes as the answer to all of the questions. So are the evaluations that I mentioned in paragraph 2 valid? No.

God does not make mistakes.

However this World seems to think that He does or that He simply does not apply and they seem to “think” that they are calling the shots in, at least this life. Funny, but Satan thought the same thing too and the results of that are very clear.

So if you are doing this then you are following Satan and you will discuss this with God. And if you are happy with that then fine.

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