Wednesday, June 30, 2010

People often will not do what I want or have planned or expect and I have to think of something else but I can and I do and I don’t feel bad at all.

That’s odd because normally, as humans we get angry but I normally don’t because people can only do what they think is possible for them to do. If someone says “I can’t because I don’t want to” then yes I get a little angry because their heart isn’t mine. I just realized that this morning and I am pleased because it seems more like God.

Now I’m human too and I think hard about things before I ask but I’m just me. I’m not someone else so I can not think or decide for other people nor do I feel that I can react to what they do. And that is important to remember.

As humans we have many things that we think are obligations or priorities for ourselves but no one can evaluate those things.

I have many times been part of that equation but I have not gotten angry because
I can see that someone’s heart is mine and that makes all of the difference to me. Their behavior is not important but their heart is. And I feel that God has taught me this and I am thankful.

I’m sure that his happens a lot to you but just remember that we’re all created equally so if I can do it then so can you. And what is important is the heart because it drives the end result.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

This one commercial on TV really upsets me and I’m interested to see how other people feel.

It’s a commercial about “cookies for kids with cancer”. The viewer is encouraged to buy the product (plastic bags) and have a bake sale to make money for kids with cancer. The commercial was clearly about making more money on plastic bags and not about helping kids that have cancer.

And that upset me.

Here is this very prominent company that I’m certain has tons of money asking people in this economy who can probably barely afford to live as it is to buy their product to make them a lot of money AND donate to help children who have cancer.

What is going on?

This company has plenty of money to donate to kids who have cancer and whose parents probably cannot afford the treatment for them and if there is more than one kid in the family then the family probably cannot afford to live either or buy anything for the other kids but they expect to get sales from their commercials.

I would be more likely to buy their product if they were helping with the treatments or helping the other kids in the family or donating their bags to people or donating money to the families for the treatments or something else rather than asking poor people to go farther into debt for their personal benefit alone.

Does anyone else see that?
Sometimes I get frightened and I’ll bet you do too. To become frightened is normal because after all we’re human beings!

You can become frightened for a number of reasons, but are they valid or real reasons? That’s a good question and when you become frightened it’s a good one to ask yourself. I do that often and as a huge surprise to me I find many times that my fears aren’t truly founded on facts.

Many times the things that I see that end up making me feel frightened were actually designed to do just exactly that. Tests or rehearsals were done by the developers to see what the results of their work will do when someone sees it. And if their work results in fear then they have gotten what they wanted.

Another thing that happens to me is that in certain situations I will think that something that scares me is going to happen. But at those times I have learned to ask myself “did that ever happen?”. And I can guarantee you that it hasn’t.

We have covered what we see and what we remember but what about reality? That’s a good point!

God is reality and so I ask myself: “Would God do that?” and I don’t know God’s mind or feelings but I do know His word. And 10 out of 10 times His word does not support fear.

So the very next time you are scared just remember this and you won’t be scared anymore.

I am alone pretty much 24X7 so there are times when I get scared. So I have thought about this, tested this and prayed about this and I assure you that fear has no pull with me.

And soon you’ll be fine too!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

If you’re a Christian bad things can’t possibly happen, right?


Yes you have God and eternal life but you live in this World which is run by Satan ho is bad and he controls many people so bad things will happen from time to time.

I just ask myself when they do happen: “Would God do this?” and most of the time the answer is “No”, and I just pay no attention and don’t worry and it passes.

But sometimes, honestly, the answer is: “I don’t know”. And during those times I still praise Him and I go over His word in my mind. Because no matter what the situation is He’s still my powerful God and things have gone on for years and people have survived and I’m still His child so I will survive.

I believe that.
Thinking. It’s what I do. And it’s how I spend the most of my time. And here are some of the things that I’ve been thinking about lately:

I am amazed that I can think at all! The Psychological testing that I had done said that the right side of my brain has been severely injured. And on 7-11-2000 when I was beaten, robbed and my brain stem was broken the doctors at the Trauma center said that at best I would be a vegetable. But I live in an apartment, I don’t get hungry but I eat and drink 3 times a day by myself, I take care of things myself, I watch my TV by myself choosing my times and channels, I keep a budget, I prepare a weekly grocery list, I get my mail and pay my bills by myself.

And here’s something else that’s super good: I’ve been separated from my wife for 10 years and it doesn’t bother me at all! In fact I found a site online and had them prepare the papers for me for a divorce! I do have to have a friend help me out to get it done but I have the papers to do so.

I have a Website, a personal video, soon I’ll have a commercial for God and I’ve written 3 books so far and the first of which is being edited now. And I use my phone, not to mention my computer.

How is it possible that I can do all of this? Clearly it’s not me and it doesn’t add up so I know that it is God! I have been given so many good things!

And so have you. And it will not stop. Ever.

Friday, June 25, 2010

What I’m seeing a lot of in this World is that people think that it is very important to evaluate “what people do” rather than “who they have been created to be”. They are able to do that but it doesn’t work well and it helps no one. And what is being eliminated is personal respect.

I see parents doing it to their children, guys and girls do it and individuals end up doing it too. So grades, positions, degrees, money and status are a small number of the things that are based on that.

But what about our creator? Would He make a mistake? Didn’t He form us in our mother’s wombs? Didn’t He write all of the days of our lives before we were born? Didn’t He plan things in advance for us to do? Yes as the answer to all of the questions. So are the evaluations that I mentioned in paragraph 2 valid? No.

God does not make mistakes.

However this World seems to think that He does or that He simply does not apply and they seem to “think” that they are calling the shots in, at least this life. Funny, but Satan thought the same thing too and the results of that are very clear.

So if you are doing this then you are following Satan and you will discuss this with God. And if you are happy with that then fine.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

When people give birth to kids, yes they are children and they have a lot to learn but they’re also individuals who are put on this Earth by God and they must be respected. So while it’s wonderful to be a parent there is also a big responsibility to that role.

While they are children the parent is responsible for teaching and raising them. While they are young adults the parents are responsible for transitioning them to their new roles. And even when they become adults the parent is responsible for helping their kids to accomplish things and be successful.

But in every stage of a child’s life the parent MUST respect their kids for the individuals that God made them to be. Then the parents will have an ongoing respect for their child’s friends.

And if the parent doesn’t first respect their child then everything just goes downhill.

The children are not primarily responsible for respecting their parents but the parents are primarily responsible for respecting their kids.
Things are very difficult right now. Scriptural yes but difficult. And they are difficult for me right now. Why right now? I don’t know but it may just be that I am experiencing things now in this day and age.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 is the scripture that I see happening but it may have been happening for years I just don’t know. And frankly it doesn’t matter because I’m not in charge or in control, God is.

As a human this is a shock to me but at least God knew about it before and it is in His word. So what can I do? I want to do something but can I? Should I?

How does the story end and is the end near? The story ends with many people following Satan and ignoring God but that has been happening for years so this may not be the end.

Nowhere that I know of in scripture does it say that you should do the right thing until…

So should you try to do something? Yes! Will things change? Probably not because they never have changed. But right is right and God is God so you should accept what’s happening, put the truth in your heart and do what can be done.

Because end or not, God’s watching you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This is very interesting. What I see on TV, in fact ALL I see on TV is people who are getting paid a lot of money for doing what they do.

You don’t have to be super smart to figure this out. There is a lot of recognition (& money) in certain things.

For example on the FOOD Network, COOKING Channel, DIY Network and HGTV you have to impress others by what you can accomplish IF you can accomplish what the show wants. Certain people on other shows are the same way so evidently how much money that you can make is the most important thing that a person can do.

Which is odd to me. Some programs show homosexual men and women while other shows are designed to show who is (according to Society) the best at doing certain things.

So generally God is not as important to people as the things of this World which God created and they wouldn’t have if He hadn’t. But people don’t seem to be bothered by that.

They just pay attention to themselves and I don’t understand that.

But it’s not just on TV, many people are the same way. I guess that’s why the Bible says that the road is narrow and only a few will be on it.
As I look back on things in my life that are associated by my marriages there is something that I want to tell you.

At the very beginning there is 1 person. That person is influenced by many different things. Some are better than others.

When that person meets someone and a relationship is started everything normal that these two people had attracted them. There are no expectations, desires or anything else.

If that relationship goes farther and a marriage is planned between those 2 people they both know that a lifetime is planned and so there is a great deal of thought and effort to make sure that the decision that is being made is a good one and will last a lifetime. And so the people begin to “test” each other and the testing could go on for years.

In my case we never got beyond the testing phase but we did make it through many years, so when a need arose where help was needed we were still at the testing phase and so I failed.

Be careful to just be yourselves and if you can accept that then don’t go into the testing phase because that way you’ll stay married.
We get up and think about what we have to get done that day and sometimes we do everything and sometimes we don’t.
If we do then we feel like we’ve done a very good job (notice the “we’ve” part) and if we don’t then we think that we failed.

To teach people how to pray Jesus said: “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. But why did He say that? So that His will would be done? Now He created the Earth, it’s animals and it’s people and He has allowed time to pass, not to mention Heaven, Hell & the Angels, so do you think that He is waiting to see if His will is done? I, personally don’t think so but we pray it as a means of alligience.

I think that we have to remember who God is. He told Moses: “I am” and that’s who He is. He is means a lot more than who you are. This is His world and we are His children so what we want is not as important or critical as what He wants.

And sometimes people just expect things to get done and we want to get them done badly but when push comes to shove it’s God’s will that will happen and that may or may not satisfy our desires, but this in not ours or any other humans World, it belongs to God.

So remember your Creator and what He has done or will do and take the stress that you or someone else is causing and give it to God. He always has handled it and He always will.

Plus remember what Jesus told Paul: “My power is made perfect in weakness”. So live for Him and relax because those people who want things done will be answering beside you to God at judgment.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I never ever do things because they benefit me. In fact I never choose to do or not to do something based on whether it benefits me. I have experienced so much negativity in my life that I just would never think about benefits.

I also live for Christ and God alone so that answers the question about whether or not I think about myself.

Jesus told us to take up our cross and follow Him. Now to me evaluating things based on benefits just cannot be a part of me. Because if I take up my cross then I am no more and if am no more then who cares if there’s a benefit?

I just do things because I can meaning that God has given me the ability to do something, not because I expect a benefit.
When I was at home and growing up the Church that we attended was called “The Church of Christ. There were many things that were (I would say) incorrect. But the things that were extremely powerful were Debates, men to men on what was correct with God.

Now I don’t mind telling you that only God has the capacity to choose what’s right or wrong with Him not humans. That’s the created telling the creator what is correct. Nope, I don’t buy that.

But many humans do and they pay money for that and base positions, pay and rewards on that.

Imagine what would happen if God did that. We would be lost, Jesus would not have come and we wouldn’t have Grace. But people do this today.

I am very comfortable knowing that God is God and He created me and He is in charge of what happens.

He gave us His word and it’s important to know it but debating with others over it does not make it right or wrong; that would mean that it is there for OUR benefit only and I don’t agree with that.

Nothing is just for us individually but Grace and you can’t earn that because it is a free gift.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Today is Monday and I woke up and first thought “another boring week” but then I thought “It’s not another boring week this is the Lord’s week and He can do anything!”

Then my whole attitude became much more positive and good things began to happen.

So remember that every day is God’s gift to you and His Will will happen. Don’t get caught up in thinking what Satan wants you to think but be honest and remember that every single day is a gift from God that He has given to you to live.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

This morning I went to Church and the message was about a son who was named King after his father and God blessed him but he never acknowledged it and would not honor God. He just thought “I am not like other people because I am King so I can do whatever I want” and so God struck him with leprosy.

And I started remembering how everyone thought that I was so smart and so I thought that I could do anything and I didn’t have a Church, Christian friends or lead Bible studies ever.

And look what happened to me! Thankfully I didn’t get leprosy but I can’t do anything anymore, I can’t walk anymore, I lost my job, I lost my memory, I lost my parents, I lost my wife and I lost my kids.

So the same thing that happened in the Old Testament happened to me!

Was that a rare or odd thing that I heard that message today? I don’t think so.

Am I different from that man in the Old Testament? I don’t think so.

Have I learned something? Yes by the grace of God.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Being a Christian is a good thing but it’s not an easy thing to do. I’m sure that way before Jesus came the Godhead knew this and I’m pretty sure that’s why He came.

Faith takes on a whole new meaning now at least as I see it. No longer is it just about what you believe but it’s very much about who you are and what you do. So to believe something is one thing but how you live, think and what you do is another one entirely.

I do believe certain things but I can’t stop there. Christianity is who I am. Nothing else is more appealing or makes more sense to me than that.

So I’m not interested in anything but that! And sometimes people focus on what they can do. And since I’ve seem & currently live with what I can produce I’d much rather focus on what God can produce!

So TV shows, books, products and things do not impress me anymore. I no longer “want” things. I have God and He’s been who He is since He began and will be the same way in the future.

The only goal that I have now is to somehow help people to see, believe in and appreciate Him. Nothing else matters now or in the future!

Friday, June 18, 2010

From the start today was difficult. So much so that it was obvious to me that it wasn’t normal that this much could go wrong.

I couldn’t even get into my BLOG! I write nearly every day and first thing this morning I thought of something to write and post. So I wrote it but when I tried to post it I couldn’t access my BLOG! I tried several times and ways but I could not make it happen.

Just thinking that I could no longer post upset me so I prayed to God and told Him what I was feeling. Needless to say but totally unexpected by me, the problem went away and I am able to write and post, just like I always have done.

Thankful? Yes.

Did God do it? Yes, I prayed about it and it happened.

So what next? I have no idea what may happen but I know who to tell.
If you have feelings or thoughts that you like to express, negative or positive or simply questions anyone is free to email me and I would appreciate it. My email address is

Thursday, June 17, 2010

When I moved back from Orange county and into this apartment I brought a woman, a man and a baby with me and gave them free rent. The man ended up in jail, the woman has moved out and the baby is gone. I’m fine with everything but I do miss the baby girl the most. Leah was her name and it was always clear to me that she was here for a reason.

As parents when we have children (I’m a parent and have 3 boys who are all adults now but they will always be my children), nothing absolutely nothing that they do is considered wrong. We love them, they love us and while some things may not meet our expectations for others, they don’t know any different so we don’t care.

Now Jesus said:
Matt 18:2-5

2 He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

But what was He talking about? Do we have to get younger?

No. But He did say change. What does that mean? Well change refers to becoming something that is different from what you are.

He also said humbles. And that means submitting to something that you are not in control of.

A child knows that they don’t make the rules, but they know there are rules and they’re not perfect but they are willing to be humble to their parent. And we HAVE TO BE THE SAME.

However, that is all forgotten by people when they’re dealing with an older handicapped person. People just consider the person’s age not their handicap and expect them to be like the standard: all other adults.

So there are a lot of handicapped adults who are trying very hard to behave certain ways so that they will be accepted by others.

When have you seen a child do something so that they will be accepted? My point is that we must become like children and just accept people because they exist and quit comparing them because the kingdom of Heaven was created for people like this.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I prayed to God because I didn’t know what to do or if I could do anything at all because things are so bad in this World. And this morning I woke up with an answer from God.

I am handicapped now to help me realize that the power to make things happen comes from God and not my intelligence.

So I will continue to teach for 2 reasons:
1. I am dedicated to God so what I have to say is valid and important.
2. God will choose, not me to put what I teach on peoples hearts if He wants them to know it.

Giving the control back to God helps me to feel much better.
There s an old saying that people believe is true. It is “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. But I disagree.

I am an old dog and all of my tricks are new. Why? Well there are times that I don’t even know that I am doing tricks. Plus my memory is poor, plus I do not keep myself alive God does. So I know that there are plenty of times that the ONLY reason that I’m here is because He controls the tricks and He knows what to do.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OK, I have just watched a brand new show and I have come to the conclusion that the problems with Society and personal worth cannot be changed in this World.

It is everywhere and in everything.

I’m a little shocked that things are as bad as they are, but they are. I just thought that we could make a difference but I guess that’s probably the wrong standard to have.

So all I will do is present myself to God and make myself available to Him to do what He wants for me to do.

I know that Satan runs the Earth so all I can do is be available to God to do His will as He wishes.

But I’ve got to say that this isn’t where I thought that I would be. But my standard is still God and it always will be, I’m certain of that and I’m available to Him.
Everything that I see on TV meaning every commercial or show is 100% based on status. They are all perfect people versus non perfect people, and the perfect people always win. So Society (Life) has decided that this is the way that we have to be and how we will be judged.

What is going on?

Why are people judging people and why is it ok for people to judge people?

I remember reading in the Bible: “Judge not or you will be judged” but now the whole World judges each other. I just don’t get it.
I am actually extremely thankful to God for who I am and how I am because I have learned a great deal that I might not have if I wasn’t who I am.

When someone is handicapped whether from birth or something else, the FIRST thing that they learn from others is that they are different. Now the way they do some things may be different but in their hearts and minds they are just people that have been made and planned for by God.

So locking them into institutions is a horrible way to treat them. Non-handicapped people wouldn’t like it and their hearts are no different than yours. They are people that God made to be who they are and it was ok for God so why isn’t it ok with you too?
God is constantly teaching me and when you think about it what better thing could a father do for his children?

In the past I wrote something about a song that said that “We rise up on wings like eagles” and at the time I thought that meant that only good things happen to us and we’re always triumphant but a good friend emailed me and told me that the song involved a scripture. And I was unsure if I had done the right thing.

So God taught me that to rise up on wings like eagles means that YOU WILL ENDURE SO YOU CAN MOVE ON. And in both of the cases that I talked about I had endured and moved on.

Just to know that God is so caring is way beyond me

Monday, June 14, 2010

One of the usual things that’s being done today is the word miracle is being used for just anything.

If something impresses people it is called a miracle. So more than anything else it is used as a marketing tool to entice people on what something can do rather than what has been done.

When the term miracle began it referred to something that was totally necessary, absolutely no product was used for, no one expected it to happen and no one did it it just happened.

But today it just applies to the results that some process or product can do which people make money off of, which is a huge difference.

When Jesus fed more than 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish in Mathew 14 and there was lots of food left over THAT was a miracle. There was no product used that had been repeatedly tested and you could not buy it and no one made any money, He just prayed and everyone ate.

So have things changed? Nope a miracle is still a miracle and God continues to do them every day. So just be more careful in what you call things.
Heaven on Earth. Sounds pretty good but what does it mean?

Well, on this Earth among humans it usually means: The Best that there can be. It doesn’t get any better than this.

And to a certain extent I agree with that, but I take it a bit farther.

In Heaven, God lives there and on the Earth He doesn’t live. I’m not foolish enough to say that He’s never here because He is—always.

He created this Earth and everything in and about it to begin with and still does create things. Unfortunately that takes me all of the way back to Religion. There is no such thing as Creation because God created everything that we know and He’s not done yet!

So, to me Heaven on Earth has to mean more like a benefit that people expect to receive in Heaven that they will still receive in Heaven but for some reason they are receiving it here on this Earth.

For example: God originally gave me my human life on this Earth not to mention all of the nearly 52 years of experiences, but He also continued my life when all of the humans said that I would die!

So I have a much more involved definition of Heaven on Earth. And mine is much more suitable for me.
I have a brand new peace from God and I needed it.

Will everything go as it should? No.

Will things just make happy? No.

Will bad things stop happening? No.

Then why do I think that I have a new peace if nothing’s going to change?

Because God is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow, so no matter what happens on this Earth God is & will be God and that makes me happier than anything else ever could.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Have you ever thought about prayer? I have! It’s my time to talk directly to God and I do it all of the time.

Why do I do that? Are things oblivious to Him otherwise? No, read Psalm 139:2-4. He is well aware of what’s going on in my life and if scripture isn’t enough to convince you then just think about this for a moment: you are reading something that was written by someone who was physically mangled in 2000 and ALL OF THE DOCTORS said that he would die or at best be a vegetable.

But that was years ago and I’m not dead or a vegetable! No Conservator or Board & Care either! I live in my own apartment with a roommate who is very good, so you bet I believe in prayer and God.

I talk to Him all of the time. Why do I do that? He’s always there and unfortunately humans are not.

A long time ago I wrote about prayer and I think what got me going was that human Churches have Prayer Chains and so some humans feel that they have the opportunity to use them to tell God what to do and what they want. But God doesn’t need His creations to tell Him what to do or when to do it. He is OMNI.

So I use this time to (from my perspective) confirm with Him what He already knows and just talk to Him confirming what I desire.

But believe me He is always there and knows everything and does the best thing.

I am a human just like you are so I have thought this all of the way through. There have been many times when I was totally unable to even pray and ask but the right thing happened anyway.

So prayer is an honor to tell Him thank you and I love you and I want to be with you for Eternity and do your will on this Earth. He is all that matters.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I’m having the kind of day where I keep remembering that certain smells remind me of certain things. It’s happened about 5 times to me so far.

Somehow I catch a smell which triggers a memory and I don’t know why that keeps happening to me. First of all for anything to remind me of anything is unusual. I have a very poor memory as it is so for something to trigger the memory of something is just not a common thing for me.

And these are not nice things. The smells aren’t bad but the memories are not good. Thank God that I always think of Him because He wouldn’t do something like that and I know better than to spend any time on where they lead me.

But I wanted for you to know what I’m going through.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All day this verse has been on my mind and for a very good reason: When I was weak He took me out of it. He was strong in my weakness.

2 Cor 12:9
9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

From the following verses it is easy to see that Paul wasn’t expecting to hear that and in my life neither was I, but Paul did and so did I.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I don’t love to eat like normal people do, no I eat to live.

Some food is very good but I never get hungry or want to eat some food. I imagine that is as a result of God’s control of the injuries to my brain.

But God has always taught me to eat. In facilities I have learned what time to eat which meals and how much food is needed at each meal. I have not learned however that God is keeping me alive without food so it doesn’t matter if I eat or not – although that’s possible for Him to do (I’ve never read that there will be food in Heaven), so I just eat because it’s time to eat.

God has made me like certain foods. Not now, but He has always made people that way. Remember Adam and Eve and the fruit from the tree of good and evil that they were not supposed to eat? They ate it anyway! So it must have looked good to them even though He told them no.

And some food looks good to me too even though I’m not hungry.

So why have I gone on and on about this? Because I can see God’s greatness in this! It is not easy to understand and it’s not simple to live but it does work and it is God.
The sermon at Church yesterday made a huge impact on me it was called: We’re blessed to be a blessing” and it talked about how God will sometimes bless us so that we can be a blessing to someone else because that’s God’s plan.

The concept made it far with me yesterday but last night in my sleep it had a big impact on me too! I awoke this morning thinking about a situation where I had been blessed and then blessed someone. At first of course I thought “They didn’t even care!”

And then I thought “That’s not why it happened you fool! It happened to accomplish God’s will. It’s not about me it’s about Him. Duh!” I was blessed to be a blessing.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Normally when someone considers their life there are normally certain things that they remember that make their memories very special, however memory is not normally an option for me.

But God has taken the time to give me some very specific memories that I actually do remember.

I don’t know why I find that so amazing because He created me and planned my life before I was born!

It’s just another reason that I am human and He is God.

And knowing what He has told me makes me feel so much better because these things didn’t just happen to me, there is much more because He planned my life long ago!
A few moments ago and at a totally inappropriate time my phone range. Normally I check to see who is calling but I didn’t have my glasses on so try as I did I could not read the message and because I don’t get many phone calls at all I answered it.

When I said “Hello” this voice said “This is ABC 7 calling” and I hung up. At first I thought “why would ABC 7 be calling me?” and then I realized that they are a business and they want to stay in business.

But then I thought “No one ever calls about God. I realize that there’s no money in that but there are souls in that”.

A person’s soul is worth far more than money but the money part is right now in this World and we may never know about someone’s soul.

So as Christians we have to care about things other than money and other than this world because people’s souls are far more important than money and their destination is far more important than money and the destination of the souls will happen.

So are you a leader?

Friday, June 4, 2010

I have been thinking about God which is no surprise to me because I’m always thinking about God. It’s not that I dwell on it, it’s just always on my mind or things just come to me and that’s where I want to be spending my time.

I could make other choices. I could be dwelling on what has happened or what is going on or where I am but why would I do that? What has happened has happened and it is in the past and the past cannot be changed but today is today and it hasn’t happened yet so what it will be is up to God. And where God is that’s where I want to be.

So in thinking I’ve been focusing on who I am and what I can do. Not on the most convenient thing or what I know or what I am currently capable of doing. No, I’ve been thinking about what is right. Because I don’t always know how things can or will be done, I just give things my time and effort and I know that God will do the things that need to be done.

What a wonderful way to live my life!

I never think about what I could or should be doing or what I have to do I just leave everything up to Him. And honestly I feel a little guilty sometimes because I feel so blessed!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today I joined with several other people from my Light & Power Sunday school class to meet with another class from Azusa Pacific University and it was very interesting for me (a Brain Injured man found something interesting?). In fact I actually emailed several people about it.

Do I think that I was right?

Yes I do.

Will it do any good?

I hope so but I don’t know. It’s too early to say.

But this is what the email said:
I spent some time today with Nancy's class and some things came to me that I wanted to relate to you:

1) People aren't used to dealing with handicapped people. They have been raised from birth by non handicapped people and they have been taught to NOT BE THAT WAY. So it becomes an issue of evaluation NOT handicap.

2) Disabled people are normal people, they just can't do things the usual way. Disabled just becomes a negative part of the evaluation.

3) It's no wonder that we feel accepted and are happy to be with each other.

4) Nothing has changed we just accept each other. Imagine if everyone was like this. If rating, rewards & evaluations were this way we would be more like Christ!


Now that I’m one of them it has become so obvious! We’re not disabled we’re just different abled and we should not be treated as “less” than others! Because we’re not.

I have been very blessed to see “the other side” of this fence and it’s a very good place to be!