Monday, June 14, 2010

One of the usual things that’s being done today is the word miracle is being used for just anything.

If something impresses people it is called a miracle. So more than anything else it is used as a marketing tool to entice people on what something can do rather than what has been done.

When the term miracle began it referred to something that was totally necessary, absolutely no product was used for, no one expected it to happen and no one did it it just happened.

But today it just applies to the results that some process or product can do which people make money off of, which is a huge difference.

When Jesus fed more than 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish in Mathew 14 and there was lots of food left over THAT was a miracle. There was no product used that had been repeatedly tested and you could not buy it and no one made any money, He just prayed and everyone ate.

So have things changed? Nope a miracle is still a miracle and God continues to do them every day. So just be more careful in what you call things.

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