Saturday, April 30, 2011

When I see things that I don’t agree with my first thought isn’t “I’ll say something” no it’s how can I respond without causing trouble?”
Becoming a Christian IS NOT going in certain direction with your life it is a COMPLETE lifestyle change. Normally in life it’s all about you, but once you have denied yourself, YOU doesn’t exist.
You have been given everything by God already so make sure you’re not expecting more.
Everything IS NOT based on what you think or do. I know that this will cause a problem with some of you but you live in God’s world and whether or not you can make things happen here does not change the fact that this is His world.
This probably sounds weird but one of my favorite books of the Bible is Isaiah. He was a prophet of God and the things in his book are factual and way before their occurrence and they blow me away.
There are many idols today and some even say they’re about God but they all really stand for income.
“Nature” is the “socially acceptable” term for: ‘we don’t know why it’s here’. Now who created nature?

Friday, April 29, 2011

I just realized that no human EVER calls me or comes to see me! And I’m their brother?
To become a Christian it much more than a belief or a Church it’s a lifestyle and that why Jesus said deny yourselves.
There are many denominations of religions because people want THE BEST.
Because Christ overcame the world we have no reason to worry. If we do worry then it’s more us than Him.
If people look at you and don’t see God then you’re doing something wrong.
The moment that someone likes something that you do, look at yourself and ask yourself: “Do they like me or do they like God?”. You’ll be surprised at your answer.
Income and God don’t match. Because He created everything He is able to meet your needs. Remember the feeding of the 5,000 and 10,000?
If I was going to start a Church the focus would be on telling others about God – that’s it.
God knows that we are humans as He accepts more than we know and Churches tell us. Remember the verse that says: “While we were sinners Christ died for us”?
There are religious standards for obedience that certainly segregates people in human eyes but those are human eyes not God’s eyes.
Jesus clearly said that His followers are dead to sin. He NEVER SAID that we wouldn’t do anything wrong, He just said we’re dead to sin. So why is that the constant topic of preachers?
Doing the right thing does not depend on what you’re doing, it depends on God. People may not always reward or appreciate what you’re doing but God will.
Our OPINION is the way we feel and it may be based on what we’ve been taught but is what we’ve been taught correct? Not by the standards of this world but by God’s standards.
Watch for this: what people say has become more important than the truth.
I have heard a human say: “Grace Changes Everything!” but I have also read in the Bible that God in the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, so Grace isn’t something brand new.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The biggest problem that I am having is that no matter what I say people don’t listen to me, they have their own opinions and so they just say whatever fits their opinion so I’m learning not to talk.
I honestly don’t know how to explain this well enough to you so that you see it as REAL but having gone through everything that I have and to be where I am today shows me that God is more real now and in this world than we know.
One thing that’s VERY different since I’ve been hurt is that people’s opinions are no longer important to me GOD’S is.
The Earthly Church today in no different than Adam & Eve or the Children of Israel.
It would be much easier for e to just give up and become the person that other people want me to be but I wont!
I stick with God no matter what is going on in my life.
really enjoy hearing Christian Christmas music! To me the birth of Christ happens every day not once a year so every day is a holiday!
In the Bible people have always had trouble as even Jesus who is God said that in this world you WILL have trouble but take heart because I have overcome the world.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

People are very quick to say that God is very good to them but they don’t realize why. Sure He is very good but He also asks us to deny ourselves and most people won’t do that because they think that they are “too…”.
Self reliance in reliance on yourself and people strive for that but people didn’t create themselves so it’s silly to have self reliance.
Every talent that everyone has is from God. However people get attention, notoriety, money & praise but none of that is given to God. People just expect it and keep it for themselves.
Until Jesus came everyone’s destination was set for Hell but Jesus came to change that by offering everyone the opportunity to change that to Heaven but it’s an individual choice.
Every human exists only because God created them and they are here on Earth to bring glory to God but some humans THINK that they exist only to bring glory to themselves by doing what they were designed to do.
Stuff of Earth competes for the allegiance
I owe only to the giver of all good things
How I do only matters to others in this world however how God has done matters eternally to everyone.
Whether or not you please me I’m still here for you.
God knows and sees our hearts and NOT our brains.
We are here for a selfless reason. We are here to teach others about God. Life is not about us we are alive for God.
People HAVE TO RELIZE that our future is not what we can see but what God has promised and not what we will ever see or anticipate.
Everything I read is how to be something that you are not yet God does that for us so why do people need to feel differently? Because they are only focused on themselves as they can see now but that’s where faith comes in.
It is important to realize that this world is totally geared to convince you that there is another way than following God, following yourself.
For humans Christianity has so many IFs and EVENTUALLYs that many people won’t follow it and those who do think that THEY are doing the best. However, Jesus said 1 thing: deny yourselves.
The story of the children of Israel is in the Bible so that we as humans we can see that God is way more powerful than us but do we see it?
For the conquering of Midean God decreased the number of the Israelites until there were so few that they would know that He had done it for them and He did.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Many people are totally sold on the things of this world and they ‘think’ that they are doing well but money and things are only for this world. There is a push for the things of this world that say you’re doing well and you are but eternity is not of this world.
I am physical real proof that life with God is worth more than life in this world. Oh there is no money, notoriety or anything else that the world looks for but I’m alive after all the humans said that I’d be dead! God is worth much more than the world.
What I’m seeing people don’t realize and unfortunately society supports what they believe is that even in this horrible world, Christ (who made this world) offers you a way to escape this world because He overcame the world!
I have absolutely no faith in myself but it’s a good thing that I have faith in God because that is what makes life worth living.
What was God thinking of after making everything else and then He created humans? Was He just hoping that they might learn something and make something more of themselves? Maybe they would make more of themselves? Hmmm…that sounds like: “Did he really say that?”.
You can read the Bible to know everything about you and your relationship with God. That’s why God wrote it and keeps it. I doesn’t take an Expert to understand it.
God is NOT TRENDY OR ACCEPTABLE to many and that’s why the road is narrow and FEW find it.
It is not important to THINK that we are teaching things about God. It is important to KNOW that we are actually teaching things about God.
Out of all the changes in me from what I was before to what I am now there is one thing that I haven’t lost and that is to KNOW what others expect from me.
It important to note that our purpose is not to get others to support anything because our purpose is to bring glory to God.
What you do & how you dress are just things that people see, God is interested in your heart.
If other human people don’t treat you well, what does that mean?
It just means that you live in this world. Nothing more.
You know what I find very interesting? The fact that people take something from the Old Testament as make it a command that must be followed today!
You know what I find very interesting? The fact that people take something from the Old Testament as make it a command that must be followed today!
If people are more interested in what you’ve done or in your degree than in who scripture says you are with God then there’s a problem.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Becoming a Christ follower is not based on a simple one time decision and getting wet. A real Christ follower truly dies with Christ and denies themselves for life like He did.
Anyone who is still alive still has the opportunity to follow Christ but it is more than just a belief or proper actions because it requires you to deny yourself as Christ did and that requires much more than most people are willing to give.
I think that few people realize that the Old Testament is the original or Old will of God and the New Testament is the New will of God. So the Old, while it contains valuable history has no longer any effect on us because now we can live by the New Testament.
Mankind seems to think that the only way to God is to live a life that is sin free but if that was the case then He in the form of Jesus would never have come. The free gift is bigger than most of us think and are told.
Since Jesus said it and it is documented in God’s word the Bible that as Christians we are dead to sin then why does it come up so much in the Church?
The way to give credit to God and still live well for others is to live as a created human being and only give credit to God not ourselves. Giving credit to ourselves says that we are better than God. It’s like worshiping an idol-US.
My son is not telling me truthful things but I am his father and it is my job to notice these things. So rather than try to explain these things to him I’d rather just forgive him.
Our creator has been quick to show us compassion but we have been quick to show Him that the thing that matters the most to us is us.
During life on this Earth, the life and the Earth that we have been given by God our main thoughts are on ourselves and not on God.
During life on this Earth, the life and the Earth that we have been given by God our main thoughts are on ourselves and not on God.
In this life on Earth we give credit for anything that happens to ourselves or others but NEVER to God.
When we think of something positive we’re very quick to think: “I did that” but we never think: “God has done that” with all the credit going to us and none to God.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Originally normal people went to Church to share with other normal people their new life in Christ but it’s different now.
Don’t rely on anyone but yourself to read the Bible or interpret God’s will. If someone has gone to school for that or they call themselves an Expert then there may be problems.

God wrote a simple letter and anyone can understand it or He wouldn’t have written it!
Everyone has access to the word of God but everyone also uses it as a factual Word of God and a way to benefit themselves.
What does it mean when you read one thing in the Bible and what you see people honestly living a completely different thing using the Bible to do it?

To me it means that I should check the scriptures and if I read them correctly it means that what I see going on by others is wrong. The Bible has been correct for years but man has also been making it fit their desires for years.
This is NOT followed by many:

Everything about me including the fact that there even is a me is because of God.
This is NEVER preached and FEW believe it:

Rom 6:11
11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

There are some things that are better not done but that has nothing to do with who you are in Christ.

I’m not making this up because you can read it in scripture.
The night He was betrayed Jesus said in prayer before facing something horrible: Not my will but yours be done. Not many of us feel that way.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I can’t walk. I have a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and many other handicaps so I can’t go to work but I do like to work and I want to make some money working from my home on my computer but no one will hire me. I don’t need much money and I work from 8AM to 11PM every day. Now having been a manager before I know that most people don’t work that much but I do. But no one will hire me! Even a Church!

Have we become such a segregated society where IF I could go to work AND remember things AND show what I know THEN people would hire me? In the meantime it’s up to God like it has been.

This is way beyond what a Christian should do. The Church began with just normal people and God taught them EVERYTING but now people have to act a certain way, have a certain degree and graduate from certain colleges or programs.

So who needs God anymore? I do because He takes care of me! He’s not turned off by me!
Life is NOT about getting good things or making me happy. Life is about bringing glory to God.
In the beginning of the Church the Apostles were just regular men but there have been many changes in the Church since then.
People always wonder if they have “lost” their salvation and that makes me ask several questions:
1. Is there a scripture that talks about “losing your salvation?
2. Is God OMNI?
3. Did Jesus say that His followers were dead to sin?
How could I have died with Jesus if I’m still alive on Earth?

Good question.

Even though you’re a human your death was spiritual.
People can get wet all they want but God is OMNI so before He saved them He already knew if they had faith.
It is much simpler to understand and follow God than it is to exist among other humans.
The Bible, the word of God is from our creator to His created and God, being OMNI, didn’t put together a complicated letter at all. Yet humans have developed companies, salaries, titles, jobs, etc. to define what He wrote and made it complicated.
The Bible, the word of God is from our creator to His created and God, being OMNI, didn’t put together a complicated letter at all. Yet humans have developed companies, salaries, titles, jobs, etc. to define what He wrote and made it complicated.
IF you are willing to accept Christ you have died with Him therefore you are now dead to ALL the things of this World and many people don’t live that way because they want more of the things of this World. But this is where acceptance comes in.
The thing that surprises me the most is that everyone already knows that God is OMNI but they worry about their behavior as if it is new to them it’s new to God.
God is not like you are. You see things happen and make judgments but God sees things that haven’t happened yet and makes better judgments than you do.
God is not like you are. You see things happen and make judgments but God sees things that haven’t happened yet and makes better judgments than you do.
Jesus also talked about people who do one thing and yet are filled with greed and self indulgence.
Jesus warned about preaching and not practicing.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Feeling like you have just been born at 48 years old is both weird and good. That’s what happened to me. Weird because I was 48 but good because I was new to this world and at 48 that doesn’t happen often.
One BIG thing that is not explained is that when you come to Christ and you become new the part about being made new only applies to our relationship with Christ not to who you are in this life.
As a follower of Christ in addition to everything else you get you are dead to sin! Being able to live your life without being constantly concerned about sin is huge but you don’t hear about that very often…
The difference between God and life is that you never have to wonder about God and you always have to wonder about life.
My good news is that God hears everything and He does not frustrate me EVER however my 40 year old son does.
When a person decides to follow Jesus first of all let’s be real about Jesus. He is omniscient which means that ‘He knows all time’, past, present and future. So when someone decides to follow Him, He knows the past, present and future results of that decision already whether we do or not. Now you have to decide but based on what He already knows if it is a good decision then we die to this World just like He did and we are a new creation like He was.

So it is not something that you do or don’t do-it’s Him. You made the decision but He make's any Spiritual changes.
If Jesus Christ the Son of God, Immanuel (God with us) said something that is recorded in God’s Will (the Word of God, the Bible) don’t you think that we should believe it? In Romans 6:11 Jesus says that as His followers we are dead to sin but people focus on sin.
If opinions (something that we can see) were so important than we would be able to see God.
I have NEVER HEARD EVEN 1 SERMON ON JESUS SAYING THAT WE ARE DEAD TO SIN BUT HE SAID IT and I have heard many on sin being a problem for Christians. So Jesus words or mans words?
In God’s word nothing is based on making YOU feel good but acknowledging our creator whereas everything in this World is based on making YOU feel good.
Opinions are based ONLY on what we think or know but I check what God’s word says.
I don’t evaluate my thoughts based on my opinions rather I evaluate my thoughts based on their comparison to God’s word.
Genesis 3 is NOT an analysis of sin, Adam and Eve chose not to be a part of the Family. They chose their own opinions.
Because God does not rate performance or set standards and obviously man does, based on my work and education it’s amazing that man won’t hire me.
Never does God rate performance or set standards.
In that same parable the vineyard owner went out at the end of the day and asked the people left why they had been there all day and they replied that no one had hired them so he hired them. I can get no one to hire me. I’ll do the work but I am not valuable to do things their way so they won’t hire me.
In Matthew 20 Jesus told the parable of the master of a vineyard. The first got as much as the last and think about God & Heaven. The first will get as much as the last. Some people may think that they deserve more because of what they’ve done, but the last will be first and our inheritance is NOT based on what we do it’s based on being a part of the family.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Schools think that they make people ‘the best’ and no open thought goes into how God created people or what He may have planned for anyone.
Mankind has developed their own personal hierarchy. They have established verbal ratings to put themselves higher which is odd because since creation God has given us so much!
God is everything to me! When I want to talk about Him I don’t tell the greatest stories or anything like that I just talk about Him. And I worry about nothing because I know that He is always there and He can do more than I can think!
Following God is my way but it’s NOT the World’s way. There are no awards given for following God, there are no positions or status or money involved but I won’t change.
There is a way for everything and that way MUST BE FOLLOWED whether you have money or not or are handicapped or not you MUST make due and do things that way. That’s neither helpful, nice, realistic or kind.
The Bible says that the way to life is narrow and few people find it and I know one of the reasons for that. People demand to have their own opinions on things. They don’t care if they’re right or wrong-it’s their opinion and that’s all that matters to them.
I would also teach this:

One of the hardest things for us is righteousness, doing good things. We know that we have to be righteous but we’re not good at things so righteousness seems impossible for us.

Well righteousness is one of the gifts of God! We are considered by God to be righteous through our faith in Christ! So not only do we win with salvation but we win through righteousness though faith in Jesus. And I’m not making this up, it’s scriptural!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

If God the Father came specifically to you and said: ‘People just aren’t getting it and I want you to teach them about me’ what would you teach them?

I would start by teaching them that they were created, then that they are all the same to Him, then that He has tried to lead mankind but then that He sent His Son to Earth & He will come again & we must be ready, He has adopted us and even given us many gifts including His Son’s righteousness so that we can go to Heaven, once we follow Him we are dead to sin, He is OMNI, He loves us a great deal, God is made up of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit & He lives in us.

It’s a win-win. And many people will wonder why they waited so long to become a follower because this will save them for good.
This is going to be a rather sensitive subject for some so let me say right at the beginning that my Church is better than average. However, I think that the idea of Church is way different than when it began. Initially people preached, taught and prayed at no cost, as needed and for the purpose of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and nothing more.

However today Churches have become businesses, nonprofit mind you but businesses nonetheless who pay for people to preach, teach and pray. Salaries, livings, retirements and rewards now come from Churches.

Why is that? Are times different now from when Churches began? No a buck then is the same as a buck now. But people like Paul the apostle worked his normal job and worked for the Church for free AND supported people based on money collected by members from other jobs. So it has been done before.

And I work for free all of the time but I cannot be hired and I have to try very hard to get a ride to Church. But do I give sharing what I have any thought? NO!
I listen to Christian music a lot. I listen to it because it is about God. When I listen the singer is not important or the musical instruments or the way they sing, I just listen to the words because I can learn something from every song,
I would say that you know that you’re a true Christian in Christ when you just think about God and not about any other things in your life.

You’re here to bring Him glory so other things may not please YOU.
Let’s talk about HOLY. People teach that we should be holy but only God is holy and that’s why we’re given the righteousness of Christ. He was God and He was holy and He went to Heaven and that’s why we can go.
When I worked before, God was the center of everything I did. I always ministered to people about God. Regardless of what I was doing or where I was, God was the center of everything I did.

That’s why I’m not unhappy now. Sure I don’t work but I still have God!
Our decision to follow Christ is not anything that has anything to do with us. Sure, there are some benefits but this is not why we follow Christ. We follow Him because to us it’s the right thing to do.

Our decision to do so will not be accepted by this World (did He really say that you would die?) but this World is not in charge at judgment.
Probably one of the greatest sayings in the Bible is: ‘all things are possible with God’. But many people take that to mean: ‘all things that I want are possible with God.’

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The thing that I want to hear much less about in religion is SIN. Jesus himself said that when you are a follower of His you are dead to sin (see Romans 6:11). So stop talking about it!
Christ or not with Christ just because of a name or by what they say. You are not Christ. Christ knows their hearts and you don’t. Christ testifies to His Father about His followers and you don’t.
As a human being I know that before Christ I was lost and I choose not to be worried about what other people are doing because they are responsible to God for themselves and I am responsible to God for myself.
I don‘t know that we need to be so concerned with whether or not people are walking straight because the judge is God and not us and He is the judge of straightness not us. We need to love our neighbor as ourselves and there’s much less of that going on.
Jesus has been given many names but the most important name to me is Savior.
It is often important to us to please humans and if we do we enjoy the benefits of pleasing man here on Earth but if we please God then someday we’ll enjoy the benefits of pleasing Him in Heaven. So what’s more important to you?
We have to be very careful because it is easier than you think to enjoy the things of men while we ‘think’ that we are totally for God.
In Jesus day Jesus told His disciples to be on guard for the teaching of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They are no more but people still need to be aware of human teaching.
Isaiah said that people follow the commandments of men rather than God and they do.
Faith I not such a simple thing as you think. After Jesus fed the 5,000 he walked on the water to His disciples and Peter stepped out on the ocean to walk to Him but he got afraid and started sinking.

Monday, April 18, 2011

This is new to me but probably not to you. Everyone needs to be looked at and thought of as ‘the best’ and that is the basis for everything in this world. But ‘the best’ is God and He wants us to be satisfied with that. But people prefer to be ‘the best’.
Obviously society had not changed.

Matt 11:18-19

18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners."
These are ALL considered to be disabled so why did God spend time on them?
Matt 11:4-6
4 Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. 6 Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Every person seems to have the need to ‘prove themselves’ and that seems to be the reason for competitions, titles, degrees and money. But why do people need to prove themselves to each other? Who can heal other people? Who can make the winds and waves listen to them? Jesus is the ONLY ONE who EVER could de that and He wasn’t competing! So competitions among humans are meaningless!
Here is my latest book called: Life on Earth


The one who created everyone is God. People can only use the gifts that God gave them. Some people say that they know Him but what I see is a constant importance being placed on ‘ME’ and maybe some time on God.

Jesus knew that this would be a problem so He said that you must deny yourself to follow Him. He also said that when you follow Him the old you is dead and you become a new creation.

So there is no place for ‘ME’ there because me is dead and gone.

However that is why I have written this book. It seems that ‘ME-ISM’ is a huge part of this World and I want to set the record straight on this.

My information comes from our creator, God. Feel free to check out what I say in the Bible because that is where He initially has spoken to us.

People get amazed at themselves because they can do things or they think that THEY have figured something out but NEVER do they realize that their creator created that too or that He has a plan that they could be part of. It’s always: look at what I’ve done, I am so smart!

So the intent of this book it to put the focus back on God because that’s where it is anyway. You can deny it now but eventually everyone will face the truth of God’s power and my goal is to help you before then.

In my life I have had everything the World has to offer. Education, career, position, money, acknowledgement, love, kids and more but God never left me. After a very serious injury all of those things went away but God did not so I’ve dedicated my life to serving Him however to spend Eternity with Him you have to get rid of ‘ME’.

I now minister from a wheelchair with my computer. God is very good to me.

This book describes a way to conquer ‘ME ISM’. So whether you’re young or old, have kids or don’t, are just beginning or well on your way (like me) this book is for you.

Table of Contents

Chapter # Name Page #

1 Pre Adult 1
2 Adult 4
3 Eternity 8

Chapter 1
Pre Adult

This chapter is for those who are very young or for those who are just beginning a family or for those who may soon have grandkids or for anyone who just want to learn.

In addition to knowing their parents children also need to know their creator and understand that He creates.

Most often parents take all the credit for their children hence people grow up wanting to be like their parents and God is never thought of.

But if children are taught from the beginning that there is a creator and then understand that their parents are in love then the creator can take front seat for them.
When children go to school it’s a new set of challenges because schools are not about God and ‘ME ISM’ is promoted heavily there.

Schools measure individual performance to standards that were not developed by God and schools do not take God into account at all in fact schools teach students that mankind makes itself. So the entire focus is on ‘ME’ and how I do.

But that makes no sense because God created all people with His standards in mind so children don’t have to find a standard to meet. Who they are is based on God’s standards and not some state’s or some nation’s.

It start’s out bad and gets worse as the years go on. And that’s only 1 thing: schools!

Other things get in line too with the goal to take the attention off of God. Fashions, cars, jobs, hairstyles, music and achievement just to name a few.

Everybody wants to be like somebody better than they are as if God did not make them properly enough or His will can be changed. So we end up with people who are like each other instead of those who are happy and love God.

With this mentality life takes a direction completely exclusive from God.

When Jesus fed the 5,000 and 10,000 there was no preparation, no food and no help but they all ate plenty but now you have to pay enough, study hard enough and do well enough while conquering many things and God is not even a remote part of your life. Is that the life you want people to live?
Chapter 2

Assuming that someone is now an adult there are many things to take attention off of God like jobs, cars, performance, money, positions, companies and more. Time and age have changed but the goal is the same: get their attention off of God.

Hmm, that sure sounds a lot like Satan with Adam and Eve…

The big thing right now is to have a title as part of your name or to be called an Expert at something and so people pay a lot of money to have this and when they have it they are paid a lot of money by employers. Funny but I have a degree from a prestigious college and years of experience as an executive but it is all meaningless now because I’m disabled.
But as an adult you are older as one of God’s creations and as such nothing has changed. You need no more than God has already given you but no one recognizes that. Job titles and pay still ask for more but God planned all the days of your life before you were born so people are demanding more than God gave you and I have a problem with that and you should too.

So because Society tells people that they want more people make the necessary changes to get more. So is Society more important than God? Didn’t God create Society? Anyways people do whatever they need to keep Society happy. Like going to college, getting the right fashions, getting higher paying jobs, etc.

I’m reminded of the scripture that says: look at the lilies of the field. They do nothing but God makes them very beautiful…
And I don’t think that anything needs to look better than the lilies of the field. Man or woman.

My point about being an adult is that your focus is up to you. If you focus on things other than God then you’ll get less than God. If you focus on God then you’ll be happy but Society won’t.

As I said your focus it up to you. If you focus on God then in the end you’ll be happy. If you don’t then now you’ll be happy but in the end you’ll be sad. It’s your choice.

As an adult human my goal was on everything about ME because I thought that I was VERY IMPORTANT but as a Christian after denying myself I have learned that everything is not about me. The old me has died. Other Humans don't like this.

Chapter 3

First let’s define Eternity. Eternity is not like life because life has an ending and Eternity does not.

Everyone who lived in the past has an Eternity. Everyone who lives now will
have an Eternity. Any who lives in the future will have an Eternity. All humans will have an Eternity.

But never ending applies to Heaven with God or Hell without God. The Bible says that before Jesus came we humans were already going to Hell so that’s why He came to give humans another place to go.

Jesus said that to follow Him you have to deny yourself and that alone leaves no room for ‘ME ISM’.
But the good thing is that it’s totally up to you but He knows your heart. So no maybes or probablys. It has to be totally if you want to go to Heaven. Ad He’s OMNI so He knows everything.

I not Heaven which Jesus brought to mankind then it’s what you already had-Hell.

Much pain and suffering in Hell-forever.

So I’m choosing Jesus way. I don’t know how much time I have left. I live in a wheelchair and I’m not God but Jesus is.

If the winds and waves obeyed Him and He healed many people how could I not have faith?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

As an adult human my goal was on everything about ME because I thought that I was VERY IMPORTANT but as a Christian after denying myself I have learned that everything is not about me. The old me has died. Other Humans don't like this.
If you had lived as I have lived then you would understand the joy I have in God. I had everything that this Would has to offer and I was rescued from that and given life by God.
Christmas the holiday only comes once a year but the goodness of the gift of salvation from Christ is there to experience and bring joy to us every moment of every day!
This morning I’m listening to Christmas music again and I have to admit that I thought: Christmas music again? It’s not Christmas. And then I thought: Hello! It’s not about a Holiday! It’s about the birth of our Savior! Heaven came to Earth!
God is NOT about you, where you are or what you’ve done or how valuable you feel that you are. God created you so anything that you feel good about, He gave you. Everything is a gift from Him NOT an accomplishment by you.
God is more than powerful. Do you realize that at time like the feeding of the 5,000 & 10,000 there were no microphones but everyone heard Jesus in detail?

Friday, April 15, 2011

To humans the term ‘ability’ means everything! But ‘ability’ is different from person to person but it even applies to handicapped me but when I think of the creator of everything no one can match His ability. And He’s my Father.
To humans the term ‘ability’ means everything! But ‘ability’ is different from person to person but it even applies to handicapped me but when I think of the creator of everything no one can match His ability. And He’s my Father.
My pleasure in life is God’s grace. I don’t have to be ‘good enough’ because Jesus is and He gave me His righteousness so God is not depending on me!
I’m glad that I’m not a pastor in a Church because people all have their own opinions and they prefer to have their own and not hear mine or even hear the Bible.
When I was injured thankfully God went to work on me. Humans say that I was in a coma for 3 months but I have seen pictures of myself where I looked awake but I don’t recall the events at all. So 5 years later according to me I came out of my coma and all of the cars were different! I don’t remember many things but I totally remember everything about God.
Think about this: to be with God you have to be righteous and righteousness comes ONLY by faith and faith without works is dead. So if you want to go to Heaven and be with God then do you have faith?
It is interesting that this morning I listened to ‘Christmas’ by Michael W. Smith. Why? Because the songs are spiritual and I really like them. I knew the words to the songs and I could recall emotions but my memories were only of God and nothing else which is fine, it just make me appreciate God more.
Genealogies are long boring and too much for any human to remember. But God knew them and planned for them especially for Jesus. Another OMNI thing, He panned for Jesus birth since the Prophets in the Old Testament. So the New Testament was planned for in advance.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

At a time when there was no other hope for all of mankind God came to Earth as Jesus, lived, gave and died and gave mankind a way to be with Him. Now that’s what religion should be about!
A lot of religion has people stuck on being ‘good enough’ to be saved but because we are human we will never be ‘good enough’ and that’s what Jesus was for.
I’m not sure that people realize that Jesus conquered sin. People spend way too much time & effort trying to be good enough but as humans we can’t be! Jesus said that if we follow Him then we are dead to sin. It has no effect on us!
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines repent as: to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life.

This refers to change NOT non occurrence.
To gain access to God’s kingdom we must follow the example of Jesus who set aside selfish ambitions, served others and called people to repent of their sins.
Someone’s name that people THINK is famous grabs much attention. However, that FAMOUS person was created by the same God that created you so fame is just a human thing it means nothing to God.
Sometimes I hear things or have thoughts that I am not sure are good so I ask my Father and I know that He’ll tell me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Bible is more than just stories or history or a will or a theology document it is all of that and more. It is a letter from the creator to the created that is full of real tangible promises.

So when times get tough for me I just read the Bible!
these are my websites:!/pages/God-in-the-21st-century/114912631917567
People don’t realize how much God does for them on an individual and daily basis. We’re His creations and He loves us! Sure people say that some things are an answer to prayer but I never hear anything about other things and there’s s much more.
When I think of myself, faith is all see not abilities or disabilities.
When leading The Children of Israel to their inheritance Joshua said: choose this day whom you will serve… That was said many years ago but it still applies today.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You can win society but you may not win God.

I’d rather not worry about society and Focus on God.

You cannot serve two masters.
God is Omniscient which means He knows the past, the present and the future and the short way of saying that is OMNI. I say that He is OMNI all the time but I have never explained it.

Being OMNI, when people accept Him he already knows ALL about them and IF He forgives them and includes them in His family there is nothing that they’re going to do that will be a surprise to Him.

He is NOT going to spend eternity with a ‘possibly’ person so He already knows everything about us when we ‘say’ that we accept Him. That’s part of what once and for all means.

Another thing that I want to make clear (and believe me I have to!) is that He clearly says that once He accepts us the old person has died and we are dead to sin. Which happens because the old person is dead and we are a new person—so sin has no effect on us at all!

And God being OMNI already knew everything that we have done, are doing and will do when we accepted Him. So you can’t surprise Him!

So yes, it is up to us on how we’re going to live but the blessings that I have received on Earth far outweigh any difficulty that is there.

This is all in the Bible this is more than just an opinion so check it out. If you have questions please email me at: and I will respond.
I know how to do what I’m doing on the computer but when things go wrong I don’t try to determine how it happened I just think: “can I move on?” because what happened is not the issue but moving on is the issue.
The hardest thing for people to face is that someone created them. They’re quick to realize and face some of the gifts that God has given them but they THINK that THEY have done such a good job with things that THEY EXPECT to be praised for what they do rather than expecting God to be praised and unfortunately that is from this World.
Most people think that they can figure things out by themselves on their own but I don’t I always look to my creator and He solves them. Regardless of whatever you think that you know He knows more, after all He IS the creator.
When I was injured I feel like God said: “I made your brain so I know how to fix it” and He did so other than what I’ve been told I don’t know about being injured!

Monday, April 11, 2011

You have to consider my story:

I have 3 sons. I have a degree and graduated Cum Laude in my college class. I went all over the World. I was an Executive. I made a ton of money. Then I was injured, lost my job and my house and my Mom and Dad and my sister and her husband and her family and my wife of 30 years, I was in a coma for 5 years, etc. So I had plenty to brag about but I lost it all and lived.

And I’m not angry at all. I’ve lost a lot but I feel like I‘ve gained more than I’ve lost. Much negative but much more positive.

So here I am. Handicapped and alone at 52. But I needed to find something positive so I turned to God and I’m making it! This has been way way better than before. I am always happy, on no medication and my ONLY desire is to help people to see God.
We MUST REMEMBER that any and all accomplishments or achievements that have been made are NOT something that we have done because they were developed by our creator before we were born and written in His book.

This World teaches us that just we did it and it is the way we grow up in this World but that is to take our focus off of God and put it on ourselves. You can keep your focus just on God or take it off of yourself and put it on God.
Disabled people can’t be powerful in this World but Jesus spent a great deal of time with them. Why? Because God sees the heart and NOT the abilities.
I have NO PROBLEM knowing that some people think that God is powerful but they also think that they are powerful too in this World but if that were the case then we didn’t need Jesus.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I have just been made aware of something that is incorrect but many people believe it. I do not and the fact that I’m alive after what I’ve done tells me that I’m right.

When God first made man He lived with them (Adam & Eve) but when sin took control of man He threw them out.

After that He appeared at times among them and then He came to Earth again through Christ and man killed Him.

In the end in Heaven once again He will live among mankind but to experience that again Christ gave us His righteousness. Christ came from Heaven and went back to Heaven but when Christ died for mankind we were all sinners. So we being sinners aren’t allowed to be around God, but when God sees us He sees Christ’s righteousness so we’re allowed to go to Heaven. That’s part of the gift many people are missing.

I see people today going by the standards of this World which say things like: “the more education you have the more valuable you are or “the more education that you have the better position and more money you’ll get”. Which is fine for this World but it means nothing to God because He in not of this World. He is looking for people with righteousness through faith in Him and that is the only way we’ll get to Heaven. Regular humans tried once and that didn’t work before and it won’t work now.

Jesus told people the same thing:
Matt 16:24
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Now what part of ‘more education’ or ‘more money’ is denying yourself?

The Bible makes it very clear:
Rom 3:22-26
22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

Rom 4:5
5 However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.

Rom 4:6
6 David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works

So what you do credits you in this World but not to God. God looks at the heart and not the degree or the money.
All throughout the Bible are the words: “to this day” and as far as I know, it is true. Now think about this: How would God know that “to this day” would always be true? Because He is OMNI.
Even an inheritance was given by God on Earth to the children of Israel. Now we as children of God patiently wait for our inheritance-Heaven. They got theirs and we’ll get ours.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I have 2 disabled sons so now I am like them too except that they have always been that way and I had 42 years of not being disabled. So what does that mean? I have always understood but now (living their life) I’m much more understanding than I ever was. I have absolutely NO expectations of them at all I’m just happy to be in contact with them. I have never been their age and disabled. Each one is doing the best that they can do so I am pleased and they seem to be pleased with their disabled father.
When something happens that is good I don’t feel that I’ve accomplished anything at all for various reasons no I thank God and I feel good about that!
When I call something “Worldly” or say “the World” I am not referring to the area where we live but to a belief or lifestyle that does not include God.
When I call something “Worldly” or say “the World” I am not referring to the area where we live but to a belief or lifestyle that does not include God.
All throughout the Bible we read about the children of Israel but are they all children and direct descendants of Israel? NO! Then what does children mean? It means that someone is willing to take on the responsibility of parenting you. Like God is for us.
David, a man just like us writes in Psalm how incredible things happen in this World but God can make things fine and help us.
There is nothing and no one that can change what’s going to happen when the Lord God decides something.

Friday, April 8, 2011

God knew what humans were like-they wanted to SEE Him so He gave them things like that Tabernacle and The Arc of the Covenant.
God knew what humans were like-they wanted to SEE Him so He gave them things like that Tabernacle and The Arc of the Covenant.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

God came to Earth in Jesus and IF we have chosen Him He lives in us. So you could say that Heaven came to Earth.
Things are no different today than when Jesus was alive. An example is when a woman put perfume on Jesus and the followers of Jesus got angry because they said that the woman should have sold the perfume and made money.

We STILL think we know everything.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I never stop thinking. I am very handicapped which means that I can’t have a job. So what is there for me?

Honestly I cannot make a name for myself on this Earth, but there is so much more…

My time on Earth is limited but my time in eternity is never ending. So I could be upset or I could trust in God and shoot for Eternity and I have chosen the latter.
Rom 8:38-39
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
If people would just spend a little less time stressing on themselves and MORE time being happy with who God made them to be then we would have many more happy people!

I don’t think that people realize what OMNI means.
I hear this all the time: I just feel like I am less than I was meant to be.

Who meant you to be?


Who is OMNI?


Does God make mistakes?


So possibly you are who you were meant to be because that feeling doesn’t com from God. Would He have given His life for you otherwise?
Because of God I can keep my relationship strong with my roommate.
Sometimes as a part of life on this Earth we have days when good things happen AND we have days when bad things happen. But knowing that Jesus said: “Relax, I have overcome this world”. So it’s not about what happens it’s about Jesus and He doesn’t change..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The World teaches us to do well, grow up and become something.

But God made each of us with a purpose. God doesn’t make “maybes” or “mistakes” so to try and be better implies that He doesn’t know what He’s doing or He is not to be trusted and that’s not true.
When we compare anything to anything we are evaluating God’s work. So to say that something is ‘better’ than something else is to tell God: you failed!
Let’s talk about denying yourself.

Jesus said to follow Him you have to do this but what does it mean?

It means that “you” are no longer important so things like how you look and what you do are not applicable anymore. Think about this: To come here was no small task. To be here was no small task and to be crucified and die was no small task. To bear our burdens was no small task and Jesus did it and He is asking us to do the same thing.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jesus said that to follow Him you must first deny yourself and that seems to be the hardest thing for people to do but Christian is way more than a name, status or belief, it is a total decision by someone that says I am no longer important but God is.
I often see that when people decide to consider God they look for things that satisfy themselves like a Church, friends, music, movies or whatever and if they find something then they follow that and so God just becomes part of that.

However when God came here it was NOT FOR HIMSELF but for us.
When Jesus came to this Earth and gave Himself for humanity I’m sure that there were people just like you and I but He freely gave Himself for us. Now all He’s telling us to do is deny ourselves like He did.
There is much more to this life than we realize. We are here to Glorify God not to be the best human achiever. Sure human achievement may make our life here on Earth better but our life on Earth is nothing compared to forever with God in Heaven.
When we believe in Christ in addition to everything else that we are given we are also given the righteousness of Christ to get into Heaven. So there are no rules with God about how we live because when God sees us He sees Christ! We’re covered!
God has always stepped into life on Earth to make things better for humans so if you feel that He is not helping you then possibly your expectations are more your expectations than His.
The definition of Grace is: the unmerited love and favor of God. Unmerited means that you didn’t earn it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

This is NOT going to make anyone happy or be easy to read but it is true so please read on.

I’m seeing something among most people even Christians that I think is not good. Many people ‘think’ that being a Christian means that only good things will come to you.

But being Christ whom you are modeling was not easy. Making human people was not easy. Leaving Heaven was not easy. Having yourself made into an embryo then living in a human’s womb then being born to humans then growing up then being criticized then being crucified to bear the burden for everyone else’s sin, being buried, raising from the dead, spending some time with human people and then ascending was NOT easy but He did it. So why should things for you as a Christian be any different than it was for Him?

Another thing I don’t like is the ALL people want personal credit for what they do-EVEN CHRISTIANS!

Now let me step into history for a moment – was crucifixion a means of personal credit? NO! Who was crucified? Christ. Who is a Christian named after? Christ. And He got no personal rewards so why should you?

The life of a Christian is to represent God as Christ did, so it won’t be perfect or advantageous but we knew that to begin with.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Christmas is a human’s favorite time of year and children will wait all year long for that day in fact we all do. But the real reason that we have Christmas at all is because God came to Earth to give us the ultimate gift! And we can celebrate that every moment of every day and not once a year!
There is a song called: “Bridge over troubled water” that I just listened to and God has been our Bridge over troubled water!
Rom 8:38-39
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Having faith in what I can’t see has helped me to adjust my expectations quite a bit.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I am very different.

I used to pay a lot of attention to the things of this world all the time but now I don’t.

Getting dressed is something that I do because I have to but before I probably spent a great deal of time on things like fashions and colors but not now.

I rarely look in the mirror now whereas before I probably spent a great deal of time with the mirror.

Don’t I care?

Sure but there’s much more to life than how I look.

I am here to tell people about God whom you can’t see, so how I look is no different than how He looks. People don’t have to admire me they need to be interested in God and I can promote that by not spending so much time, effort and money on myself.

So less on me and more on Him.
For me to have been allowed to made the transition from being truly one of the best to one of the worst if a huge gift from God.
Secret Ambition

Let’s talk about secret ambition. It is a desire deep inside you that you want to happen and other human people to realize.

Jesus’ secret ambition was to give His life away and save us. When God sees us He sees Christ’s righteousness so we are allowed in Heaven.

Our ambition does not involve humans and it is not secret.