Sunday, June 27, 2010

This one commercial on TV really upsets me and I’m interested to see how other people feel.

It’s a commercial about “cookies for kids with cancer”. The viewer is encouraged to buy the product (plastic bags) and have a bake sale to make money for kids with cancer. The commercial was clearly about making more money on plastic bags and not about helping kids that have cancer.

And that upset me.

Here is this very prominent company that I’m certain has tons of money asking people in this economy who can probably barely afford to live as it is to buy their product to make them a lot of money AND donate to help children who have cancer.

What is going on?

This company has plenty of money to donate to kids who have cancer and whose parents probably cannot afford the treatment for them and if there is more than one kid in the family then the family probably cannot afford to live either or buy anything for the other kids but they expect to get sales from their commercials.

I would be more likely to buy their product if they were helping with the treatments or helping the other kids in the family or donating their bags to people or donating money to the families for the treatments or something else rather than asking poor people to go farther into debt for their personal benefit alone.

Does anyone else see that?

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