Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thinking. It’s what I do. And it’s how I spend the most of my time. And here are some of the things that I’ve been thinking about lately:

I am amazed that I can think at all! The Psychological testing that I had done said that the right side of my brain has been severely injured. And on 7-11-2000 when I was beaten, robbed and my brain stem was broken the doctors at the Trauma center said that at best I would be a vegetable. But I live in an apartment, I don’t get hungry but I eat and drink 3 times a day by myself, I take care of things myself, I watch my TV by myself choosing my times and channels, I keep a budget, I prepare a weekly grocery list, I get my mail and pay my bills by myself.

And here’s something else that’s super good: I’ve been separated from my wife for 10 years and it doesn’t bother me at all! In fact I found a site online and had them prepare the papers for me for a divorce! I do have to have a friend help me out to get it done but I have the papers to do so.

I have a Website, a personal video, soon I’ll have a commercial for God and I’ve written 3 books so far and the first of which is being edited now. And I use my phone, not to mention my computer.

How is it possible that I can do all of this? Clearly it’s not me and it doesn’t add up so I know that it is God! I have been given so many good things!

And so have you. And it will not stop. Ever.

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