Friday, June 4, 2010

I have been thinking about God which is no surprise to me because I’m always thinking about God. It’s not that I dwell on it, it’s just always on my mind or things just come to me and that’s where I want to be spending my time.

I could make other choices. I could be dwelling on what has happened or what is going on or where I am but why would I do that? What has happened has happened and it is in the past and the past cannot be changed but today is today and it hasn’t happened yet so what it will be is up to God. And where God is that’s where I want to be.

So in thinking I’ve been focusing on who I am and what I can do. Not on the most convenient thing or what I know or what I am currently capable of doing. No, I’ve been thinking about what is right. Because I don’t always know how things can or will be done, I just give things my time and effort and I know that God will do the things that need to be done.

What a wonderful way to live my life!

I never think about what I could or should be doing or what I have to do I just leave everything up to Him. And honestly I feel a little guilty sometimes because I feel so blessed!

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