Sunday, August 31, 2014

Amos 5:18 Woe to all of you who want GOD's Judgment Day! Why would you want to see GOD, want him to come? When GOD comes, it will be bad news before it's good news, the worst of times, not the best of times
Amos 5:8 A world God wakes up each morning and puts to bed each night
Amos 5:6 seek GOD and live! You don't want to end up with nothing to show for your life
Amos 2:10 I'm the One who delivered you from Egypt, led you safely through the wilderness for forty years
Joel 2:11-14 GOD's Judgment Day — great and terrible. Who can possibly survive this? 12 Change Your Life But there's also this, it's not too late — GOD's personal Message! — "Come back to me and really mean it! Come fasting and weeping, sorry for your sins!" 13 Change your life, not just your clothes. Come back to GOD, your God. And here's why: God is kind and merciful. He takes a deep breath, puts up with a lot, This most patient God, extravagant in love, always ready to cancel catastrophe. 14 Who knows? Maybe he'll do it now, maybe he'll turn around and show pity
Joel 1:14 serious prayer to GOD NOT JUST I WANT PRAYERS!
Joel 1:3 3 Make sure you tell your children Do you?
Hos 14:9 9 If you want to live well, make sure you understand all of this. If you know what's good for you, you'll learn this inside and out. GOD's paths get you where you want to go. Right-living people walk them easily; wrong-living people are always tripping and stumbling.
Hos 14:2 repentant prayers repentant prayers or I WANT THIS prayers?
Hos 13:4-6 I'm still your GOD, the God who saved you out of Egypt. I'm the only real God you've ever known. I'm the one and only God who delivers. 5 I took care of you during the wilderness hard times, those years when you had nothing. 6 I took care of you, took care of all your needs, gave you everything you needed. You were spoiled. You thought you didn't need me. You forgot me.
I’m wearing a tshirt that says: I never amaze myself but God ALWAYS amazes me

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hos 11:10-11 I will roar like a lion — Oh, how I'll roar! My frightened children will come running from the west. 11 Like frightened birds they'll come from Egypt, from Assyria like scared doves. I'll move them back into their homes." this won’t happen in eternity!
Hos 11:9 I am God and not a human
Hos 11:1-5 When Israel was only a child, I loved him. I called out, 'My son!' — called him out of Egypt. 2 But when others called him, he ran off and left me. He worshiped the popular sex gods, he played at religion with toy gods. 3 Still, I stuck with him. I led Ephraim. I rescued him from human bondage, But he never acknowledged my help, 4 never admitted that I was the one pulling his wagon, That I lifted him, like a baby, to my cheek, that I bent down to feed him. 5 Now he wants to go back to Egypt or go over to Assyria — anything but return to me!
Hos 6:6 6 I'm after love that lasts, not more religion. I want you to know GOD, not go to more prayer meetings
Hos 6:3 ready to study GOD, eager for God-knowledge …if college students just felt this way…
Hos 4:12 They've replaced their God with their genitals your genitals may please you on this Earth but not eternally!
Hos 4:1 No one is faithful. No one loves. No one knows the first thing about God read this again!
Hos 2:15 She'll respond like she did as a young girl, those days when she was fresh out of Egypt. fresh out of Egypt…
Hos 1:9 9 GOD said: "Name him Nobody. You've become nobodies to me, and I, GOD, am a nobody to you.
Hos 1:2-3 The first time GOD spoke to Hosea he said: "Find a whore and marry her. Make this whore the mother of your children. And here's why: This whole country has become a whorehouse, unfaithful to me, GOD." 3 Hosea did it this was not a case of pleasing people it was case of doing God’s will!
Dan 10-12:13 In the third year of the reign of King Cyrus of Persia, a message was made plain to Daniel, whose Babylonian name was Belteshazzar. The message was true. It dealt with a big war. He understood the message, the understanding coming by revelation: 2 "During those days, I, Daniel, went into mourning over Jerusalem for three weeks. 3 I ate only plain and simple food, no seasoning or meat or wine. I neither bathed nor shaved until the three weeks were up. 4 "On the twenty-fourth day of the first month I was standing on the bank of the great river, the Tigris. 5 I looked up and to my surprise saw a man dressed in linen with a belt of pure gold around his waist. 6 His body was hard and glistening, as if sculpted from a precious stone, his face radiant, his eyes bright and penetrating like torches, his arms and feet glistening like polished bronze, and his voice, deep and resonant, sounded like a huge choir of voices. 7 "I, Daniel, was the only one to see this. The men who were with me, although they didn't see it, were overcome with fear and ran off and hid, fearing the worst. 8 Left alone after the appearance, abandoned by my friends, I went weak in the knees, the blood drained from my face. 9 "I heard his voice. At the sound of it I fainted, fell flat on the ground, face in the dirt. 10 A hand touched me and pulled me to my hands and knees. 11 "'Daniel,' he said, 'man of quality, listen carefully to my message. And get up on your feet. Stand at attention. I've been sent to bring you news.' "When he had said this, I stood up, but I was still shaking. 12 "'Relax, Daniel,' he continued, 'don't be afraid. From the moment you decided to humble yourself to receive understanding, your prayer was heard, and I set out to come to you. 13 But I was waylaid by the angel-prince of the kingdom of Persia 14 and was delayed for a good three weeks. But then Michael, one of the chief angel-princes, intervened to help me. I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia. And now I'm here to help you understand what will eventually happen to your people. The vision has to do with what's ahead.' 15 "While he was saying all this, I looked at the ground and said nothing. 16 Then I was surprised by something like a human hand that touched my lips. I opened my mouth and started talking to the messenger: 'When I saw you, master, I was terror-stricken. My knees turned to water. I couldn't move. 17 How can I, a lowly servant, speak to you, my master? I'm paralyzed. I can hardly breathe!' 18 "Then this humanlike figure touched me again and gave me strength. 19 He said, 'Don't be afraid, friend. Peace. Everything is going to be all right. Take courage. Be strong.' "Even as he spoke, courage surged up within me. I said, 'Go ahead, let my master speak. You've given me courage.' 20 "He said, 'Do you know why I've come here to you? I now have to go back to fight against the angel-prince of Persia, and when I get him out of the way, the angel-prince of Greece will arrive. 21 But first let me tell you what's written in The True Book. No one helps me in my fight against these beings except Michael, your angel-prince. Daniel 11 11:1 "'And I, in my turn, have been helping him out as best I can ever since the first year in the reign of Darius the Mede.' 2 The Kings of the South and the North "'But now let me tell you the truth of how things stand: Three more kings of Persia will show up, and then a fourth will become richer than all of them. When he senses that he is powerful enough as a result of his wealth, he will go to war against the entire kingdom of Greece. 3 "'Then a powerful king will show up and take over a huge territory and run things just as he pleases. 4 But at the height of his power, with everything seemingly under control, his kingdom will split into four parts, like the four points of the compass. But his heirs won't get in on it. There will be no continuity with his kingship. Others will tear it to pieces and grab whatever they can get for themselves. 5 "'Next the king of the south will grow strong, but one of his princes will grow stronger than he and rule an even larger territory. 6 After a few years, the two of them will make a pact, and the daughter of the king of the south will marry the king of the north to cement the peace agreement. But her influence will weaken and her child will not survive. She and her servants, her child, and her husband will be betrayed. "'Sometime later 7 a member of the royal family will show up and take over. He will take command of his army and invade the defenses of the king of the north and win a resounding victory. 8 He will load up their tin gods and all the gold and silver trinkets that go with them and cart them off to Egypt. Eventually, the king of the north will recover 9 and invade the country of the king of the south, but unsuccessfully. He will have to retreat. 10 "'But then his sons will raise a huge army and rush down like a flood, a torrential attack, on the defenses of the south. 11 "'Furious, the king of the south will come out and engage the king of the north and his huge army in battle and rout them. 12 As the corpses are cleared from the field, the king, inflamed with bloodlust, will go on a bloodletting rampage, massacring tens of thousands. But his victory won't last long, 13 for the king of the north will put together another army bigger than the last one, and after a few years he'll come back to do battle again with his immense army and endless supplies. 14 "'In those times, many others will get into the act and go off to fight against the king of the south. Hotheads from your own people, drunk on dreams, will join them. But they'll sputter out. 15 "'When the king of the north arrives, he'll build siege works and capture the outpost fortress city. The armies of the south will fall to pieces before him. Not even their famous commando shock troops will slow down the attacker. 16 He'll march in big as you please, as if he owned the place. He'll take over that beautiful country, Palestine, and make himself at home in it. 17 Then he'll proceed to get everything, lock, stock, and barrel, in his control. He'll cook up a peace treaty and even give his daughter in marriage to the king of the south in a plot to destroy him totally. But the plot will fizzle. It won't succeed. 18 "'Later, he'll turn his attention to the coastal regions and capture a bunch of prisoners, but a general will step in and put a stop to his bullying ways. The bully will be bullied! 19 He'll go back home and tend to his own military affairs. But by then he'll be washed up and soon will be heard of no more. 20 "'He will be replaced shortly by a real loser, his rule, reputation, and authority already in shreds. And he won't last long. He'll slip out of history quietly, without even a fight. 21 "'His place will be taken by a reject, a man spurned and passed over for advancement. He'll surprise everyone, seemingly coming out of nowhere, and will seize the kingdom. 22 He'll come in like a steamroller, flattening the opposition. Even the Prince of the Covenant will be crushed. 23 After negotiating a cease-fire, he'll betray its terms. With a few henchmen, he'll take total control. 24 Arbitrarily and impulsively, he'll invade the richest provinces. He'll surpass all his ancestors, near and distant, in his rape of the country, grabbing and looting, living with his cronies in corrupt and lavish luxury. "'He will make plans against the fortress cities, but they'll turn out to be shortsighted. 25 He'll get a great army together, all charged up to fight the king of the south. The king of the south in response will get his army — an even greater army — in place, ready to fight. But he won't be able to sustain that intensity for long because of the treacherous intrigue 26 in his own ranks, his court having been honeycombed with vicious plots. His army will be smashed, the battlefield filled with corpses. 27 "'The two kings, each with evil designs on the other, will sit at the conference table and trade lies. Nothing will come of the treaty, which is nothing but a tissue of lies anyway. But that's not the end of it. There's more to this story. 28 "'The king of the north will go home loaded down with plunder, but his mind will be set on destroying the holy covenant as he passes through the country on his way home. 29 "'One year later he will mount a fresh invasion of the south. But the second invasion won't compare to the first. 30 When the Roman ships arrive, he will turn tail and go back home. But as he passes through the country, he will be filled with anger at the holy covenant. He will take up with all those who betray the holy covenant, favoring them. 31 The bodyguards surrounding him will march in and desecrate the Sanctuary and citadel. They'll throw out the daily worship and set up in its place the obscene sacrilege. 32 The king of the north will play up to those who betray the holy covenant, corrupting them even further with his seductive talk, but those who stay courageously loyal to their God will take a strong stand. 33 "'Those who keep their heads on straight will teach the crowds right from wrong by their example. They'll be put to severe testing for a season: some killed, some burned, some exiled, some robbed. 34 When the testing is intense, they'll get some help, but not much. Many of the helpers will be halfhearted at best. 35 The testing will refine, cleanse, and purify those who keep their heads on straight and stay true, for there is still more to come. 36 "'Meanwhile, the king of the north will do whatever he pleases. He'll puff himself up and posture himself as greater than any god. He will even dare to brag and boast in defiance of the God of gods. And he'll get by with it for a while — until this time of wrathful judgment is completed, for what is decreed must be done. 37 He will have no respect for the gods of his ancestors, not even that popular favorite among women, Adonis. Contemptuous of every god and goddess, the king of the north will puff himself up greater than all of them. 38 He'll even stoop to despising the God of the holy ones, and in the place where God is worshiped he will put on exhibit, with a lavish show of silver and gold and jewels, a new god that no one has ever heard of. 39 Marching under the banner of a strange god, he will attack the key fortresses. He will promote everyone who falls into line behind this god, putting them in positions of power and paying them off with grants of land. 40 "'In the final wrap-up of this story, the king of the south will confront him. But the king of the north will come at him like a tornado. Unleashing chariots and horses and an armada of ships, he'll blow away anything in his path. 41 As he enters the beautiful land, people will fall before him like dominoes. Only Edom, Moab, and a few Ammonites will escape. 42 As he reaches out, grabbing country after country, not even Egypt will be exempt. 43 He will confiscate the treasuries of Egyptian gold and silver and other valuables. The Libyans and Ethiopians will fall in with him. 44 Then disturbing reports will come in from the north and east that will throw him into a panic. Towering in rage, he'll rush to stamp out the threat. 45 But he'll no sooner have pitched camp between the Mediterranean Sea and the Holy Mountain — all those royal tents! — than he'll meet his end. And not a soul around who can help! Daniel 12 12:1 The Worst Trouble the World Has Ever Seen "'That's when Michael, the great angel-prince, champion of your people, will step in. It will be a time of trouble, the worst trouble the world has ever seen. But your people will be saved from the trouble, every last one found written in the Book. 2 Many who have been long dead and buried will wake up, some to eternal life, others to eternal shame. 3 "'Men and women who have lived wisely and well will shine brilliantly, like the cloudless, star-strewn night skies. And those who put others on the right path to life will glow like stars forever. 4 "'This is a confidential report, Daniel, for your eyes and ears only. Keep it secret. Put the book under lock and key until the end. In the interim there is going to be a lot of frantic running around, trying to figure out what's going on.' 5 "As I, Daniel, took all this in, two figures appeared, one standing on this bank of the river and one on the other bank. 6 One of them asked a third man who was dressed in linen and who straddled the river, 'How long is this astonishing story to go on?' 7 "The man dressed in linen, who straddled the river, raised both hands to the skies. I heard him solemnly swear by the Eternal One that it would be a time, two times, and half a time, that when the oppressor of the holy people was brought down the story would be complete. 8 "I heard all this plainly enough, but I didn't understand it. So I asked, 'Master, can you explain this to me?' 9 "'Go on about your business, Daniel,' he said. 'The message is confidential and under lock and key until the end, until things are about to be wrapped up. 10 The populace will be washed clean and made like new. But the wicked will just keep on being wicked, without a clue about what is happening. Those who live wisely and well will understand what's going on.' 11 "From the time that the daily worship is banished from the Temple and the obscene desecration is set up in its place, there will be 1,290 days. 12 "Blessed are those who patiently make it through the 1,335 days. 13 "And you? Go about your business without fretting or worrying. Relax. When it's all over, you will be on your feet to receive your reward."
Dan 9:2-27 I, Daniel, was meditating on the Scriptures that gave, according to the Word of GOD to the prophet Jeremiah, the number of years that Jerusalem had to lie in ruins, namely, seventy. 3 I turned to the Master God, asking for an answer — praying earnestly, fasting from meals, wearing rough penitential burlap, and kneeling in the ashes. 4 I poured out my heart, baring my soul to GOD, my God: "'O Master, great and august God. You never waver in your covenant commitment, never give up on those who love you and do what you say. 5 Yet we have sinned in every way imaginable. We've done evil things, rebelled, dodged and taken detours around your clearly marked paths. 6 We've turned a deaf ear to your servants the prophets, who preached your Word to our kings and leaders, our parents, and all the people in the land. 7 You have done everything right, Master, but all we have to show for our lives is guilt and shame, the whole lot of us — people of Judah, citizens of Jerusalem, Israel at home and Israel in exile in all the places we've been banished to because of our betrayal of you. 8 Oh yes, GOD, we've been exposed in our shame, all of us — our kings, leaders, parents — before the whole world. And deservedly so, because of our sin. 9 "'Compassion is our only hope, the compassion of you, the Master, our God, since in our rebellion we've forfeited our rights. 10 We paid no attention to you when you told us how to live, the clear teaching that came through your servants the prophets. 11 All of us in Israel ignored what you said. We defied your instructions and did what we pleased. And now we're paying for it: The solemn curse written out plainly in the revelation to God's servant Moses is now doing its work among us, the wages of our sin against you. 12 You did to us and our rulers what you said you would do: You brought this catastrophic disaster on us, the worst disaster on record — and in Jerusalem! 13 "'Just as written in God's revelation to Moses, the catastrophe was total. Nothing was held back. We kept at our sinning, never giving you a second thought, oblivious to your clear warning, 14 and so you had no choice but to let the disaster loose on us in full force. You, our GOD, had a perfect right to do this since we persistently and defiantly ignored you. 15 "'Master, you are our God, for you delivered your people from the land of Egypt in a show of power — people are still talking about it! We confess that we have sinned, that we have lived bad lives. 16 Following the lines of what you have always done in setting things right, setting people right, please stop being so angry with Jerusalem, your very own city, your holy mountain. We know it's our fault that this has happened, all because of our sins and our parents' sins, and now we're an embarrassment to everyone around us. We're a blot on the neighborhood. 17 So listen, God, to this determined prayer of your servant. Have mercy on your ruined Sanctuary. Act out of who you are, not out of what we are. 18 "'Turn your ears our way, God, and listen. Open your eyes and take a long look at our ruined city, this city named after you. We know that we don't deserve a hearing from you. Our appeal is to your compassion. This prayer is our last and only hope: 19 "'Master, listen to us!Master, forgive us!Master, look at us and do something!Master, don't put us off!Your city and your people are named after you:You have a stake in us!' 20 Seventy Sevens "While I was pouring out my heart, baring my sins and the sins of my people Israel, praying my life out before my God, interceding for the holy mountain of my God 21 — while I was absorbed in this praying, the humanlike Gabriel, the one I had seen in an earlier vision, approached me, flying in like a bird about the time of evening worship. 22 "He stood before me and said, 'Daniel, I have come to make things plain to you. 23 You had no sooner started your prayer when the answer was given. And now I'm here to deliver the answer to you. You are much loved! So listen carefully to the answer, the plain meaning of what is revealed: 24 "'Seventy sevens are set for your people and for your holy city to throttle rebellion, stop sin, wipe out crime, set things right forever, confirm what the prophet saw, and anoint The Holy of Holies. 25 "'Here is what you must understand: From the time the word goes out to rebuild Jerusalem until the coming of the Anointed Leader, there will be seven sevens. The rebuilding will take sixty-two sevens, including building streets and digging a moat. Those will be rough times. 26 After the sixty-two sevens, the Anointed Leader will be killed — the end of him. The city and Sanctuary will be laid in ruins by the army of the newly arriving leader. The end will come in a rush, like a flood. War will rage right up to the end, desolation the order of the day. 27 "'Then for one seven, he will forge many and strong alliances, but halfway through the seven he will banish worship and prayers. At the place of worship, a desecrating obscenity will be set up and remain until finally the desecrator himself is decisively destroyed.'"
Dan 8:1-27 another vision came to me, Daniel. This was now the second vision. 2 "In the vision, I saw myself in Susa, the capital city of the province Elam, standing at the Ulai Canal. 3 Looking around, I was surprised to see a ram also standing at the gate. The ram had two huge horns, one bigger than the other, but the bigger horn was the last to appear. 4 I watched as the ram charged: first west, then north, then south. No beast could stand up to him. He did just as he pleased, strutting as if he were king of the beasts. 5 "While I was watching this, wondering what it all meant, I saw a billy goat with an immense horn in the middle of its forehead come up out of the west and fly across the whole country, not once touching the ground. 6 The billy goat approached the double-horned ram that I had earlier seen standing at the gate and, enraged, charged it viciously. 7 I watched as, mad with rage, it charged the ram and hit it so hard that it broke off its two horns. The ram didn't stand a chance against it. The billy goat knocked the ram to the ground and stomped all over it. Nothing could have saved the ram from the goat. 8 "Then the billy goat swelled to an enormous size. At the height of its power its immense horn broke off and four other big horns sprouted in its place, pointing to the four points of the compass. 9 And then from one of these big horns another horn sprouted. It started small, but then grew to an enormous size, facing south and east — toward lovely Palestine. 10 The horn grew tall, reaching to the stars, the heavenly army, and threw some of the stars to the earth and stomped on them. 11 It even dared to challenge the power of God, Prince of the Celestial Army! And then it threw out daily worship and desecrated the Sanctuary. 12 As judgment against their sin, the holy people of God got the same treatment as the daily worship. The horn cast God's Truth aside. High-handed, it took over everything and everyone. 13 "Then I overheard two holy angels talking. One asked, 'How long is what we see here going to last — the abolishing of daily worship, this devastating judgment against sin, the kicking around of God's holy people and the Sanctuary?' 14 "The other answered, 'Over the course of 2,300 sacrifices, evening and morning. Then the Sanctuary will be set right again.' 15 "While I, Daniel, was trying to make sense of what I was seeing, suddenly there was a humanlike figure standing before me. 16 "Then I heard a man's voice from over by the Ulai Canal calling out, 'Gabriel, tell this man what is going on. Explain the vision to him.' 17 He came up to me, but when he got close I became terrified and fell facedown on the ground. "He said, 'Understand that this vision has to do with the time of the end.' 18 As soon as he spoke, I fainted, my face in the dirt. But he picked me up and put me on my feet. 19 "And then he continued, 'I want to tell you what is going to happen as the judgment days of wrath wind down, for there is going to be an end to all this. 20 "'The double-horned ram you saw stands for the two kings of the Medes and Persians. 21 The billy goat stands for the kingdom of the Greeks. The huge horn on its forehead is the first Greek king. 22 The four horns that sprouted after it was broken off are the four kings that come after him, but without his power. 23 "'As their kingdoms cool down and rebellions heat up,A king will show up,hard-faced, a master trickster. 24 His power will swell enormously.He'll talk big, high-handedly,Doing whatever he pleases,knocking off heroes and holy ones left and right. 25 He'll plot and scheme to make crime flourish — and oh, how it will flourish!He'll think he's invincible and get rid of anyone who gets in his way.But when he takes on the Prince of all princes,he'll be smashed to bits — but not by human hands. 26 This vision of the 2,300 sacrifices, evening and morning,is accurate but confidential.Keep it to yourself.It refers to the far future.' 27 "I, Daniel, walked around in a daze, unwell for days. Then I got a grip on myself and went back to work taking care of the king's affairs. But I continued to be upset by the vision. I couldn't make sense of it.
Dan 71-:28 Daniel had a dream. What he saw as he slept in his bed terrified him — a real nightmare. Then he wrote out his dream: 2 "In my dream that night I saw the four winds of heaven whipping up a great storm on the sea. 3 Four huge animals, each different from the others, ascended out of the sea. 4 "The first animal looked like a lion, but it had the wings of an eagle. While I watched, its wings were pulled off. It was then pulled erect so that it was standing on two feet like a man. Then a human heart was placed in it. 5 "Then I saw a second animal that looked like a bear. It lurched from side to side, holding three ribs in its jaws. It was told, 'Attack! Devour! Fill your belly!' 6 "Next I saw another animal. This one looked like a panther. It had four birdlike wings on its back. This animal had four heads and was made to rule. 7 "After that, a fourth animal appeared in my dream. This one was a grisly horror — hideous. It had huge iron teeth. It crunched and swallowed its victims. Anything left over, it trampled into the ground. It was different from the other animals — this one was a real monster. It had ten horns. 8 "As I was staring at the horns and trying to figure out what they meant, another horn sprouted up, a little horn. Three of the original horns were pulled out to make room for it. There were human eyes in this little horn, and a big mouth speaking arrogantly. 9 "As I was watching all this, "Thrones were set in place and The Old One sat down.His robes were white as snow,his hair was white like wool.His throne was flaming with fire,its wheels blazing. 10 A river of fire poured out of the throne.Thousands upon thousands served him,tens of thousands attended him.The courtroom was called to order,and the books were opened. 11 "I kept watching. The little horn was speaking arrogantly. Then, as I watched, the monster was killed and its body cremated in a roaring fire. 12 The other animals lived on for a limited time, but they didn't really do anything, had no power to rule. 13 My dream continued. "I saw a human form, a son of man,arriving in a whirl of clouds.He came to The Old One and was presented to him. 14 He was given power to rule — all the glory of royalty.Everyone — race, color, and creed — had to serve him.His rule would be forever, never ending.His kingly rule would never be replaced. 15 "But as for me, Daniel, I was disturbed. All these dream-visions had me agitated. 16 So I went up to one of those standing by and asked him the meaning of all this. And he told me, interpreting the dream for me: 17 "'These four huge animals,' he said, 'mean that four kingdoms will appear on earth. 18 But eventually the holy people of the High God will be given the kingdom and have it ever after — yes, forever and ever.' 19 "But I wanted to know more. I was curious about the fourth animal, the one so different from the others, the hideous monster with the iron teeth and the bronze claws, gulping down what it ripped to pieces and trampling the leftovers into the dirt. 20 And I wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and the other horn that sprouted up while three of the original horns were removed. This new horn had eyes and a big mouth and spoke arrogantly, dominating the other horns. 21 I watched as this horn was making war on God's holy people and getting the best of them. 22 But then The Old One intervened and decided things in favor of the people of the High God. In the end, God's holy people took over the kingdom. 23 "The bystander continued, telling me this: 'The fourth animal is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from the first three kingdoms, a monster kingdom that will chew up everyone in sight and spit them out. 24 The ten horns are ten kings, one after another, that will come from this kingdom. But then another king will arrive. He will be different from the earlier kings. He will begin by toppling three kings. 25 Then he will blaspheme the High God, persecute the followers of the High God, and try to get rid of sacred worship and moral practice. God's holy people will be persecuted by him for a time, two times, half a time. 26 "'But when the court comes to order, the horn will be stripped of its power and totally destroyed. 27 Then the royal rule and the authority and the glory of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the people of the High God. Their royal rule will last forever. All other rulers will serve and obey them.' 28 "And there it ended. I, Daniel, was in shock. I was like a man who had seen a ghost. But I kept it all to myself.
Dan 6:5-24 We're never going to find anything against this Daniel unless we can cook up something religious." 6 The vice-regents and governors conspired together and then went to the king and said, "King Darius, live forever! 7 We've convened your vice-regents, governors, and all your leading officials, and have agreed that the king should issue the following decree: For the next thirty days no one is to pray to any god or mortal except you, O king. Anyone who disobeys will be thrown into the lions' den. 8 "Issue this decree, O king, and make it unconditional, as if written in stone like all the laws of the Medes and the Persians." 9 King Darius signed the decree. 10 When Daniel learned that the decree had been signed and posted, he continued to pray just as he had always done. His house had windows in the upstairs that opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he knelt there in prayer, thanking and praising his God. 11 The conspirators came and found him praying, asking God for help. 12 They went straight to the king and reminded him of the royal decree that he had signed. "Did you not," they said, "sign a decree forbidding anyone to pray to any god or man except you for the next thirty days? And anyone caught doing it would be thrown into the lions' den?" "Absolutely," said the king. "Written in stone, like all the laws of the Medes and Persians." 13 Then they said, "Daniel, one of the Jewish exiles, ignores you, O king, and defies your decree. Three times a day he prays." 14 At this, the king was very upset and tried his best to get Daniel out of the fix he'd put him in. He worked at it the whole day long. 15 But then the conspirators were back: "Remember, O king, it's the law of the Medes and Persians that the king's decree can never be changed." 16 The king caved in and ordered Daniel brought and thrown into the lions' den. But he said to Daniel, "Your God, to whom you are so loyal, is going to get you out of this." 17 A stone slab was placed over the opening of the den. The king sealed the cover with his signet ring and the signet rings of all his nobles, fixing Daniel's fate. 18 The king then went back to his palace. He refused supper. He couldn't sleep. He spent the night fasting. 19 At daybreak the king got up and hurried to the lions' den. 20 As he approached the den, he called out anxiously, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve so loyally, saved you from the lions?" 21 "O king, live forever!" said Daniel. 22 "My God sent his angel, who closed the mouths of the lions so that they would not hurt me. I've been found innocent before God and also before you, O king. I've done nothing to harm you." 23 When the king heard these words, he was happy. He ordered Daniel taken up out of the den. When he was hauled up, there wasn't a scratch on him. He had trusted his God. 24 Then the king commanded that the conspirators who had informed on Daniel be thrown into the lions' den, along with their wives and children. Before they hit the floor, the lions had them in their jaws, tearing them to pieces.
Dan 5:13-30 Daniel was called in. The king asked him, "Are you the Daniel who was one of the Jewish exiles my father brought here from Judah? 14 I've heard about you — that you're full of the Holy Spirit, that you've got a brilliant mind, that you are incredibly wise. 15 The wise men and enchanters were brought in here to read this writing on the wall and interpret it for me. They couldn't figure it out — not a word, not a syllable. 16 But I've heard that you interpret dreams and solve mysteries. So — if you can read the writing and interpret it for me, you'll be rich and famous — a purple robe, the great gold chain around your neck — and third-in-command in the kingdom." 17 Daniel answered the king, "You can keep your gifts, or give them to someone else. But I will read the writing for the king and tell him what it means. 18 "Listen, O king! The High God gave your father Nebuchadnezzar a great kingdom and a glorious reputation. 19 Because God made him so famous, people from everywhere, whatever their race, color, and creed, were totally intimidated by him. He killed or spared people on whim. He promoted or humiliated people capriciously. 20 He developed a big head and a hard spirit. Then God knocked him off his high horse and stripped him of his fame. 21 He was thrown out of human company, lost his mind, and lived like a wild animal. He ate grass like an ox and was soaked by heaven's dew until he learned his lesson: that the High God rules human kingdoms and puts anyone he wants in charge. 22 "You are his son and have known all this, yet you're as arrogant as he ever was. 23 Look at you, setting yourself up in competition against the Master of heaven! You had the sacred chalices from his Temple brought into your drunken party so that you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines, could drink from them. You used the sacred chalices to toast your gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron, wood and stone — blind, deaf, and imbecile gods. But you treat with contempt the living God who holds your entire life from birth to death in his hand. 24 "God sent the hand that wrote on the wall, 25 and this is what is written: MENE, TEQEL, and PERES. 26 This is what the words mean: "Mene: God has numbered the days of your rule and they don't add up. 27 "Teqel: You have been weighed on the scales and you don't weigh much. 28 "Peres: Your kingdom has been divided up and handed over to the Medes and Persians." 29 Belshazzar did what he had promised. He robed Daniel in purple, draped the great gold chain around his neck, and promoted him to third-in-charge in the kingdom. 30 That same night the Babylonian king Belshazzar was murdered
Dan 4:19-37 At first Daniel, who had been renamed Belteshazzar in Babylon, was upset. The thoughts that came swarming into his mind terrified him. "Belteshazzar," the king said, "stay calm. Don't let the dream and its interpretation scare you." "My master," said Belteshazzar, "I wish this dream were about your enemies and its interpretation for your foes. 20 "The tree you saw that grew so large and sturdy with its top touching the sky, visible from the four corners of the world; 21 the tree with the luxuriant foliage and abundant fruit, enough for everyone; the tree under which animals took cover and in which birds built nests 22 — you, O king, are that tree. "You have grown great and strong. Your royal majesty reaches sky-high, and your sovereign rule stretches to the four corners of the world. 23 "But the part about the holy angel descending from heaven and proclaiming, 'Chop down the tree, destroy it, but leave stump and roots in the ground belted with a strap of iron and bronze in the grassy meadow; let him be soaked with heaven's dew and take his meals with the grazing animals for seven seasons' 24 — this, O king, also refers to you. It means that the High God has sentenced my master the king: 25 You will be driven away from human company and live with the wild animals. You will graze on grass like an ox. You will be soaked in heaven's dew. This will go on for seven seasons, and you will learn that the High God rules over human kingdoms and that he arranges all kingdom affairs. 26 "The part about the tree stump and roots being left means that your kingdom will still be there for you after you learn that it is heaven that runs things. 27 "So, king, take my advice: Make a clean break with your sins and start living for others. Quit your wicked life and look after the needs of the down-and-out. Then you will continue to have a good life." 28 The Loss and Regaining of a Mind and a Kingdom All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. 29 Just twelve months later, he was walking on the balcony of the royal palace in Babylon 30 and boasted, "Look at this, Babylon the great! And I built it all by myself, a royal palace adequate to display my honor and glory!" 31 The words were no sooner out of his mouth than a voice out of heaven spoke, "This is the verdict on you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your kingdom is taken from you. 32 You will be driven out of human company and live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like an ox. The sentence is for seven seasons, enough time to learn that the High God rules human kingdoms and puts whomever he wishes in charge." 33 It happened at once. Nebuchadnezzar was driven out of human company, ate grass like an ox, and was soaked in heaven's dew. His hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a hawk. 34 "At the end of the seven years, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked to heaven. I was given my mind back and I blessed the High God, thanking and glorifying God, who lives forever. "His sovereign rule lasts and lasts,his kingdom never declines and falls. 35 Life on this earth doesn't add up to much,but God's heavenly army keeps everything going.No one can interrupt his work,no one can call his rule into question. 36 "At the same time that I was given back my mind, I was also given back my majesty and splendor, making my kingdom shine. All the leaders and important people came looking for me. I was reestablished as king in my kingdom and became greater than ever. 37 And that's why I'm singing — I, Nebuchadnezzar — singing and praising the King of Heaven: "Everything he does is right,and he does it the right way.He knows how to turn a proud person into a humble man or woman."
Dan 4:17 everyone living will know that the High God rules human kingdoms. He arranges kingdom affairs however he wishes, and makes leaders out of losers
Dan 3:24-27 24 Suddenly King Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in alarm and said, "Didn't we throw three men, bound hand and foot, into the fire?" "That's right, O king," they said. 25 "But look!" he said. "I see four men, walking around freely in the fire, completely unharmed! And the fourth man looks like a son of the gods!" 26 Nebuchadnezzar went to the door of the roaring furnace and called in, "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the High God, come out here!" Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked out of the fire. 27 All the important people, the government leaders and king's counselors, gathered around to examine them and discovered that the fire hadn't so much as touched the three men — not a hair singed, not a scorch mark on their clothes, not even the smell of fire on them!
Dan 3:16-18 16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar, "Your threat means nothing to us. 17 If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace and anything else you might cook up, O king. 18 But even if he doesn't, it wouldn't make a bit of difference, O king. We still wouldn't serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up."
Dan 2:37-45 The God of heaven has given you the works: rule, power, strength, and glory. 38 He has put you in charge of men and women, wild animals and birds, all over the world — you're the head ruler, you are the head of gold. 39 But your rule will be taken over by another kingdom, inferior to yours, and that one by a third, a bronze kingdom, but still ruling the whole land, 40 and after that by a fourth kingdom, iron-like in strength. Just as iron smashes things to bits, breaking and pulverizing, it will bust up the previous kingdoms. 41 "But then the feet and toes that ended up as a mixture of ceramic and iron will deteriorate into a mongrel kingdom with some remains of iron in it. Just as the toes of the feet were part ceramic and part iron, 42 it will end up a mixed bag of the breakable and unbreakable. 43 That kingdom won't bond, won't hold together any more than iron and clay hold together. 44 "But throughout the history of these kingdoms, the God of heaven will be building a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will this kingdom ever fall under the domination of another. In the end it will crush the other kingdoms and finish them off and come through it all standing strong and eternal. 45 It will be like the stone cut from the mountain by the invisible hand that crushed the iron, the bronze, the ceramic, the silver, and the gold. "The great God has let the king know what will happen in the years to come. This is an accurate telling of the dream, and the interpretation is also accurate
Dan 2:29-30 The Revealer of Mysteries showed you what will happen. 30 But the interpretation is given through me, not because I'm any smarter than anyone else in the country, but so that you will know what it means, so that you will understand what you dreamed.
Dan 2:26-28 26 The king asked Daniel (renamed in Babylonian, Belteshazzar), "Are you sure you can do this — tell me the dream I had and interpret it for me?" 27 Daniel answered the king, "No mere human can solve the king's mystery, I don't care who it is — no wise man, enchanter, magician, diviner. 28 But there is a God in heaven who solves mysteries, and he has solved this one Daniel gave the credit to God!
Dan 2:19-23 the answer to the mystery was given to Daniel in a vision. Daniel blessed the God of heaven, 20 saying, "Blessed be the name of God, forever and ever. He knows all, does all: 21 He changes the seasons and guides history, He raises up kings and also brings them down, he provides both intelligence and discernment, 22 He opens up the depths, tells secrets, sees in the dark — light spills out of him! 23 God of all my ancestors, all thanks! all praise! You made me wise and strong. And now you've shown us what we asked for. You've solved the king's mystery."
Dan 2:17-18 Daniel then went home and told his companions Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah what was going on. 18 He asked them to pray to the God of heaven for mercy in solving this mystery they prayed to God about it…
Dan 1:17 17 God gave these four young men knowledge and skill in both books and life. In addition, Daniel was gifted in understanding all sorts of visions and dreams this wasn’t about where they went to school OR what they studied-NO-God gave it to them!
Dan 1:9 9 The head of the palace staff, by God's grace, liked Daniel
Dan 1:1-2 2 The Master handed King Jehoiakim of Judah over to him, along with some of the furnishings from the Temple of God

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ezek 20:5-26 "'On the day I chose Israel, I revealed myself to them in the country of Egypt, raising my hand in a solemn oath to the people of Jacob, in which I said, "I am GOD, your personal God." 6 On the same day that I raised my hand in the solemn oath, I promised them that I would take them out of the country of Egypt and bring them into a country that I had searched out just for them, a country flowing with milk and honey, a jewel of a country. 7 "'At that time I told them, "Get rid of all the vile things that you've become addicted to. Don't make yourselves filthy with the Egyptian no-god idols. I alone am GOD, your God." 8 "'But they rebelled against me, wouldn't listen to a word I said. None got rid of the vile things they were addicted to. They held on to the no-gods of Egypt as if for dear life. I seriously considered inflicting my anger on them in force right there in Egypt. 9 Then I thought better of it. I acted out of who I was, not by how I felt. And I acted in a way that would evoke honor, not blasphemy, from the nations around them, nations who had seen me reveal myself by promising to lead my people out of Egypt. 10 And then I did it: I led them out of Egypt into the desert. 11 "'I gave them laws for living, showed them how to live well and obediently before me. 12 I also gave them my weekly holy rest days, my "Sabbaths," a kind of signpost erected between me and them to show them that I, GOD, am in the business of making them holy. 13 "'But Israel rebelled against me in the desert. They didn't follow my statutes. They despised my laws for living well and obediently in the ways I had set out. And they totally desecrated my holy Sabbaths. I seriously considered unleashing my anger on them right there in the desert. 14 But I thought better of it and acted out of who I was, not by what I felt, so that I might be honored and not blasphemed by the nations who had seen me bring them out. 15 But I did lift my hand in a solemn oath there in the desert and promise them that I would not bring them into the country flowing with milk and honey that I had chosen for them, that jewel among all lands. 16 I canceled my promise because they despised my laws for living obediently, wouldn't follow my statutes, and went ahead and desecrated my holy Sabbaths. They preferred living by their no-god idols. 17 But I didn't go all the way: I didn't wipe them out, didn't finish them off in the desert. 18 "'Then I addressed myself to their children in the desert: "Don't do what your parents did. Don't take up their practices. Don't make yourselves filthy with their no-god idols. 19 I myself am GOD, your God: Keep my statutes and live by my laws. 20 Keep my Sabbaths as holy rest days, signposts between me and you, signaling that I am GOD, your God." 21 "'But the children also rebelled against me. They neither followed my statutes nor kept my laws for living upright and well. And they desecrated my Sabbaths. I seriously considered dumping my anger on them, right there in the desert. 22 But I thought better of it and acted out of who I was, not by what I felt, so that I might be honored and not blasphemed by the nations who had seen me bring them out. 23 "'But I did lift my hand in solemn oath there in the desert, and swore that I would scatter them all over the world, disperse them every which way 24 because they didn't keep my laws nor live by my statutes. They desecrated my Sabbaths and remained addicted to the no-god idols of their parents. 25 Since they were determined to live bad lives, I myself gave them statutes that could not produce goodness and laws that did not produce life. 26 I abandoned them. Filthy in the gutter, they perversely sacrificed their firstborn children in the fire. The very horror should have shocked them into recognizing that I am GOD.'
Ezek 18:21 really live
Ezek 18:3-4 As sure as I'm the living God. 4 Every soul — man, woman, child — belongs to me, parent and child alike. You die for your own sin, not another's.
Ezek 17:24 I, GOD, made the great tree small and the small tree great, made the green tree turn dry and the dry tree sprout green branches God can do this…
Ezek 14:14 Noah, Daniel, and Job — the Big Three NOTE THIS AND BE THE SAME AS THEY WERE!
Ezek 13:19 used me to make yourselves look good
Ezek 13:8 this is the Message of GOD, the Master, remember — I'm dead set against prophets who substitute illusions for visions and use sermons to tell lies
Ezek 11:3 'We can make anything happen here. We're the best. We're the choice pieces of meat in the soup pot.'
Ezek 7:19 They throw their money into the gutters. Their hard-earned cash stinks like garbage. They find that it won't buy a thing they either want or need on Judgment Day. They tripped on money and fell into sin.
Ezek 5:13 I'm a jealous God and not to be trifled with
Ezek 2:7 Your job is to speak to them. Whether they listen is not your concern
Lam 3:37-41 Who do you think "spoke and it happened"? It's the Master who gives such orders. 38 Doesn't the High God speak everything, good things and hard things alike, into being? 39 And why would anyone gifted with life complain when punished for sin? 40 Let's take a good look at the way we're living and reorder our lives under GOD. 41 Let's lift our hearts and hands at one and the same time, praying to God in heaven
Lam 3:25-33 25 GOD proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks. 26 It's a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from GOD. 27 It's a good thing when you're young to stick it out through the hard times. 28 When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. 29 Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. 30 Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face. The "worst" is never the worst. 31 Why? Because the Master won't ever walk out and fail to return. 32 If he works severely, he also works tenderly. His stockpiles of loyal love are immense. 33 He takes no pleasure in making life hard, in throwing roadblocks in the way:
Lam 2:14 14 Your prophets courted you with sweet talk. They didn't face you with your sin so that you could repent. Their sermons were all wishful thinking, deceptive illusions.
Lam 1:1 Oh, oh, oh . . .
the best part of getting a gift is that someone CHOSE to give it to you so to get a gift from anyone you have to make them happy enough to want to give it to you . Eternal life in Heaven is God’s gift so He has to CHOOSE to give it to you so are you making Him happy to give it?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jer 25:31 God is about to put the human race on trial.
Jer 23:23-24 23 "Am I not a God near at hand" — GOD's Decree — "and not a God far off? 24 Can anyone hide out in a corner where I can't see him?" GOD's Decree. "Am I not present everywhere, whether seen or unseen?" GOD's Decree.
Jer 17:9-10 9 "The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out. 10 But I, GOD, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be."
Jer 16:16 I'm going to assemble a bunch of fishermen." GOD's Decree! "They'll go fishing for my people and pull them in for judgment
Jer 15:19 Let your words change them. Don't change your words to suit them
Jer 14:14 GOD said, "preachers are liars, and they use my name to cover their lies. I never sent them, I never commanded them, and I don't talk with them. The sermons they've been handing out are sheer illusion, tissues of lies, whistlings in the dark
Jer 13:15-16 Then I said, Listen. Listen carefully: Don't stay stuck in your ways! It's GOD's Message we're dealing with here. the world will turn black before he turns out the lights, Before you trip and fall on the dark mountain paths. The light you always took for granted will go out and the world will turn black. the world will turn black
Jer 13:12-14 tell them this: 'GOD's Message, personal from the God of Israel: Every wine jug should be full of wine.' "And they'll say, 'Of course. We know that. Every wine jug should be full of wine!' 13 "Then you'll say, 'This is what GOD says: Watch closely. I'm going to fill every person who lives in this country — the kings who rule from David's throne, the priests, the prophets, the citizens of Jerusalem — with wine that will make them drunk. 14 And then I'll smash them, smash the wine-filled jugs — old and young alike. Nothing will stop me. Not an ounce of pity or mercy or compassion will slow me down. Every last drunken jug of them will be smashed!'" Hmm, sounds like Eternity…
Jer 11:15 Do you think making promises and devising pious programs will save you from doom? Do you think you can get out of this by becoming more religious?
Jer 11:1-4 The Message that came to Jeremiah from GOD: 2 "Preach to the people of Judah and citizens of Jerusalem. 3 Tell them this: 'This is GOD's Message, the Message of Israel's God to you. Anyone who does not keep the terms of this covenant is cursed. 4 The terms are clear. I made them plain to your ancestors when I delivered them from Egypt, out of the iron furnace of suffering. "'Obey what I tell you. Do exactly what I command you. Your obedience will close the deal.
Jer 10:23 23 I know, GOD, that mere mortals can't run their own lives, That men and women don't have what it takes to take charge of life
can whatever you worship control eternity?
Jer 9:23-24 23 GOD's Message: "Don't let the wise brag of their wisdom. Don't let heroes brag of their exploits. Don't let the rich brag of their riches. 24 If you brag, brag of this and this only: That you understand and know me. I'm GOD, and I act in loyal love. I do what's right and set things right and fair, and delight in those who do the same things.
Jer 8:9 They know everything but GOD's Word. Do you call that "knowing"?
Jer 7:25-26 25 From the time your ancestors left the land of Egypt until now, I've supplied a steady stream of my servants the prophets, 26 but do you think the people listened? Not once. Stubborn as mules and worse than their ancestors
Jer 6:13 Everyone's after the dishonest dollar, little people and big people alike

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jer 4:4 circumcise your lives for God's sake
Jer 2:18-19 what do you think you'll get by going off to Egypt? Maybe a cool drink of Nile River water? Or what do you think you'll get by going off to Assyria? Maybe a long drink of Euphrates River water? 19 Your evil ways will get you a sound thrashing, that's what you'll get. You'll pay dearly for your disloyal ways is an eternity in Hell worth the risk?
Jer 2:13 My people have committed a compound sin:they've walked out on me, the fountain Of fresh flowing waters, and then dug cisterns has this happened today?
Jer 2:6 the God who got us out of Egypt
Jer 1:4-5 This is what GOD said: 5 "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations — that's what I had in mind for you."
Isa 66:22 just as the new heavens and new earth that I am making will stand firm before me"— GOD's Decree —
Our lives on Earth are NOT about making other humans happy they’re about making God happy who is not human
Isa 66:16 16 For it's by fire that GOD brings judgment, a death sentence on the human race. Many, oh so many, are under GOD's sentence of death
Isa 66:9 I, the One who delivers babies
Isa 63:9 He didn't send someone else to help them. He did it himself, in person. Jesus is God and He came to Earth and did it Himself!
Isa 59:21 21 "As for me," GOD says, "this is my covenant with them: My Spirit that I've placed upon you and the words that I've given you to speak, they're not going to leave your mouths nor the mouths of your children nor the mouths of your grandchildren. You will keep repeating these words and won't ever stop." GOD's orders. do you keep them?
Isa 59:1-2 Look! Listen! GOD's arm is not amputated — he can still save. GOD's ears are not stopped up — he can still hear. 2 There's nothing wrong with God; the wrong is in you. Your wrongheaded lives caused the split between you and God.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Isa 55:8-11 8 "I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the way I work." GOD's Decree. 9 "For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. 10 Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth, Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, 11 So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them.
Isa 55:8 8 "I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the way I work." GOD's Decree. He's different--He's God!
Isa 54:5 your Maker is your bridegroom, his name, GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies! Your Redeemer is The Holy of Israel, known as God of the whole earth
Isa 52:13-53:12 "Just watch my servant blossom!Exalted, tall, head and shoulders above the crowd! 14 But he didn't begin that way. At first everyone was appalled.He didn't even look human — a ruined face, disfigured past recognition. 15 Nations all over the world will be in awe, taken aback,kings shocked into silence when they see him.For what was unheard of they'll see with their own eyes,what was unthinkable they'll have right before them." Isaiah 53 53:1 Who believes what we've heard and seen?Who would have thought GOD's saving power would look like this? 2 The servant grew up before God — a scrawny seedling,a scrubby plant in a parched field.There was nothing attractive about him,nothing to cause us to take a second look. 3 He was looked down on and passed over,a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand.One look at him and people turned away.We looked down on him, thought he was scum. 4 But the fact is, it was our pains he carried — our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us.We thought he brought it on himself,that God was punishing him for his own failures. 5 But it was our sins that did that to him,that ripped and tore and crushed him — our sins!He took the punishment, and that made us whole.Through his bruises we get healed. 6 We're all like sheep who've wandered off and gotten lost.We've all done our own thing, gone our own way.And GOD has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong,on him, on him. 7 He was beaten, he was tortured,but he didn't say a word.Like a lamb taken to be slaughtered and like a sheep being sheared,he took it all in silence. 8 Justice miscarried, and he was led off — and did anyone really know what was happening?He died without a thought for his own welfare,beaten bloody for the sins of my people. 9 They buried him with the wicked,threw him in a grave with a rich man,Even though he'd never hurt a soul or said one word that wasn't true. 10 Still, it's what GOD had in mind all along,to crush him with pain.The plan was that he give himself as an offering for sin so that he'd see life come from it — life, life, and more life.And GOD's plan will deeply prosper through him. 11 Out of that terrible travail of soul,he'll see that it's worth it and be glad he did it.Through what he experienced, my righteous one, my servant,will make many "righteous ones,"as he himself carries the burden of their sins. 12 Therefore I'll reward him extravagantly — the best of everything, the highest honors — Because he looked death in the face and didn't flinch,because he embraced the company of the lowest.He took on his own shoulders the sin of the many,he took up the cause of all the black sheep.
Isa 45:9-12 doom to you who fight your Maker — you're a pot at odds with the potter! Does clay talk back to the potter: 'What are you doing? What clumsy fingers!' 10 Would a sperm say to a father, 'Who gave you permission to use me to make a baby?' Or a fetus to a mother, 'Why have you cooped me up in this belly?'" 11 GOD, The Holy of Israel, Israel's Maker, says: "Do you question who or what I'm making? Are you telling me what I can or cannot do? 12 I made earth and I created man and woman to live on it. I handcrafted the skies and direct all the constellations in their turnings
Isa 44:25-26 God makes the experts look trivial and their latest knowledge look silly. 26 But he backs the word of his servant
Isa 44:24 24 GOD, your Redeemer, who shaped your life in your mother's womb, says: "I am GOD. I made all that is. With no help from you I spread out the skies and laid out the earth With no help from you…
Isa 44:2 the God who formed you in the womb
God said: Isa 43:7 7 I want them back, every last one who bears my name, every man, woman, and child Whom I created for my glory, yes, I personally formed and made each one
Isa 42:5-10 GOD's Message, the God who created the cosmos, stretched out the skies, laid out the earth and all that grows from it, Who breathes life into earth's people, makes them alive with his own life: 6 "I am GOD. I have called you to live right and well. I have taken responsibility for you, kept you safe. I have set you among my people to bind them to me, and provided you as a lighthouse to the nations, 7 To make a start at bringing people into the open, into light: opening blind eyes, releasing prisoners from dungeons, emptying the dark prisons. 8 I am GOD. That's my name. I don't franchise my glory, don't endorse the no-god idols. 9 Take note: The earlier predictions of judgment have been fulfilled. I'm announcing the new salvation work. Before it bursts on the scene, I'm telling you all about it." 10 Sing to GOD a brand-new song, sing his praises all over the world!
Isa 41:13 I, your GOD, have a firm grip on you and I'm not letting go
Isa 40:10 GOD, the Master, comes in power, ready to go into action. He is going to pay back his enemies and reward those who have loved him. and reward those who have loved him, so YOU HAD BETTER!
Isa 37:36 the Angel of GOD arrived and struck the Assyrian camp — 185,000 Assyrians died.
When Jesus left Heaven to come to Earth He was conceived in an unmarried virgin, born in a barn and crucified! So was life on Earth easy for Him and you are His body!

Monday, August 25, 2014

eternal life in Heaven will never end so following God’s instructions in the Bible on how to get it is worth it!
Isa 34:16 16 Get and read GOD's book: None of this is going away
Isa 34:1-2 Listen carefully, you people. Pay attention! Earth, you too, and everything in you. World, and all that comes from you. 2 And here's why: GOD is angry, good and angry with all the nation
Isa 30:18 GOD takes the time to do everything right — everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones
Isa 30:15 GOD, the Master, The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel: "Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me — The very thing you've been unwilling to do Is this you?
Isa 30:15 GOD, the Master, The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel: "Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me — The very thing you've been unwilling to do
Isa 30:1 GOD's Decree. "You make plans, but not mine. You make deals, but not in my Spirit
Isa 29:15-16 You pretend to have the inside track. You shut GOD out and work behind the scenes, Plotting the future as if you knew everything, acting mysterious, never showing your hand. 16 You have everything backwards! You treat the potter as a lump of clay
Isa 29:14 The wise ones who had it all figured out will be exposed as fools. The smart people who thought they knew everything will turn out to know nothing
Isa 29:13 13 The Master said: "These people make a big show of saying the right thing, but their hearts aren't in it. Because they act like they're worshiping me but don't mean it,
Isa like toddlers, they will get up and fall down As Christians we are toddlers and our parent God helps us to do it right!
Isa 27:11 a people with no sense of God. So, the God who made them Will have nothing to do with them.
Isa 26:15 The more life you give, the more glory you display that’s why this has gone on for so long!
Isa 24:5 Earth is polluted by its very own people
Isa 22:11 You looked and looked and looked, but you never looked to Him
Isa 16:5 5 A new government of love will be established in the venerable David tradition. A Ruler you can depend upon will head this government, A Ruler passionate for justice, a Ruler quick to set things right Jesus!
Isa 13:13 the wrath of GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies, the Judgment Day of his raging anger
Isa 13:12 12 Proud humanity will disappear from the earth. I'll make mortals rarer than hens' teeth
Isa 13:9 Watch now. GOD's Judgment Day comes. Cruel it is, a day of wrath and anger, A day to waste the earth this is a view of Judgment Day that we didn’t have…

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Isa 9:6-7 a child has been born — for us! the gift of a son — for us! He'll take over the running of the world. His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. 7 His ruling authority will grow, and there'll be no limits to the wholeness he brings. He'll rule from the historic David throne over that promised kingdom. He'll put that kingdom on a firm footing and keep it going With fair dealing and right living, beginning now and lasting always. The zeal of GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies will do all this
Isa 8:9-10 face the facts, all you oppressors, and then wring your hands. Listen, all of you, far and near. Prepare for the worst and wring your hands. Yes, prepare for the worst and wring your hands! 10 Plan and plot all you want — nothing will come of it. All your talk is mere talk, empty words, Because when all is said and done, the last word is Immanuel — God-With-Us.
Isa 7:14 A girl who is presently a virgin will get pregnant. She'll bear a son and name him Immanuel (God-With-Us) this is an example of God creating something out of nothing…
Isa 7:9 GOD, the Master, says, "If you don't take your stand in faith, you won't have a leg to stand on in eternity."
Isa 6:7-8 "Look. This coal has touched your lips. Gone your guilt, your sins wiped out." 8 And then I heard the voice of the Master: "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" I spoke up, "I'll go. Send me!" eternity!
Isa 6:3 Holy, Holy, Holy is GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies. His bright glory fills the whole earth.
Isa 2:3 we can live the way we're made we were made to bring God glory and whether or we do is our choice
Isa 2:3 we can live the way we're made

Saturday, August 23, 2014

when you pray you MUST remember that you’re a servant serving the master and what HE wants—He is not there to serve you and what you want!
Eccl 12:13-14 13 The last and final word is this: Fear God. Do what he tells you. 14 And that's it. Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it's good or evil. READ THIS AGAIN!
Eccl 11:9 not just anything goes; You have to answer to God for every last bit of it
Eccl 11:5 5 Just as you'll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, So you'll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does
Eccl 7:29 God made men and women true and upright; we're the ones who've made a mess of things
Eccl 7:20 20 There's not one totally good person on earth, Not one who is truly pure and sinless. not one
Eccl 7:18 A person who fears God deals responsibly with all of reality, not just a piece of it. How much of reality do you deal with?
Eccl 7:8 Sticking to it is better than standing out Hmm, society says that sticking out is best...
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Because I’m a servant for my master I actually do what my master tells me to do and NOT what I would prefer to do!
Eccl 6:7 7 We work to feed our appetites; Meanwhile our souls go hungry.
Eccl 5:18 Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that's about it. That's the human lot
humans are satisfied with ultimately pleasing other humans which will result in good life on Earth but a bad eternity-it’s up to you!
Eccl 5:10 10 The one who loves money is never satisfied with money
Eccl 5:6 When called to account, you won't get by with "Sorry, I didn't mean it."
Life on Earth is where God is testing us for Eternity!
Life on Earth is where God is testing us for Eternity!
Eccl 5:1-2 Watch your step when you enter God's house. Enter to learn. That's far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice, Doing more harm than good. 2 Don't shoot off your mouth, or speak before you think. Don't be too quick to tell God what you think he wants to hear. God's in charge, not you — the less you speak, the better. God gave Solomon wisdom so he knew…
Eccl 3:18 I said to myself regarding the human race, "God's testing the lot of us!”
Eccl 3:14 14 I've also concluded that whatever God does, that's the way it's going to be, always. No addition, no subtraction. God's done it and that's it. That's so we'll quit asking questions and simply worship in holy fear.
Eccl 2:18 I hated everything I'd accomplished and accumulated on this earth. I can't take it with me — no, I have to leave it to whoever comes after me
Eccl 2:16 16 The smart and the stupid both disappear out of sight. In a day or two they're both forgotten. Yes, both the smart and the stupid die, and that's it. Solomon was searching for more than life on Earth and there IS more—eternity!
Eccl 1:17 What I've finally concluded is that so-called wisdom and knowledge are mindless and witless — nothing but spitting into the wind.
Eccl 1:3-4 What's there to show for a lifetime of work, a lifetime of working your fingers to the bone? 4 One generation goes its way, the next one arrives, but nothing changes — it's business as usual for old planet earth. this is VERY DIFFERENT from what society teaches us! Society doesn’t refer to eternity!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Prov 21:1-3 Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God; he directs it to whatever ends he chooses. 2 We justify our actions by appearances; GOD examines our motives. Clean living before God and justice with our neighbors mean far more to GOD than religious performance.
Prov 20:27 27 GOD is in charge of human life, watching and examining us inside and out
Prov 20:24 24 The very steps we take come from GOD; otherwise how would we know where we're going? OR The very steps we can't take come from GOD...
Prov 20:21 A bonanza at the beginning is no guarantee of blessing at the end A bonanza at the beginning is no guarantee of blessing at the end A bonanza at the beginning is no guarantee of blessing at the end
Prov 20:12 Ears that hear and eyes that see — we get our basic equipment from GOD!
Prov 17:3 3 As silver in a crucible and gold in a pan, so our lives are assayed by GOD
Prov 16:33 33 Make your motions and cast your votes, but GOD has the final say
Prov 16:20 20 It pays to take life seriously; things work out when you trust in GOD.
Prov 16:9 9 We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it.
Prov 16:2 2 Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; GOD probes for what is good. another way of saying the very same thing is that TV is satisfied with whatever looks good but God probes for what is good
Prov 15:33 33 Fear-of-GOD is a school in skilled living — first you learn humility, then you experience glory. do you go to this school?
Prov 15:11 11 Even hell holds no secrets from GOD — do you think he can't read human hearts?
Prov 15:3 3 GOD doesn't miss a thing — he's alert to good and evil alike.
Prov 13:13 13 Ignore the Word and suffer; honor God's commands and grow rich. read this again!
Prov 11:31 31 If good people barely make it, what's in store for the bad! If good people barely make it, what's in store for the bad!
Prov 10:29 29 GOD is solid backing to a well-lived life, but he calls into question a shabby performance.
Prov 10:27 27 The Fear-of-GOD expands your life Schools don't teach this but Solomon said it!
Prov 10:22 GOD's blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God.
Prov 9:10 10 Skilled living gets its start in the Fear-of-GOD, insight into life from knowing a Holy God schools don’t teach this but it's in God's word!
Prov 5:23 23 Death is the reward of an undisciplined life; your foolish decisions trap you in a dead end.
Prov 5:21 21 Mark well that GOD doesn't miss a move you make; he's aware of every step you take.
Prov 3:5-7 5 Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. 6 Listen for GOD's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. 7 Don't assume that you know it all. Run to GOD! What school teaches this?
Prov 2:2-8 2 Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom; set your heart on a life of Understanding. 3 That's right — if you make Insight your priority, and won't take no for an answer, 4 Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold, like an adventurer on a treasure hunt, 5 Believe me, before you know it Fear-of-GOD will be yours; you'll have come upon the Knowledge of God. 6 And here's why: GOD gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding. 7 He's a rich mine of Common Sense for those who live well, a personal bodyguard to the candid and sincere. 8 He keeps his eye on all who live honestly, and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones. GOD gives out Wisdom free...
Prov 1:25-31 Since you laugh at my counsel and make a joke of my advice, 26 How can I take you seriously? I'll turn the tables and joke about your troubles! 27 What if the roof falls in, and your whole life goes to pieces? What if catastrophe strikes and there's nothing to show for your life but rubble and ashes? 28 You'll need me then. You'll call for me, but don't expect an answer. No matter how hard you look, you won't find me. 29 "Because you hated Knowledge and had nothing to do with the Fear-of-GOD, 30 Because you wouldn't take my advice and brushed aside all my offers to train you, 31 Well, you've made your bed — now lie in it; you wanted your own way — now, how do you like it?
Prov 1:22-23 Simpletons! How long will you wallow in ignorance? Cynics! How long will you feed your cynicism? Idiots! How long will you refuse to learn? 23 About face! I can revise your life. Look, I'm ready to pour out my spirit on you; I'm ready to tell you all I know.
Prov 1:7 Start with GOD — the first step in learning is bowing down to GOD; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. that's a very different start than what we are taught!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ps 145:17-21 17 Everything GOD does is right — the trademark on all his works is love. 18 GOD's there, listening for all who pray, for all who pray and mean it. 19 He does what's best for those who fear him — hears them call out, and saves them. 20 GOD sticks by all who love him, but it's all over for those who don't. 21 My mouth is filled with GOD's praise. Let everything living bless him, bless his holy name from now to eternity!
Ps 145:13 God your kingdom is a kingdom eternal Jesus said: “God’s kingdom is here!” so it was truly Heaven on Earth!
Ps 139 GOD, investigate my life;get all the facts firsthand. 2 I'm an open book to you;even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking. 3 You know when I leave and when I get back;I'm never out of your sight. 4 You know everything I'm going to say before I start the first sentence. 5 I look behind me and you're there,then up ahead and you're there, too — your reassuring presence, coming and going. 6 This is too much, too wonderful — I can't take it all in! 7 Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit?to be out of your sight? 8 If I climb to the sky, you're there!If I go underground, you're there! 9 If I flew on morning's wings to the far western horizon, 10 You'd find me in a minute — you're already there waiting! 11 Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark!At night I'm immersed in the light!" 12 It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you;night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you. 13 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;you formed me in my mother's womb. 14 I thank you, High God — you're breathtaking!Body and soul, I am marvelously made!I worship in adoration — what a creation! 15 You know me inside and out,you know every bone in my body;You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,how I was sculpted from nothing into something. 16 Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;all the stages of my life were spread out before you,The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day. 17 Your thoughts — how rare, how beautiful!God, I'll never comprehend them! 18 I couldn't even begin to count them — any more than I could count the sand of the sea.Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you! 19 And please, God, do away with wickedness for good!And you murderers — out of here! — 20 all the men and women who belittle you, God,infatuated with cheap god-imitations. 21 See how I hate those who hate you, GOD,see how I loathe all this godless arrogance; 22 I hate it with pure, unadulterated hatred.Your enemies are my enemies! 23 Investigate my life, O God,find out everything about me;Cross-examine and test me,get a clear picture of what I'm about; 24 See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong — then guide me on the road to eternal life.
Ps 138:6 GOD, high above, sees far below; no matter the distance, he knows everything about us
Ps 130:3-4 3 If you, GOD, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? 4 As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped. Jesus said that he one who is forgiven the most is the most appreciative
Ps 130:3-4 3 If you, GOD, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? 4 As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped.
Ps 128:4 4 Stand in awe of God's Yes. Oh, how he blesses the one who fears GOD!
Ps 128:1-2 All you who fear GOD, how blessed you are! how happily you walk on his smooth straight road! 2 You worked hard and deserve all you've got coming. Enjoy the blessing! Revel in the goodness!
Ps 125:2 GOD encircles his people — always has and always will
Ps 122:4 give thanks to the name of GOD — this is what it means to be Israel
Ps 119:9 9 How can a person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word Do you do this?
Ps 119:4 4 You, GOD, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it He expects us to live it! Do you?
Ps 118:8-9 8 Far better to take refuge in GOD than trust in people; 9 Far better to take refuge in GOD than trust in celebrities read what this says!
Ps 116:16-19 16 Oh, GOD, here I am, your servant, your faithful servant: set me free for your service! 17 I'm ready to offer the thanksgiving sacrifice and pray in the name of GOD. 18 I'll complete what I promised GOD I'd do, and I'll do it in company with his people, 19 In the place of worship
Ps 116:8 8 Soul, you've been rescued from death; Eye, you've been rescued from tears; And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling
Ps 113:4 4 GOD is higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything you can see in the skies GOD is higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything you can see
Ps 113:4 4 GOD is higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything you can see in the skies
Ps 111:10 10 The good life begins in the fear of GOD — Do that and you'll know the blessing of GOD.
Ps 110:1-4 The word of GOD to my Lord: "Sit alongside me here on my throne until I make your enemies a stool for your feet." 2 You were forged a strong scepter by GOD of Zion; now rule, though surrounded by enemies! 3 Your people will freely join you, resplendent in holy armor on the great day of your conquest, Join you at the fresh break of day, join you with all the vigor of youth. 4 GOD gave his word and he won't take it back: you're the permanent priest, the Melchizedek priest. this is about Jesus!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

for many people reality is clearly based on what they are actually able to see or feel but for me reality is based on what I have learned and read in God’s word which I may not be able to see or hear which is the same as God!
Ps 106:14-45 14 They only cared about pleasing themselves in that desert,provoked God with their insistent demands. 15 He gave them exactly what they asked for — but along with it they got an empty heart. 16 One day in camp some grew jealous of Moses,also of Aaron, holy priest of GOD. 17 The ground opened and swallowed Dathan,then buried Abiram's gang. 18 Fire flared against that rebel crew and torched them to a cinder. 19 They cast in metal a bull calf at Horeb and worshiped the statue they'd made. 20 They traded the Glory for a cheap piece of sculpture — a grass-chewing bull! 21 They forgot God, their very own Savior,who turned things around in Egypt, 22 Who created a world of wonders in the Land of Ham,who gave that stunning performance at the Red Sea. 23 Fed up, God decided to get rid of them — and except for Moses, his chosen, he would have.But Moses stood in the gap and deflected God's anger,prevented it from destroying them utterly. 24 They went on to reject the Blessed Land,didn't believe a word of what God promised. 25 They found fault with the life they had and turned a deaf ear to GOD's voice. 26 Exasperated, God swore that he'd lay them low in the desert, 27 Scattering their children hither and yon,strewing them all over the earth. 28 Then they linked up with Baal Peor,attending funeral banquets and eating idol food. 29 That made God so angry that a plague spread through their ranks; 30 Phinehas stood up and pled their case and the plague was stopped. 31 This was counted to his credit;his descendants will never forget it. 32 They angered God again at Meribah Springs;this time Moses got mixed up in their evil; 33 Because they defied GOD yet again,Moses exploded and lost his temper. 34 They didn't wipe out those godless cultures as ordered by GOD; 35 Instead they intermarried with the heathen,and in time became just like them. 36 They worshiped their idols,were caught in the trap of idols. 37 They sacrificed their sons and daughters at the altars of demon gods. 38 They slit the throats of their babies,murdered their infant girls and boys.They offered their babies to Canaan's gods;the blood of their babies stained the land. 39 Their way of life stank to high heaven;they lived like whores. 40 And GOD was furious — a wildfire anger;he couldn't stand even to look at his people. 41 He turned them over to the heathen so that the people who hated them ruled them. 42 Their enemies made life hard for them;they were tyrannized under that rule. 43 Over and over God rescued them, but they never learned — until finally their sins destroyed them. 44 Still, when God saw the trouble they were in and heard their cries for help, 45 He remembered his Covenant with them,and, immense with love, took them by the hand.
Ps 105:16-45 he called down a famine on the country,he broke every last blade of wheat. 17 But he sent a man on ahead:Joseph, sold as a slave. 18 They put cruel chains on his ankles,an iron collar around his neck, 19 Until God's word came to the Pharaoh,and GOD confirmed his promise. 20 God sent the king to release him.The Pharaoh set Joseph free; 21 He appointed him master of his palace,put him in charge of all his business 22 To personally instruct his princes and train his advisors in wisdom. 23 Then Israel entered Egypt,Jacob immigrated to the Land of Ham. 24 God gave his people lots of babies;soon their numbers alarmed their foes. 25 He turned the Egyptians against his people;they abused and cheated God's servants. 26 Then he sent his servant Moses,and Aaron, whom he also chose. 27 They worked marvels in that spiritual wasteland,miracles in the Land of Ham. 28 He spoke, "Darkness!" and it turned dark — they couldn't see what they were doing. 29 He turned all their water to blood so that all their fish died; 30 He made frogs swarm through the land,even into the king's bedroom; 31 He gave the word and flies swarmed,gnats filled the air. 32 He substituted hail for rain,he stabbed their land with lightning; 33 He wasted their vines and fig trees,smashed their groves of trees to splinters; 34 With a word he brought in locusts,millions of locusts, armies of locusts; 35 They consumed every blade of grass in the country and picked the ground clean of produce; 36 He struck down every firstborn in the land,the first fruits of their virile powers. 37 He led Israel out, their arms filled with loot,and not one among his tribes even stumbled. 38 Egypt was glad to have them go — they were scared to death of them. 39 God spread a cloud to keep them cool through the day and a fire to light their way through the night; 40 They prayed and he brought quail,filled them with the bread of heaven; 41 He opened the rock and water poured out;it flowed like a river through that desert — 42 All because he remembered his Covenant,his promise to Abraham, his servant. 43 Remember this! He led his people out singing for joy;his chosen people marched, singing their hearts out! 44 He made them a gift of the country they entered,helped them seize the wealth of the nations 45 So they could do everything he told them — could follow his instructions to the letter.
Ps 103:8-14 8 GOD is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he's rich in love. 9 He doesn't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. 10 He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs. 11 As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him. 12 And as far as sunrise is from sunset, he has separated us from our sins. 13 As parents feel for their children, GOD feels for those who fear him. 14 He knows us inside and out, keeps in mind that we're made of mud.
regarding God: Ps 103:3-5 3 He forgives your sins — every one. He heals your diseases — every one. 4 He redeems you from hell — saves your life! He crowns you with love and mercy — a paradise crown. 5 He wraps you in goodness — beauty eternal. He renews your youth — you're always young in his presence.
Ps 101:2 I'm doing the very best I can, and I'm doing it at home, where it counts
Ps 100:3-5 3 Know this: GOD made us; we didn't make him.
Ps 100:3-5 3 Know this: GOD is God, and God, GOD. He made us; we didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep. 4 Enter with the password: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. 5 For GOD is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever
Ps 99:6-9 6 Moses and Aaron were his priests, Samuel among those who prayed to him. They prayed to GOD and he answered them; 7 He spoke from the pillar of cloud. And they did what he said; they kept the law he gave them. 8 And then GOD, our God, answered them (But you were never soft on their sins). 9 Lift high GOD, our God; worship at his holy mountain. Holy. Yes, holy is GOD our God
Ps 97:5 earth's Lord
Ps 97:4 Earth, wide-eyed, trembles in fear you should too!
Ps 96:9 9 Bow before the beauty of GOD, Then to your knees — everyone worship! why does it say “to your knees”? Because on them you give up control!
Ps 96:1-3 Sing GOD a brand-new song! Earth and everyone in it, sing! 2 Sing to GOD — worship GOD! Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea, 3 Take the news of his glory to the lost obviously you have to truely believe that you’re lost!
Ps 95:7- 7 Oh yes, he's our God, and we're the people he pastures, the flock he feeds. Drop everything and listen, listen as he speaks: 8 "Don't turn a deaf ear as in the Bitter Uprising, As on the day of the Wilderness Test, 9 when your ancestors turned and put me to the test. 10 For forty years they watched me at work among them, as over and over they tried my patience. And I was provoked — oh, was I provoked! 'Can't they keep their minds on God for five minutes? Do they simply refuse to walk down my road?' 11 Exasperated, I exploded, 'They'll never get where they're headed, never be able to sit down and rest.'" Jesus said to feed His sheep...
Ps 95:5-6 5 He made Ocean — he owns it! His hands sculpted Earth! 6 So come, let us worship: bow before him, on your knees before GOD, who made us!
Ps 94:12-14 12 How blessed the man you train, GOD, the woman you instruct in your Word, 13 Providing a circle of quiet within the clamor of evil, while a jail is being built for the wicked. 14 GOD will never walk away from his people, never desert his precious people.
Ps 94:9-11 9 Do you think Ear-Maker doesn't hear, Eye-Shaper doesn't see? 10 Do you think the trainer of nations doesn't correct, the teacher of Adam doesn't know? 11 GOD knows, all right — knows your stupidity, sees your shallowness
Ps 90:12-13 12 Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well! 13 Come back, GOD
Ps 89:18 18 All we are and have we GOD NOT OUR PERSONAL ABILITIES!
Ps 78:5-7 God planted a witness in Jacob, set his Word firmly in Israel, Then commanded our parents to teach it to their children 6 So the next generation would know, and all the generations to come — Know the truth and tell the stories so their children 7 can trust in God, Never forget the works of God but keep his commands to the letter. Do we tell our children?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ps 77:14 14 You're the God who makes things happen; you showed everyone what you can do Yes He has shown us but do you see it?
Ps 76:11-12 11 Do for GOD what you said you'd do — he is, after all, your God. Let everyone in town bring offerings to the One Who Watches our every move. 12 Nobody gets by with anything, no one plays fast and loose with him. I don't EVEN want to play fast and loose with him!
Ps 69:30-31 Let me tell his greatness in a prayer of thanks. 31 For GOD, this is better than oxen on the altar, Far better than blue-ribbon bulls. so OUR sacrifice is nothing but a prayer of thanks!
Ps 62:5-12 5 God, the one and only — I'll wait as long as he says.Everything I hope for comes from him,so why not? 6 He's solid rock under my feet,breathing room for my soul,An impregnable castle:I'm set for life. 7 My help and glory are in God — granite-strength and safe-harbor-God — 8 So trust him absolutely, people;lay your lives on the line for him.God is a safe place to be. 9 Man as such is smoke,woman as such, a mirage.Put them together, they're nothing;two times nothing is nothing. 10 And a windfall, if it comes — don't make too much of it. 11 God said this once and for all;how many times Have I heard it repeated?"Strength comes Straight from God." 12 Love to you, Lord God!You pay a fair wage for a good day's work! a fair wage from God is eternal life!
retirement from human things happens according to human laws BUT if you’re doing things for God there is no retirement!
Ps 60:11-12 human help is worthless. 12 In God we'll do our very best
Ps 56:10-11 10 I'm proud to praise God, proud to praise GOD. 11 Fearless now, I trust in God; what can mere mortals do to me? mere mortals have NO EFFECT on my position in eternity!
Ps 49:7-9 There's no such thing as self-rescue,t pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. 8 The cost of rescue is beyond our means, and even then it doesn't guarantee 9 Life forever, or insurance against the Black Hole That's why our position in eternity is a gift from God!
Ps 47:9 The powers of earth are God's
Ps 44:20 store-bought gods
Ps 40:6-10 6 Doing something for you, bringing something to you — that's not what you're after. Being religious, acting pious — that's not what you're asking for. You've opened my ears so I can listen. 7 So I answered, "I'm coming. I read in your letter what you wrote about me, 8 And I'm coming to the party you're throwing for me." That's when God's Word entered my life, became part of my very being. 9 I've preached you to the whole congregation, I've kept back nothing, GOD — you know that. 10 I didn't keep the news of your ways a secret, didn't keep it to myself. I told it all, how dependable you are, how thorough. I didn't hold back pieces of love and truth For myself alone. I told it all, let the congregation know the whole story.
Ps 37:30-31 30 Righteous chews on wisdom like a dog on a bone, rolls virtue around on his tongue. 31 His heart pumps God's Word like blood through his veins; his feet are as sure as a cat's.
Ps 36:5-9 5 God's love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, 6 His purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks. 7 How exquisite your love, O God! How eager we are to run under your wings, 8 To eat our fill at the banquet you spread as you fill our tankards with Eden spring water. 9 You're a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Ps 34:19 19 Disciples so often get into trouble; still, GOD is there every time
Ps 34:9 9 Worship GOD if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness
Ps 33:4-9 GOD's Word is solid to the core; everything he makes is sound inside and out. 5 He loves it when everything fits, when his world is in plumb-line true. Earth is drenched in GOD's affectionate satisfaction. 6 The skies were made by GOD's command; he breathed the word and the stars popped out. 7 He scooped Sea into his jug, put Ocean in his keg. 8 Earth-creatures, bow before GOD; world-dwellers — down on your knees! 9 Here's why: he spoke and there it was, in place the moment he said so.
Ps 32:10 GOD-affirmers find themselves loved every time they turn around.
Ps 32:6 Every one of us needs to pray and prayer is about Him and His will NOT YOU AND YOURS!
Ps 31:23 GOD takes care of all who stay close to him
Ps 31:6 6 I hate all this silly religion, but you, GOD, I trust. God and religion are two VERY different things!
Ps 30:3 3 GOD, you pulled me out of the grave, gave me another chance at life when I was down-and-out.
Ps 25:12 12 My question: What are God-worshipers like? Your answer: Arrows aimed at God's bull's-eye. is this you and do you hope to go to Heaven?
Ps 25:4 4 Show me how you work, GOD; School me in your ways.
Ps 23 GOD, my shepherd! I don't need a thing. 2 You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from. 3 True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction. 4 Even when the way goes through Death Valley, I'm not afraid when you walk at my side. Your trusty shepherd's crook makes me feel secure. 5 You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup brims with blessing. 6 Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. I'm back home in the house of GOD for the rest of my life.
Ps 17:4 4 I'm not trying to get my way in the world's way. I'm trying to get your way, your Word's way
Ps 10:6 6 They live (they think) a charmed life
Ps 4:6-8 6 Why is everyone hungry for more? "More, more," they say. "More, more." I have God's more-than-enough, 7 More joy in one ordinary day Than they get in all their shopping sprees. 8 At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep, For you, GOD, have put my life back together.
Ps 4:4 Keep your mouth shut, and let your heart do the talking
Ps 1:1-2 How well God must like you — you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. 2 Instead you thrill to GOD's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.
eternal life in Heaven IS a gift from God BUT you do have to work for it hence the Bible is filled with examples of people having to work for things

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Paul is a very good example of the necessity to rely on God instead simply of relying on yourself
Job 2:11-13 Three of Job's friends heard of all the trouble that had fallen on him. Each traveled from his own country — Eliphaz from Teman, Bildad from Shuhah, Zophar from Naamath — and went together to Job to keep him company and comfort him. 12 When they first caught sight of him, they couldn't believe what they saw — they hardly recognized him! They cried out in lament, ripped their robes, and dumped dirt on their heads as a sign of their grief. 13 Then they sat with him on the ground. Seven days and nights they sat there without saying a word. They could see how rotten he felt, how deeply he was suffering. this was a very HUGE thing for him to deal with!
Job 2:10 10 He told her, "We take the good days from God — why not also the bad days?" Not once through all this did Job sin. He said nothing against God.
Job 2:1-7 One day when the angels came to report to GOD, Satan also showed up. 2 GOD singled out Satan, saying, "And what have you been up to?" Satan answered GOD, "Oh, going here and there, checking things out." 3 Then GOD said to Satan, "Have you noticed my friend Job? There's no one quite like him, is there — honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil? He still has a firm grip on his integrity! You tried to trick me into destroying him, but it didn't work." 4 Satan answered, "A human would do anything to save his life. 5 But what do you think would happen if you reached down and took away his health? He'd curse you to your face, that's what." 6 GOD said, "All right. Go ahead — you can do what you like with him. But mind you, don't kill him." 7 Satan left GOD and struck Job with terrible sores
Job 1:20-22 20 Job got to his feet, ripped his robe, shaved his head, then fell to the ground and worshiped: 21 Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I'll return to the womb of the earth. GOD gives, GOD takes. God's name be ever blessed. 22 Not once through all this did Job sin; not once did he blame God.