Sunday, October 3, 2010

This has taken me several hours to write. I have made some notes and printed them out and gone by them while writing because this is not an easy thing to acknowledge or understand.

I have experienced some hard times today. I have talked to people about things who have told me what they thought and I have told them what I thought and why I thought that. And both times what I thought did not agree with what they thought.

So what does this mean?

It means that we have to be very careful because not everyone knows what you know. People have preconceived ideas but there are no true experts on anything but God.

The way most people believe is generally based on societal standards. Many people even go to school to learn those standards but not everyone or everything is standard.

For example even Biblical standards can be screwed up by some people for others and if you understand some Biblical principles that does not mean that you understand everything that you’ve experienced.

Even relatively intelligent people can be lied to or led astray by others and not even know it.

You can tell if someone may be able to help you with some things but no one but God can help you with everything.

So my suggestion to you is to ask people questions and do not just assume anything. If you need to then talk to God.

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