Sunday, October 31, 2010

God spoke to me tonight. At first I had a simple thought but then it made so much good thorough sense that I decided to write it down.

Everything and I mean everything in this world is geared to make something (or you) appear better than average. That is what things are based on. Performance, looks, status, pay, etc. are all based on that. Jobs, school, degrees and everything else even something as simple as how white your teeth are is based on that.

So people try very hard to always appear “good enough” or “perfect” and unfortunately the older you get the more important or critical it gets and the harder it is to achieve. That’s why becoming a celebrity is so important! What other people think of you builds status, pay, your future and the like. But I have been given the blessing of having gone from one extreme to another and remembering that so I do see a huge difference but God treats me very well even though other humans don’t.

I attend a Sunday school class for handicapped adults and those people are my family and my celebrities. Why? Because we know that God accepts us for who we are and so we’re already good enough and perfect because of Jesus. There’s nothing to prove.

The most difficult thing for us is getting other humans to accept us. We all know that God loves unconditionally, now if humans just felt the same way…

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