Friday, October 1, 2010

Normally I would not write about something as simple as faith but what I see going on around me has changed my mind.

Hebrews 11:1 has an excellent description of faith and it is the backdrop on my computer. Many times Jesus referred to faith so you know that it’s important to have. But what I am seeing is faith is not so important as it is trendy.

So for the sake of popularity people say that they are Christians when in fact popularity and the things of this world are actually more important to them.

Jesus expects more from us than that.

He said to deny yourselves.

Now, you tell me how popularity applies to a nonexistent person?

It doesn’t.

So look at yourself very closely. Do you have faith?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

True, we need to care more about what God thinks about us than what people think. And we know what He thinks about us and it doesn't change! He loves us dearly!