Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One thing that really strikes me hard about Christianity in Society is that people do think of Jesus but they try so hard to make Him accept them. So now we are back to trying to be “good enough”.

That will never happen and that’s why He came here and died for us! He took OUR place because WE could never do it! We’re NOT good enough but He IS.

So trying will do nothing. We’re Humans so we will continue to do bad things but He knew that and came anyway. So all we can do is try to act as He did and thank Him for the forgiveness.

It is done. So for all the things you know about you can try not to repeat them but if you do (and it will happen) just thank Him for the forgiveness which even applies to the things you don’t know about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, for some reason it's hard for us to believe that we are accepted just the way we are. Maybe we don't want to believe it because we feel that we don't deserve it. Which we don't, but God loves us anyway. He's our father and he loves us no matter what.