Friday, July 16, 2010

On The FOOD Network on TV one of the shows is called “Chopped”. On each show 4 people compete against each other, they receive instructions and have several meals to prepare and compete to win.

A panel of judges evaluates each meal and each person. If you win then they give you $10,000.00 but if you are chopped then you have to leave the competition.

I don’t like that show. I have seen it but I don’t care for it and this is why:

Who gave these people the ability to cook in the first place? God.

Who gave these people the ability to evaluate anything let alone cooking & abilities? God.

Then why is this show on the air? Because human people have a habit of not recognizing God and what He has done and focusing on themselves and what they think that they can do.

In like manner other humans have decided to reward the person that they think is the best by giving them some reward (financial or otherwise) and give them public notoriety.

That just doesn’t make any sense to me.

Why would people neglect to simply recognize and thank God? He never fails but people do a lot.

And here I go again in the “way back” machine:

Who from the first didn’t recognize God and just focused on what they could do? Satan.

Who was thrown out of Heaven? Satan.

Who runs the Earth? Satan.

Who did Jesus come to conquer? Satan.

So who got Chopped? Satan.

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