Thursday, July 29, 2010

After a great deal of very ugly happenings I have figured out that there are these kinds of humans:
1. Normal humans that do not and will not believe in God.
2. Abnormal humans hat do not and will not believe in God.
3. Normal humans that may believe in God. (potential)
4. Abnormal humans that may believe in God. (potential)
5. Societal Christians.
6. Actual Christians.

Humans are just humans but they go by different names like normal and abnormal so I separated them.

But there are those humans who do not believe in God and never will. Then there are potential believers. They may not right now be believers but they may become believers at some point.

But the biggest shock to me is that there are Societal Christians because I didn’t know that they existed! But upon evaluation here is what I have determined:

1. They belong to Churches
2. Churches are like lodges
3. Society puts a very strong reference on them and gives a lot of money to them
4. They think that they run their own lives
5. They work to please themselves or others
6. They are very happy that society accepts them and they work to keep that
7. They are viewed as having made it or succeeded.

However, actual Christians:
1. Belong to Churches too
2. Society rejects them and puts a much lower reference on them
3. They know that God runs their lives
4. They live to please God only
5. They don’t care about Society
6. They are viewed as having failed
7. They are not interested in anyone or anything but God

Each of us falls into one of these categories and Jesus said:
Matt 7:14
14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it .

Are you one of the few?

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