Monday, August 18, 2008

Who is God?

No one has actually seen God, but EVERYONE has an opinion or thought about who He is and what He does. And people have some very strong opinions.

But let’s turn to God and ask Him. In God’s word (the Bible) God has placed Psalm 139 that explains God quite nicely from a human perspective. So let’s use that because if it wasn’t true then it wouldn’t be in His word. But it is so you know that it’s true.

What does Psalm 139 say?

First of all it asks God to investigate our lives and get all the facts firsthand. It explains that we are an open book to Him and that even from a distance He knows what we are thinking. He knows when we leave and when we get back. We’re NEVER out of His sight. He knows what we are going to say BEFORE we start the first sentence. He’s everywhere. He’s too wonderful to fully accept as a human! There’s nowhere we can go to avoid his Spirit and light and dark are the same to Him.

He knows us inside and out, unmade and made and every bone in our bodies because He sculpted each our mother’s wombs. We should thank Him because He is breathtaking. Our body and soul are wonderfully made by Him and Him alone.

He watched completely as we grew from conception to birth and He prepared all of the days of our lives before we lived even one.

His thoughts are so rare and beautiful that we’ll never comprehend them, more than the sands of the sea!

And the last thing that is that He asks God will investigate him and lead him in the way everlasting.

Now I think that is an awesome picture of who God is and what He does. So who knows and controls everything? The one who developed and planned and knows about everything---God.

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