Thursday, August 28, 2008


There have been some questions on this, so I decided to make it clear. And since society views the dictionary as the Bible of words, I will use that to further explain my point and I am using Webster’s dictionary.

According to it, Dis means no longer.

Therefore, according to the dictionary, Associate means: Associate: to join in companionship or partnership, or To connect in thought.

And in like manner Disassociate means to no longer join in the explanation of associate.

Therefore when a Church disassociates itself from a member, in effect that group as a group will no longer join in companionship or partnership and they do not connect in thought with a member.

Now, I can only imagine that this is the case when people cannot get along but that’s why Jesus was here—we were sinners and did not, would not and could not agree with God the Father’s way. Thus we were forever separated from Him.

But, to remedy this situation for US, God sent His son to die for us on the cross and then to rise up from death to show us clearly that there IS life after human death!

And, as a human He NEVER disassociated Himself from anyone, there is not even one scriptural example of Him doing that. And WE ARE HIS BODY IN THIS LIFE, and so we should do the same thing!

But we don’t. We cut them off and have nothing to do with them. People criticized Jesus for hanging around with sinners and He said “I didn’t come for those who are well, I came for the sick”. So, as His body, we have to understand that and follow that.

I agree that this is a step way beyond where we are as humans. But Jesus was a human too when He came to this Earth and He did it, so SO CAN YOU.

Talk about something being “Out of the box”, Jesus went “Out of the box” and we celebrate what He did and He lives in us. He wasn’t concerned with what society thought, no He was there for them and so are we!

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