Tuesday, August 26, 2008

To “Withdraw”

Let me start this document by telling you that the human man who is writing this to you was (this is from what I’ve been told because I don’t remember a thing-nothing) living an extremely sinful life 8 years ago. And any Church would have withdrawn from me, And another shocker is that my wife didn’t divorce me and my kids still love me and to top it off (it seems impossible) the one who made my brain stem in the first place came and healed my completely severed brain stem—thus I lived! Now that’s a miracle!

I didn’t deserve it! No, just the opposite! So, you bet, I’m grateful! Yes and so things like this topic, while you may not agree, it’s so simple and normal for me because I’ve been blessed and now I want to bless you!

A “short” description of this would be for a group to disassociate itself from a member; therefore that member is no longer a part of that group and the members of that group are not to have any contact with that person or persons.

According to the dictionary, Associate means: Associate: to join in companionship or partnership, or To connect in thought.

I have been withdrawn from a Church in So. Cal. It was horrible and it will remain in my mind for years,

Basically what it meant was that they thought that I was a bad person and NO ONE from that Church was allowed to have ANY CONTACT with me.

Now, most Churches regardless of the denomination believe and do that.

I’m thankful that God doesn’t because if He did, Jesus would never have come: Rom 5:8
8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
If it was wrong to associate with someone who has gone in the wrong direction then God wouldn’t have sent His Son, but He loved us and He did send His Son. And we’re very thankful!

And Jesus lives in us when we accept Him. So, in effect we are we as Christ’s body and where is His body when people do the wrong thing? Do we teach them? Do we love them? No, we withdraw from them.

In other words, we take Christ away from them and forget that they exist. They can come back ONLY if they stop doing wrong things AND admit that they did wrong things and can prove it and ask to come back.

Didn’t we, as Christians have to do that too? No, we didn’t. All we had to do was believe in Jesus. And God saved us. It was His gift. We didn’t deserve it, but we got it! God knew our hearts and it was up to Him. We, on the other hand don’t KNOW other peoples hearts. We probably think that we do, but is it up to us? No it‘s not. We won’t be in control at judgment, but God will, and it’s up to Him.

So, now that song: Don’t tell them that Jesus loves them till you’re ready to love them too has a whole new meaning to me.

We need to start loving others like we were loved by God. No exceptions.

No we don’t have to love or accept what they have done, but we need to just be patient and love and accept them.

Don’t cut them off and take Jesus away and give Satan the upper and the first hand. Let Jesus win!

When Churches withdraw from people they are shutting off what Christ in us can do for people and that is NOT what Jesus did!

If this is true,:
1 Cor 12:27

27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
then we absolutely can not withdraw Christ from people who need Him.

We just have to remember who we are and why He came here.

If Christ came to me at a time like that (and He VERY OBVIOUSLY DID) then we MUST allow Him to continue to come to anyone who needs Him at any time


More than anything else, I want for you to know that.

Don’t tell them Jesus loves them till you’re ready to love them too.

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