Monday, August 18, 2008

I am a very different human being. Yes, I’m very physically handicapped, but for 42 years I wasn’t. Now, I don’t have any memory of those 42 years, but that is one of my handicaps, that along with not being able to walk (along with many other things). But I do love deeply and better understand now, the Godhead.

At this point in my life, the Godhead is all I have and it’s literally all I need too. Satan has given it all he can to ruin this for me, but he just can’t do it. God always wins and I know it.

So, now you know that I’m a believer and that I’m handicapped, but what in the world do I do with my time? Well, right now I’m recovering and learning how to take care of myself, I read the Bible, I listen to Christian music, I’m on the board of director a disabled Christians group for whom I teach, and I have become a close friend to a man who lives in a nursing facility.

Everything requires a good deal of my brains and effort, but the last thing that I mentioned takes the most. And I’m ok with that.

Why? Well, because I just can’t expect stunning results. I have graciously been given compassion for him, but he may or may not become a believer. And Jesus didn’t die for us because our faith was a sealed deal, no, the Bible clearly says that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. So how is that person any different? He’s not. Christ died for him as well as for me, and whether or not he accepts Jesus is not up to me, but loving him is.

Being part of a handicapped community has actually been a good thing for me because (although I don’t remember things) I can tell the difference between non-handicapped and handicapped people. And a huge difference is what society sees and places there.

Now, that brings up a good question: “What IS society?”. The answer to that question (according to what many people think) is simply “normal people”. But many normal people have impediments like glasses, contacts, hearing aides or canes. And Jesus loves us all regardless of impediments. But, He too saw that society was a problem and I believe that is why He spent so much time with the handicapped and the disabled.

Do you remember in Numbers when God sent poisonous snakes on the Israelites and Moses crafted one so that if people were bitten and they looked at Moses snake they were healed (God healed them)? Well, this was somewhat the same thing. Jesus represented God, and because of their handicaps they were rejected by society and excluded from normal life so by Jesus healing them they could be accepted and fit back into life.

And thrilled they were, and so we could do the same kind of thing simply by loving and accepting handicapped people—just the way they are. We have a chance to do what has never been done before—accept them! If Jesus wants to heal them now-He will, but in the meantime we can love them where they are and as they are. And that’s a more complete picture of Jesus than anything I can think of.

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