Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I’m seeing something that I do not agree with at all and I see this on the television but I don’t think it’s just on TV I think this is how people are. And I don’t think that it’s just nowadays, I think people have been this way for centuries.

Everyone wants to measure up to other people because the main goal is to be better than anyone else. That gets them money and status.

Funny but that sounds just like Satan was when he was thrown out of Heaven and doesn’t he run this world? Yes he does for now and people are following his plan.

If you think about things such as money and degrees (to name just a few) you can clearly see what I am talking about.

I have a college degree that I paid a lot of money, time and effort for and I was paid a lot of money for and I was very proud of it.

But think about this: Was I any better than anyone else? No. Did I just learn everything in school? Nope. Then why did I get so much money and prestige? Because my degree was very popular and so was my school.

Wait a minute. Am I saying that because people liked my degree and my school that they paid me a lot of everything? Yes I am. And nothing has changed. I’m just as intelligent as I used to be but I don’t remember a thing about my education and I’m not bothered at all.

Being a Christian is so much easier than being a part of this world. Expectations from God are much simpler than the expectations of this world. And I also don’t have to be the best to get eternal life because it was a free gift.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, being loved and accepted by God is very freeing. We don't have to try to prove anything.