Friday, September 24, 2010

I put all of my CDs on ITUNES yesterday so today I’ve been listening to music by Christian musicians and yes I have learned something big and important about humility.

What I have clearly and repetitively noted is that #1 they make a lot of money but they never say anything about that but they do speak (or sing) about God, His will and His gift to us.

And it is good and it makes very happy!

Now I can’t make a lot of money and I won’t become famous but I can talk about God, His will and His gift to us so that is what I will continue to do.

And I have a lot of good CDs so if anyone wants to listen to some good music then I’m happy to lend them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Music is one of God's best gifts. I have a CD of hymns in my kitchen CD player that I listen to while I'm washing dishes sometimes. Much more uplifting than talk radio!