Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am just me and you are just you. Thankfully God made us that way. So, to begin with we were different. And no matter what you may think, that’s normal and it’s good.

I am not going to think like you do because I’m not you.

No one but me has gone through what I have gone through. I’m in a good place today and I have no idea where I’ll be tomorrow but thankfully God knows.

Some people have been a little hard on me lately and it has hurt me. I can understand where they’re coming from but I’m just me the way God made me to be and you are just you as God made you to be.

So we can accept each other as God accepts each of us. Learn from each other and appreciate the differences. I do and you can too. We have the same Father and He knows what He is doing.

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