Tuesday, August 10, 2010

As humans things are supposed to always be the same. We work hard to build things that we can depend on. We have things like laws, degrees and compensation to monitor and ensure these things. And we learn to expect things to always happen a certain way. And these things become expectations

But as normal Christians things are not always the same and that’s OK. Remember Jesus telling us that we must first deny ourselves? Well part of denying yourself means that #1 Life is not your game because God is calling the shots! And because you do not know God’s plans or reasons things may not always happen the same way thus you cannot depend on things.

So when something happens that you did not expect you have to honestly say that your desire is for God’s will to be done and not your own personal desires to always be met. And that’s easy for me to say but it’s not easy to do.

But as a Christian you have no other choice because it’s not about you anymore it’s about God. Remember being told to deny yourself?

So sometimes things may happen that you didn’t expect.

But who are you? Did you create the world? Or seasons? Or people? No you didn’t but God did. Will you be in control at judgment? No God will. So relax! You’re under His wing. It’s His game and He has already won so you can trust Him.

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