Sunday, March 1, 2009

Personal Opinions

A belief stronger than impression and less strong then positive knowledge.

So a personal opinion is the same thing but it is related a specific person and their feelings or thoughts or beliefs. It is not the correct or only thought, now it may be, but it is in fact just the opinion of the person expressing it.

And EVERYONE has an opinion! So some will agree or disagree with an opinion that is given because it does or does not agree with their own opinion.

And sometimes people forget that something is just their opinion. And they become offended if you do not agree with them.

But if that happens then you can try and explain how you feel and why you feel the way you do. You’re kidding! Does that take care of it?

Maybe yes and maybe no. It really just depends on whether or not the other person agreed with your opinion on how you felt. They may and they may not.

So there are many ideas and opinions going around and you have got to always remember that you’re just another one if the many. And, for whatever reason not everyone is always going to agree with you because the way you feel is just your personal opinion.

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