Monday, March 9, 2009

Be Careful…

Matt 7:1

7:1 "Do not judge , or you too will be judged.

Don’t judge other people or others things. A more “today” way of saying ‘judge’ is ‘evaluate’. In our culture today evaluating things is the way many humans feel that is a normal human thing to do.

Well, is it? Here’s one for you:

When you judge, what does that do? Decides if something was right or wrong; or good or bad, etc.


When you evaluate, what does that do? Decides if something was right or wrong; or good or bad.

Wait just a moment. Don’t those two sound just alike?

Yes they do, so possibly being a normal human thing to do is not the real Christian thing to do…according to Jesus it’s not, but you have to go with what you feel.

Because Jesus is your judge.

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