Thursday, March 26, 2009


Compassion is who I am.

A good friend gave me a CD that was called CompassionArt and inside the case was a CD and a DVD. I listened to the CD (it was very good!) and there was also a DVD that I then watched and it was good.

So here were these people, all extremely successful as Christian musicians coming together to write songs and work together and study and worship together and drop all boundaries to make music that would earn money for the poor in the World.

I was totally enthralled by all of this. Here were people who, some of whom, I actually remembered, coming together and doing this! It was huge! And I initially thought that this would teach me something that I didn’t realize about compassion.

But after a while I realized that I am compassion, not where they see the need, but I am compassion.

I have learned some simple things though. For example, I will stop using hair color because there were men, at least at my age, who let their grey hair show. Popular men who could have afforded anything, but they let their grey hair show!

So I did learn things like that, but I also learned that compassion is compassion wherever you show it. They saw the need across the ocean and formed a way to meet it. It took a great deal of commitment and work but they did it and I’m proud of them.

However, I also learned that it’s ok to show compassion here too! I see the need for compassion everywhere and I strive to meet it wherever I can.

No, it’s not across the Ocean and No, I don’t have thousands of dollars & nothing spare, but it is CompassionArt nonetheless!

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