Sunday, April 3, 2011

This is NOT going to make anyone happy or be easy to read but it is true so please read on.

I’m seeing something among most people even Christians that I think is not good. Many people ‘think’ that being a Christian means that only good things will come to you.

But being Christ whom you are modeling was not easy. Making human people was not easy. Leaving Heaven was not easy. Having yourself made into an embryo then living in a human’s womb then being born to humans then growing up then being criticized then being crucified to bear the burden for everyone else’s sin, being buried, raising from the dead, spending some time with human people and then ascending was NOT easy but He did it. So why should things for you as a Christian be any different than it was for Him?

Another thing I don’t like is the ALL people want personal credit for what they do-EVEN CHRISTIANS!

Now let me step into history for a moment – was crucifixion a means of personal credit? NO! Who was crucified? Christ. Who is a Christian named after? Christ. And He got no personal rewards so why should you?

The life of a Christian is to represent God as Christ did, so it won’t be perfect or advantageous but we knew that to begin with.

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