Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here is my latest book called: Life on Earth


The one who created everyone is God. People can only use the gifts that God gave them. Some people say that they know Him but what I see is a constant importance being placed on ‘ME’ and maybe some time on God.

Jesus knew that this would be a problem so He said that you must deny yourself to follow Him. He also said that when you follow Him the old you is dead and you become a new creation.

So there is no place for ‘ME’ there because me is dead and gone.

However that is why I have written this book. It seems that ‘ME-ISM’ is a huge part of this World and I want to set the record straight on this.

My information comes from our creator, God. Feel free to check out what I say in the Bible because that is where He initially has spoken to us.

People get amazed at themselves because they can do things or they think that THEY have figured something out but NEVER do they realize that their creator created that too or that He has a plan that they could be part of. It’s always: look at what I’ve done, I am so smart!

So the intent of this book it to put the focus back on God because that’s where it is anyway. You can deny it now but eventually everyone will face the truth of God’s power and my goal is to help you before then.

In my life I have had everything the World has to offer. Education, career, position, money, acknowledgement, love, kids and more but God never left me. After a very serious injury all of those things went away but God did not so I’ve dedicated my life to serving Him however to spend Eternity with Him you have to get rid of ‘ME’.

I now minister from a wheelchair with my computer. God is very good to me.

This book describes a way to conquer ‘ME ISM’. So whether you’re young or old, have kids or don’t, are just beginning or well on your way (like me) this book is for you.

Table of Contents

Chapter # Name Page #

1 Pre Adult 1
2 Adult 4
3 Eternity 8

Chapter 1
Pre Adult

This chapter is for those who are very young or for those who are just beginning a family or for those who may soon have grandkids or for anyone who just want to learn.

In addition to knowing their parents children also need to know their creator and understand that He creates.

Most often parents take all the credit for their children hence people grow up wanting to be like their parents and God is never thought of.

But if children are taught from the beginning that there is a creator and then understand that their parents are in love then the creator can take front seat for them.
When children go to school it’s a new set of challenges because schools are not about God and ‘ME ISM’ is promoted heavily there.

Schools measure individual performance to standards that were not developed by God and schools do not take God into account at all in fact schools teach students that mankind makes itself. So the entire focus is on ‘ME’ and how I do.

But that makes no sense because God created all people with His standards in mind so children don’t have to find a standard to meet. Who they are is based on God’s standards and not some state’s or some nation’s.

It start’s out bad and gets worse as the years go on. And that’s only 1 thing: schools!

Other things get in line too with the goal to take the attention off of God. Fashions, cars, jobs, hairstyles, music and achievement just to name a few.

Everybody wants to be like somebody better than they are as if God did not make them properly enough or His will can be changed. So we end up with people who are like each other instead of those who are happy and love God.

With this mentality life takes a direction completely exclusive from God.

When Jesus fed the 5,000 and 10,000 there was no preparation, no food and no help but they all ate plenty but now you have to pay enough, study hard enough and do well enough while conquering many things and God is not even a remote part of your life. Is that the life you want people to live?
Chapter 2

Assuming that someone is now an adult there are many things to take attention off of God like jobs, cars, performance, money, positions, companies and more. Time and age have changed but the goal is the same: get their attention off of God.

Hmm, that sure sounds a lot like Satan with Adam and Eve…

The big thing right now is to have a title as part of your name or to be called an Expert at something and so people pay a lot of money to have this and when they have it they are paid a lot of money by employers. Funny but I have a degree from a prestigious college and years of experience as an executive but it is all meaningless now because I’m disabled.
But as an adult you are older as one of God’s creations and as such nothing has changed. You need no more than God has already given you but no one recognizes that. Job titles and pay still ask for more but God planned all the days of your life before you were born so people are demanding more than God gave you and I have a problem with that and you should too.

So because Society tells people that they want more people make the necessary changes to get more. So is Society more important than God? Didn’t God create Society? Anyways people do whatever they need to keep Society happy. Like going to college, getting the right fashions, getting higher paying jobs, etc.

I’m reminded of the scripture that says: look at the lilies of the field. They do nothing but God makes them very beautiful…
And I don’t think that anything needs to look better than the lilies of the field. Man or woman.

My point about being an adult is that your focus is up to you. If you focus on things other than God then you’ll get less than God. If you focus on God then you’ll be happy but Society won’t.

As I said your focus it up to you. If you focus on God then in the end you’ll be happy. If you don’t then now you’ll be happy but in the end you’ll be sad. It’s your choice.

As an adult human my goal was on everything about ME because I thought that I was VERY IMPORTANT but as a Christian after denying myself I have learned that everything is not about me. The old me has died. Other Humans don't like this.

Chapter 3

First let’s define Eternity. Eternity is not like life because life has an ending and Eternity does not.

Everyone who lived in the past has an Eternity. Everyone who lives now will
have an Eternity. Any who lives in the future will have an Eternity. All humans will have an Eternity.

But never ending applies to Heaven with God or Hell without God. The Bible says that before Jesus came we humans were already going to Hell so that’s why He came to give humans another place to go.

Jesus said that to follow Him you have to deny yourself and that alone leaves no room for ‘ME ISM’.
But the good thing is that it’s totally up to you but He knows your heart. So no maybes or probablys. It has to be totally if you want to go to Heaven. Ad He’s OMNI so He knows everything.

I not Heaven which Jesus brought to mankind then it’s what you already had-Hell.

Much pain and suffering in Hell-forever.

So I’m choosing Jesus way. I don’t know how much time I have left. I live in a wheelchair and I’m not God but Jesus is.


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