Monday, April 11, 2011

You have to consider my story:

I have 3 sons. I have a degree and graduated Cum Laude in my college class. I went all over the World. I was an Executive. I made a ton of money. Then I was injured, lost my job and my house and my Mom and Dad and my sister and her husband and her family and my wife of 30 years, I was in a coma for 5 years, etc. So I had plenty to brag about but I lost it all and lived.

And I’m not angry at all. I’ve lost a lot but I feel like I‘ve gained more than I’ve lost. Much negative but much more positive.

So here I am. Handicapped and alone at 52. But I needed to find something positive so I turned to God and I’m making it! This has been way way better than before. I am always happy, on no medication and my ONLY desire is to help people to see God.

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