Saturday, April 23, 2011

I can’t walk. I have a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and many other handicaps so I can’t go to work but I do like to work and I want to make some money working from my home on my computer but no one will hire me. I don’t need much money and I work from 8AM to 11PM every day. Now having been a manager before I know that most people don’t work that much but I do. But no one will hire me! Even a Church!

Have we become such a segregated society where IF I could go to work AND remember things AND show what I know THEN people would hire me? In the meantime it’s up to God like it has been.

This is way beyond what a Christian should do. The Church began with just normal people and God taught them EVERYTING but now people have to act a certain way, have a certain degree and graduate from certain colleges or programs.

So who needs God anymore? I do because He takes care of me! He’s not turned off by me!

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