Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is going to be a rather sensitive subject for some so let me say right at the beginning that my Church is better than average. However, I think that the idea of Church is way different than when it began. Initially people preached, taught and prayed at no cost, as needed and for the purpose of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and nothing more.

However today Churches have become businesses, nonprofit mind you but businesses nonetheless who pay for people to preach, teach and pray. Salaries, livings, retirements and rewards now come from Churches.

Why is that? Are times different now from when Churches began? No a buck then is the same as a buck now. But people like Paul the apostle worked his normal job and worked for the Church for free AND supported people based on money collected by members from other jobs. So it has been done before.

And I work for free all of the time but I cannot be hired and I have to try very hard to get a ride to Church. But do I give sharing what I have any thought? NO!

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