Monday, February 7, 2011

When someone has a disability either at birth or otherwise the people around them are expecting one thing and they get another and that upsets them. They are there as they are because of God’s plan. But no one ever thinks about that. No, their expectations are not met. Forget God’s plan because now things are not what they expected and something may be required of them that they did not anticipate or plan for.

So disabled people are excluded from many things so that someone’s life can move on. But all disabled people need is acceptance. God accepts them but human people do not so they try and try but quite often they are not accepted by those around them and that hurts.

I’ve been through this myself! 2 of 3 boys have disabilities and now I have a disability! So now I see things that I did wrong and I’ve had many cruel things done to me. So now I’m much more accepting of people with disabilities and I even think like them because I am one of them!

Nothing but negativity just because someone’s needs aren’t met and we think that it is our fault. So you bet I’m there for my sons now.

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