Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let’s talk about how to become a Christian. I don’t know that there is a perfect way so I’ll tell you how I do it.

You must believe that Jesus came to take your place and became Heaven’s perfect sacrifice for you. You get His righteousness therefore you can go to Heaven and live forever with Him.

The thing that most people miss is Jesus said that you must deny yourselves. That is difficult to do because this World has always taught people that the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IS YOU! But that’s not true because our Father is God and He’s much more important than us.

Also we are created to serve God and not ourselves. Why else would we spend eternity with God?

It’s not about religious membership or anything else just faith. And faith is much more than just belief because faith without works is dead.

So if you’re ready to put more to it than just belief-then WELCOME HOME!

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