Monday, February 7, 2011

There are some things that have probably been happening for years.

Children, regardless of income, have been raised that everything that they do has a standard of good, better or best. If something isn’t good, better or best than it is bad and children are taught the levels of good, better and best because they are taught that nobody wants to be rated as bad because bad is really bad.

Hence our grades, our friends, the way we dress, fashions, cars and jobs, in effect everything is based on that scale.

The problem that I have with that scale is that there is way more to life than that scale.

Jesus, God’s son wasn’t rated good, better or best in fact He was put to death based on how negatively He was rated.

But today people still do the same thing! I have several disabilities therefore I always fail that rating and few people even want to be around me. But focusing on the real me, which other people don’t do, I feel very good about myself and my relationship with God!

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