Sunday, January 9, 2011

I read a book called: A New Kind Of Christian and it got me to thinking.

No, I didn’t agree with the whole book but it got me to thinking: Why did Jesus come to the Earth? How could God forgive us when we hadn’t even been born yet?

Then I read this verse: Gal 5:14
14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

And I can remember what it was like for me before…

Before I found Jesus there were of things to upset me – and they did! Then I found Jesus and those things disappeared. Then the things of the world got in my way and those things came back!

So for me the entire law wasn’t summed up in a single command. I was not loving my neighbor because I was just out for myself.

And I can pretty clearly imagine that many people aren’t loving their neighbors either. Let me explain.

Driving to Church today, did anything upset you?

Did anyone sing poorly?

Did you agree with the message?

Were you able to leave with no hassles?

I’m pretty sure that not everything pleased you, and since it didn’t were you able to love your neighbor as yourself? I don’t imagine that you did.

That is Satan’s game, and if he wins then you lose.

Think about this: I was a completely different person before I was attacked. Very accomplished, educated & wealthy. Now, I am very handicapped, no one cares about my education, very poor and very often bored but God brought me back to teach me things so I could teach you those things.

Loving your neighbor is not just something that you may or may not feel inside. It is accommodating their needs as much as you would your own. You understand and accommodate yourself now you need to do it for them too!

That’s what Jesus did and He’s told Christians to do it too!

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