Friday, March 26, 2010

It’s been nearly 10 years since I was attacked.

At the Trauma Center after my attack all of the educated human adults said: “He’ll either die or be a vegetable” but I am alive and living in an apartment.

This morning while I was making my breakfast I realized that at times I was noticing things and doing things that were not at all normal for someone with my diagnosis to be doing.

I’m sure that as a human I could find some reason for that, but as a Christian I know the reason for that. It’s called a miracle that God has done and human non Christians do not believe in miracles.

Let’s go back to creation. Christians believe what God said but non believing humans made up Evolution, and similar stories go on and on due to a lack of faith.

But people just need to see that since 1+1 do not = 2, there must be another reason for it—God’s power!

I do! I know that there is a reason that I am alive and things happen as they do. When 1+1 no not = 2 but it’s real, I can either know that it’s a miracle or make something up, and as a believer, I cannot make something up no, it’s a miracle!

And I can’t get technical and say “In my opinion THIS is a miracle but THAT is not.” No, I have the brains to say that 1+1 do not =2 so it must be a miracle from God.

And that’s what I do.

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