Saturday, March 6, 2010

Eph 3:20

20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably MORE than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

In society today and as humans MORE is generally thought to mean: “better”, and that may be true but it does not necessarily mean “better” in our World or “better” than what WE thought would happen. No, because WE are not doing it, He is.

So things may or may not be “better” than we thought. That’s not the point at all. Who is doing it? God not us. And the last time I checked no one who is reading this was able to create the World or rise from the dead, but God is.

So what may happen may not question our standards, but WE didn’t create the World, and WE didn’t rise from the dead, but God did.

Therefore if we have faith that He is in control, more than we can ask or imagine, things will happen and may be differently that we had anticipated but that’s ok.

God is our Father. And a father is not just a father for a short time. No, he is always a father. And God knew this long before He became our father. And He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So He never changes, but we do.

So do not be so quick to decide what should or will happen. Just remember who is in control and know that He will do what is best. Even if we don’t.

This came to me because I had gone to the hospital and then was returned back home right away (too soon?) and I had to go right back to the hospital because I was sick. And I wondered “why?”

But when I thought about it then I realized that the exact definition of “more” was not up to me.

Yes, I thought that I would be in the hospital until at least Monday but I came home today and it was NOT what I had anticipated at all. But I’m home anyways. And I firmly believe that it is more than I could ask or imagine.

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