Sunday, February 5, 2012

my new book called: My Father's will

The Purpose
The whole purpose of this book is similar to Jesus goal when He came. I can’t produce what He produced but I can let people know where we need to be and where we are. Everything that we live for and see including our society is based on who is managing this world. The one responsible for managing this world since the first human beings were created is Satan, so what you see may not be what God intends. Of course Satan doesn’t care but eventually you will care.

The most difficult part is that all things are developed with the #1 goal of appealing to you as a human and things do appeal to you as a human, but this is not your world so no matter how YOU feel YOU are not the owner or the judge! So from the beginning Satan has been lying to God’s creations (humans) and he hasn’t stopped! So what I see and say is not popular among humans but since day 1 what God has said has not been popular! So you have to decide what is important to you, because I know that this is popular to me but I am only one person.

This world, humans and even Satan were created to bring God glory, so the test of things is pretty simple: asking does this bring God glory? The big push in this world is to bring glory to ourselves so putting the big push aside and bringing glory to God is the real reason why we’ re here.

I started low then went to the top but now I am at the bottom, so I know the whole span but I have been given the chance to look at things differently and I don’t like what I’m seeing.
My Story
I once was just like you. I started working when I was 14 and got married the first time when I was 16 and the second time when I was 20. I was driven to be and was very successful. I have a college degree, was making tons of money, have been married twice, filled many roles, was an executive, have been all over the world, had many houses, have lived in 3 states, have 3 sons and thought I had it all but then I was beaten up so I can no longer walk or even stand on my own, I lost my job, I can’t hear or speak well, I lost my very nice car and houses and I lost my second wife. I could easily have died but I didn’t.
I didn’t know why I was hurt because I am not that way. I have rarely told people what I’ve heard because society would not accept it, and they haven’t, but here I am. So obviously it wasn’t ok with society but for whatever reason it was ok with God.
It seemed pretty awful and I thought that all was lost and I was only 48. Here is a man who had been an executive and had taught the world’s airlines, who everyone listened to that was now a nothing per the world’s standards. A lot of what I knew has been forgotten. So what now? Do I just give up? No! I have moved on and study the Bible and have learned that what has happened to me is actually very good! The first has become the last which is no different from the people I read about in the Bible. And while I have forgotten many things that the world has taught me I remember everything about God and I learn more about Him every day. So have I lost everything? Per the world’s standards yes but by God’s standards no.

Please read the following from the Bible:
Romans 12:1-2
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. 2 Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
This is what God says but it is not being taught by anyone to anyone. So you do the math: if God says it and we don’t do it then where are we going to spend eternity? At one time per the world’s standards I was on top but now I’m less than a nothing. I am handicapped, a problem and no longer normal. But oddly enough Jesus spent a great deal of time helping people just like me. The disabled. And He still helps people like me. How do I know that? Because before I was hurt I had Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome which is incurable, but I don’t have it now. I also have had pneumonia 14 times and I am fine now. So either I’ve gotten incredibly lucky (which is NOT possible) or God was very good to me and I opt for God. Nothing else makes any sense so it has to be God. So this book is about our position as humans with God.

I’m not like anyone else both physically and spiritually.


Societal Standards (our culture)
The most humongous thing that’s out there is that most people view their lifetimes as being only on the planet Earth and I hate to burst their bubbles but our lifetimes are eternal and never ending. Our time on the Earth is to test us for our eternal destinations. Based on how we are and what we do on this Earth prepares us for eternity.

If all we strive for on earth is the dollar then how can we expect to spend eternity with God? There will NOT be any money there so what is there for money lovers to hope for?
Most people spend their time on this earth only focusing on how much money they can make and/or what they can be on earth and they LOVE to give their opinions on things…
Because I am handicapped and can’t work I just don’t fit in at all to society. I do see things very differently though but the things that I see are way too different for people to handle so I spend a lot of time by myself but regardless of that I still have compassion to teach people. So even though I don’t fit in to society I still want to communicate my views on eternity because my views on eternity come from the Bible, so I don’t make them up God said them and I just read them.
What I see more often than not is that people have their own personal view of God and what He wants which is fine but it doesn’t add up to what I read in God’s word, so what they think and what He says are very different but getting them to see that is difficult. Even the demons think something different than God does but they won’t be in Heaven and I would much rather offend people with my view on God than offend God himself with my views on Him so I’m sticking with His word and what He says.

The following scripture says a lot about God’s view on humans and it’s why I am who I am:
Leviticus 22:31
31 "Do what I tell you; live what I tell you. I am GOD.”
If our culture even had culture (which it does not) then the clay would be praising and promoting the potter who formed them but all I see is the clay praising and promoting the clay for who they are with absolutely NO THOUGHT or MENTION of the potter who made them in the first place!

Our culture is being managed by Satan who lost his place in Heaven when he brought sin to mankind and was given the Earth to manage which equates to our culture (which was a pretty gentle punishment). So do Christians want to be like our culture? NO! We are the clay who want to praise and promote the potter who created us and we don’t fit in to the way things are and so we don’t fit in with culture at all. So it’s a good thing that I’m where I am because I had the skills to be way too involved with the demands of the culture before.

Knowing that Satan is managing our culture it is easy for me to see that innocent humans are being lied to all of the time and I don’t like that at all so that is why I write. I am hoping that people will read this and stop believing the lies. Of course to do so they have to believe in God and trust His word.
Read this:
Deuteronomy 5:9
I am GOD, your God, and I'm a most jealous God
So, is our culture making our jealous God happy?

On commercials now people ask: “What do you do?” So it’s obvious that how you make money is extremely important and it determines your value which for me who can’t work says that I have zero value but I am very valuable to God. Do you think that a jealous God is happy with me being rated zero by people?
How much money you have to spend on things dictates everything in this World. Which clearly means: no money, no value which again means that to society my value is less than zero but in reality to God I have great value.
So we should ALL be focusing on God instead of what we do. He has value and we do not.

Deuteronomy 8:19
19 If you forget, forget GOD, your God, and start worshiping and serving anything else I'm on record right now as giving you firm warning: that will be the end of you; I mean it — eternal destruction.

Now that’s pretty clear.
People are ALWAYS saying: “You make money to spend money” or “…risk your life savings” and I have a problem with that.

First of all our lives are eternal so life on this Earth is just a lie and our destination for eternity depends on our lives on this Earth and in eternity there won’t be any money so there is no such thing as life savings and our value is in God.
Marketers may have found and developed ways to get people to spend more money but money is not necessary for life. Man does not live by money alone but by God’s word. Businesses and schools may have found a way to give people more money but businesses and schools are key to this world that is being managed by Satan and, trust me, you don’t want Satan’s eternal destination!

Another thing that Satan has been busy promoting is that sex is ok if you want to. Therefore people have sex with the same sex and they don’t get married they just have sex if they want to or live together and if they do get married then a divorce is easy to get. And birth control and abortion (not God) has become a HUGE business! And sex because you want it is just considered to be ‘normal’ and ‘usual’. However God says it’s not normal or usual but people don’t listen to Him and they don’t read the Bible.

Society considers it to be ‘wise’ to learn another language but you’ll never hear that it is ‘wise’ to read the Bible yet the Bible repeatedly states that man does not live by bread alone (that includes college classes) but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Now how does every word proceed out of the mouth of God? READ THE BIBLE! But this world tells you to pay money to learn another language and no one tells you to read the Bible.
I watch videos on my computer and what I’m seeing is that the people all look and act the same no matter where in the World they are and even their standards for homes are the same! This reminds me of babble!
So, with all of this going on that has been clearly described in the Bible and the Bible stating that the road to Heaven will be narrow and few will find it should I be unhappy and feel lost because I don’t fit in to society? HECK NO!

The human intent is on perfection and the provider of that perfection is any human but the Bible clearly states that there is not one human who is perfect and only God is perfect so the focus is messed up big time!
With certain education and/or experience certain humans demand pay and respect for themselves alone but read the following:
Deuteronomy 13:1-3
13:1 When a prophet or visionary (or expert or pro) gets up in your community and gives out a miracle-sign or wonder, 2 and the miracle-sign or wonder that he gave out happens and he says, "follow me" 3 don't pay any attention to what they say. GOD, your God, is testing you to find out if you totally love him with everything you have in you.

People make what they do and what they know aka how much money they make to be their first and strongest priority of their lives on Earth hence colleges are a huge part of life in our culture because the more you know the more you make and whoever makes the most money is the winner! However the strong dedication to learning and with all of the focus being on you that leaves little to no time for God. And there is no value placed on who we are without education and even less value is placed on who God is and so religion just becomes a once a week or less commitment to an organization and to people rather than a lifetime committment to God. Which means that God created people who were a good start but education by other created people is what is needed to perfect them. So in other words the potter made something incomplete out of the clay that other clay has to bring to completion. I don’t think so.
You may live extremely well on this Earth but remember, you’ll live for eternity and the things that are special to you on this Earth won’t be in Heaven and so you’d better plan for and be interested in Heavenly things now because the result of where your heart is is eternal.

In the Bible there’s a lot of talk about the Pharisees who were very picky and were constantly checking for people to made “mistakes” or infractions as they called them. That’s no different from over zealous Christians today but the good news is that God is not at all that way because if He was then the Israelites wouldn’t have made it for one day! Unlike the Pharisees, He is Omni, patient and loving and even then He waits and we are a good example of that in fact I am an excellent example of that!

Because Churches are businesses the focus of the Church is on the Church and making money not so much on who God is and what they have from Him. Case in point: one time I realized that I needed money so I went to my Church and I went in my power chair and took a copy of my budget that I couldn’t meet and the first thing that I was asked was: “Where are you giving to God?” and I said: “Everything that’s on my budget is a gift to God”. But the person from the Church was looking for contributions to the Church on my budget and not helping people and my budget was filled with ways to help people. I got money but I didn’t make any points with the Church, so I quickly learned that THIS was a business.

In our culture there are many people (the clay) who work very hard all on their own to make things work well (with the goal being to be the best) instead of working with God and the more it works the better they like it which results in family compromises for individual benefits in fact individual benefits have become primary benefits.

So people are driven to be very successful and getting more money means more success so that’s what drives people.-the most money! But with God it’s not money, it’s faith however for people the dollar has become more valuable than God or faith and that is where we’re different and I’m not popular. So for people more success and more money dictates how hard they work and it even drives their emotions and decisions! In fact, money, how much a person is driven and emotions are the same things. No longer is there any interest in anyone but the one earning the money and as a result everyone has to make sacrifices to accommodate the wage earner. Hence children grow up thinking that the most important thing in life is the job and God becomes an addition to everything else IF nothing else is compromised. Thus, what you do to earn money has become incredibly important thus a college education which allows a person to be paid more is very important and with the goal to accommodate life on this Earth, retirement income and life insurance are a major concern. So accumulating things on this Earth is very important to humans as if this Earth is all that’s involved in life. And that is not why we exist!

Many people feel that they are “experts” on God. Sure, we were given ‘some’ of His nature when we were created but nothing says what nature we got and nature and abilities are two completely different things so regardless of what nature we think that we got, no one has His abilities. God is God and we are not.

The Israelites are in the Bible for a reason. They are there not to make us worship or value them, they are there to teach us things about God and His will.
After they had been freed from slavery and given many things by God, instead of turning to God they always did the societal thing and turned to what made their society happy even though they knew and had been told not to they still did it and I think that we’re very similar to them. We have been told to wholeheartedly worship God alone but we turn to the things that make our society happy. Money being one. We will do whatever we can to make money wholeheartedly and in fact have made it a necessity to do so whatever the cost. And no matter what we have to do for money, we do it. Because in our society-cash is king. You don’t believe this? READ THE BIBLE! This is not popular but it is Biblical. It goes 100% against society but it is 100% for God! You see, it wasn’t up to the Israelites and it’s not up to us either! It was always up to God for the Israelites and it’s up to God for us too.

In the Old Testament God controlled the people but in the New Testament the people control themselves. The judge is still God but He has let the humans control themselves. The rules that God had didn’t change though only the control of the people changed.

What I have got to do is very difficult for a human to do. I have to step back and be where I am and allow God to take ALL of the credit for whatever He’s done so far, is doing and will do. This is a difficult place for me, as a human to be. It’s an appropriate place for me to be here but it IS difficult for me. Normally what humans do is try to capitalize on things to make both money and a name for themselves and what I have to do is just sit back, acknowledge God and just accept that He is continuing to do things. I am where I need to be because if I wasn’t them I would just be a normal person and I don’t want to be like that!

It would’ve been much more simple and I was expecting that this was about everyone else but as only God can do it is about just me and coming to grips thankfully with where I am and I have done that. It’s not an easy place to be but I’m very thankful that this is where I am. I have to take the back seat and give God the front seat and I satisfied to do that. This IS NOT normal but I AM NOT normal.

I started this book with the idea that I could teach other people but by the time that I was done…I learned a lot!

Your Decision
You have to decide either whether you want to be ultimately happy on this Earth and hope or ultimately happy eternally and know. The decision is yours because you’re still alive so there is time and I can’t make it for you. So you have to choose to make God or Society happy. One will ensure eternal happiness and the other ensures happiness for your lifetime on Earth.


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