Thursday, December 9, 2010

Before we came to Christ we were lost but Christ forgave our sins and everything was new.

But every day our flesh causes us to sin. So do we think that we need to come to Christ again and again to be cleaned up?

Oddly enough believers believe that Christ continually will forgive them (although that’s not why He came) but the sin comes back day after day. The scriptures also say (a lot) that Christ gave His life: once and for all.

In scripture it says: “The old is gone and everything is new” but I used to define that to mean: you shouldn’t do that anymore. But it clearly says that the old is gone and everything is new

Satan has much to tell us each time we fail like: God won’t like that and he may not forgive that. So we ask for forgiveness again and we’re fine until the next time.

But God is omni and He wrote every day of our lives in His book before we were born so is this new to Him? I think not. He decided to come and give His life for us knowing all about us.

So to me “new” means that we’re viewed as Christ (who did not sin) because we came to Christ. God sees us as Christ.

I’m not making this up it’s in scripture.

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