Sunday, March 25, 2012

This is not going to be a popular thing to say and I’m sure that it won’t be accepted well-but as humans we are slaves just like the children of Israel were in fact, maybe worse! Yes we are slaves to our sinful conditions but we’re also slaves to money! And we have made money our idol and it drives everything we do in life.

I have been given the opportunity to see this while most people have not. But I have been given the opportunity to tell you!

When the children of Israel were allowed to leave Egypt they never had to buy clothes because for 40 years their clothes didn’t wear out. They didn’t have to buy food either because God fed them and I’m sure that there were more amazing things that happened to them that were not written in the Bible. But since then society and life are totally based on money only, in fact money has become necessary when it comes to God! So much so that religion itself has become just another way to make money! So as humans we are definitely slaves to money thus the ability to make more money has become a human priority! And the Bible calls money a god!
I don’t know what the answer to this is but the Bible says that we have to be 100% committed to God! So check your priorities!

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