Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I asked a good, well educated friend of mine “Why do you think that Churches don’t accept disabled people?” and he said “I don’t know”. This man is a Christian and he’s very highly educated but he had no clue. It’s very important to him and he spends his life trying to change that but he had no clue from his education, interactions or anything else.

But I think that I finally understand because of something that God has taught me. I think that it is because they know NOTHING AT ALL about these people or their disabilities and they want NOTHING to do with them because they are different.

Case in point: Normal people (who are ONLY normal by society’s standards) NEVER spend any time with handicapped people so they don’t know them or what they can or can’t do.

My friend and his wife do and I NEVER feel like a handicapped person around them, rather I can just be me and that’s ok. Am I handicapped? Well I can’t walk so I guess I am but that never makes any difference with them. Are they my friends? Yes. So what’s the problem?

It’s an issue of Societal Status.

Contact with handicapped people is NOT OK with society. Handicapped people are NOT OK with society. In fact they’re looked down on by society so their value is much lower and if you’re associating with lower valued people then you are grouped in with them.

Gee this is just like people complaining to Jesus about always spending time with sinners.

So for us to depend on Biblical knowledge is not going to work because people can sing songs, volunteer, give money and pray and go to Church and disregard handicapped people because they’re handicapped. No this goes much deeper than Biblical knowledge, it goes to the heart.

There is no clear answer to this that I know of but it’s not the Church as much as it is society.

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