Tuesday, April 20, 2010

From the time we are born (or before) we are taught, evaluated and told that we are the most important person that there is.

Then at some point we are supposed to evaluate God and decide whether or not we are going to follow Him.

Now think about that for a moment.

We are born and taught, evaluated and told that we are the most important person then we evaluate God (who is NOT more important than we are) and decide on our own with an untold number of influences that He is more important than we are?

I don’t think so.

If that were true then why did He establish works in advance for us to do and know that we would do them?

Who’s game is this anyway?

The world tells us that it’s ours.

But who’s will is being done?


During OUR game?

Uh oh. It’s not really our game is it? No it’s not. But at some point we do choose whether or not we are going to follow Him and that determines OUR future, but Heaven or Hell there WILL BE A FUTURE!

So remember that we live for Him and that should guide ALL that we do.

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