Friday, June 5, 2009

Today is already a difficult day, and it’s only 4A.M.

Yesterday was very difficult too.

The day before was extremely difficult as well.

I don’t know what tomorrow will be but I’m not going to hold my breath…

Unbeknownst to me my alarm went off this morning and woke me up. I tried to go back to bed and I couldn’t.

But this song kept playing over and over in my head saying: Holy, Holy, Holy God… And I decided: That’s not common especially at 4 in the morning so I decided to get up again and write to you.

So, I got back up intent on writing to you, but I choked very strongly on my pills and decided to go quickly to solve a problem from yesterday and my Internet connection would not return the right results, so yet another bad day? Or should I listen again to the words of that song?

So I listened. And I thought: This is not just another bad day, no listen to the song. It’s telling you not to believe it’s just another bad day, it’s reminding you that He’s holy. End of story. He would never leave you, He wouldn’t, so He’s there and He’s holy, no matter what happens in this World. You’re ok, because He’s with you. Think again…

And so I wrote to you first.

Yes, after 3 bad days the last thing that I needed to worry about was how holy God was… But maybe I should think about it.

You know that when BAD piles up, it’s easy and common to just think that you’re all alone and what you believe in has failed you, but that’s Satan’s goal.

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