Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I was just eating breakfast and I thought I am in a different place now…

Before, I was probably fairly normal. Intelligent but a normal person. But now, I’m not a normal person at all. No, normality said that I should be dead or a vegetable, but I’m not.

Every day is filled with things that seem good to me.

Last week I attended a board meeting on the phone and I wrote many things down, followed the instructions, knew who would be there, anticipated responses and all the while I managed a service person at my home!

Now if that’s not more than I could ask or imagine then excuse me, it was! Looking back, I was shocked!

Then I started realizing that my mere existence is controlled by God! He is always there. He controls my sleep and everything that I do. My life on this Earth is possible because of Him. I’m in an extremely different place now. And it’s been nearly 9 years since my attack and I’m still alive and still progressing!

Before, everything was about me, but I found Christ, had faith, and now everything is about Him. This is an extremely different place to be when compared to a usual person that is in this world. I do recall noting that even before my attack. That tells me that there is a purpose for me. There always has been and there always will be.

Think about it. Really. Think about it. When I go to sleep He’s there, He stays there by me when I’m asleep. He keeps me alive. He’s there when I wake up and begin each day. He’s there when I go through each day, all through each day until I go to bed each night. He’s always there.

He is there with you too.

Oh yeah, I’m blessed but so are you.

This is not just me, it’s about you too!

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