Sunday, May 24, 2009

What happened to me?

This question probably sounds silly to you but it seems very real to me. It’s almost been 9 years since my brutal attack that I don’t remember, and I honestly don’t know a thing about what has happened to me.

I know that I have some handicaps now but I’m still striving to help people and I want to build a future but I don’t know where to go.

Just the fact that I have a future at all is a miracle, but what to do with it is what I don’t know.

I have prayed about this. I would like to be a support to and an audience for others who have had a brain stem injury, but I don’t know who to do it.

I don’t know of any groups that are like this. There’s no one to say: Ok, this is where you are and this is what you will experience and this is what you can expect. It seems simple enough, but it’s not there.

I have been to many therapies, but therapy is just a way to make people be a certain way, and if you cannot be “that way” then you are not wanted anymore. But you are still you and you cannot do this on your own. You need some help but where can you get it?\

There must be others like me and I cannot even imagine how they must be feeling but I want to help them.

Your suggestions would be most helpful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother,

God has truly gifted you with a heart of mercy. I can read it plainly in this blogpost. I have so much to say regarding your post that I don't even know where to begin. First of all, the one forum that I can point you in is a blog from Minnesota regarding the exact issue that you wrote about in your post.$bbc_disability_ministry_blog/2009/05/22/welcome_new_readers

Secondly, I must also mention to you that I echo your struggle. There are very few Christian ministries that are run BY and FOR people with brain stem injuries. It is my hope and prayer that your blog will be the starting point for one of the very first ministries for people suffering from this type of disability. I for one will begin linking others that I know with brain stem injuries to your blogsite.

Thirdly, please remember that you are already ministering to me. Even though I do not have a brain stem injury... I am encouraged and blessed and ministered to each time I read your blog.

In Christ's mercy,
C. Merrill Kittelson