Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Father

When I woke up this morning a song was playing in my mind. It is simply called Our Father and it reminds me of this verse.

Matt 6:9-10
"This, then, is how you should pray:

"'Our Father in heaven ,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

It played over and over in my mind and I thought There are certainly worse things that could be on my mind and so after a time I thought maybe it’s here for a reason and so I decided to think about it and write to you.

So I copied & pasted the verse for you and did some analysis on it:

Matt 6:9-10
"This, then, is how you should pray:
This came from Jesus, The Father’s son.
"'Our Father in heaven ,
Notice that He said “Our”. So He is “our” Father,
hallowed be your name,
He is to be respected and praised,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done
Everything is about Him,
on earth as it is in heaven.
On Earth AND in Heaven

We live for Him.

His actual son said: OUR Father.

Now, for me this makes me feel very good! Nothing that happens on this Earth or has happened in the past takes precedence over this! Life can be confusing (and it is!) but nothing can or will change this.

No matter who is on the phone or in your workspace or who is expecting anything from you or who they are, nothing takes precedence over the fact that He’s our father.

This was not taught to Christians alone, no these were normal human beings just like you and I. He is our father. And He is to be respected and praised, and He WILL BE whether or not we believe in Him.

In short: It’s not up to us, it’s up to Him. That is 100% different from what this World teaches us!

His will WILL be done AND His kingdom WILL come and notice where it say’s that it will happen…ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

Looking at that now and analyzing that now makes me feel much better and so should you too!

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