Monday, May 7, 2012

Real Reality Check!

This is not going to be an easy thing to read. Reality is NOT something that you can see it’s what you know in your heart. So redefining reality in this way is a real reality check! The biggest reality check is that you are going to have to decide what reality really is! Is it what you can see or is there more?

The Bible makes it crystal clear that I (mankind) was created by God for His benefit and that He is the potter and I (mankind) am the clay and I (mankind) have to be content to play second fiddle to Him. So if I expect or even wish to spend eternity (life NEVER ending) with Him then I have to do that. In the description of creation in the Bible Satan talked Eve into playing first fiddle with God and she lost and Adam lost, they were slated for death, pain and thrown out of the garden of Eden. Satan also lost and was thrown out of Heaven and given the Earth to run and so he has been doing that since then.

During creation, Satan represented society and nothing has changed today. Society does not play second fiddle to God! In fact everything developed by society is designed to make YOU the best just like at creation! And to make you think that YOU WIN! Read the Bible: did Adam, Eve & Satan win?

In the Bible, God continually says that He has to be the primary part of you and that’s so that you can spend eternity with Him. So let me ask you, if you were #1, would you want to spend eternity competing with someone else for your spot? Of course not and neither does God.

This has been repeatedly said through prophets and apostles who were all disliked by society and killed and with that as our basis let me ask you: is society in favor of God? If so, why does society firmly back competition?

Is the potter happy with the clay that He developed always trying to be more than He created them to be in the first place and with the clay rating each other so much so that He’d want to spend eternity with them? NO! But He’s patient. Is it going to be easy for you to realize that everything that you have been taught up to this point by society is going to affect you negatively eternally? NOPE! Is this easy for me to face and write about? NO! But I care about you.
When the clay competes with the clay the competition is not about which clay is better than the other clay, rather the competition simply checks how differently the potter created them and IF the clay feels that the potter screwed up! But the potter is the potter and the potter doesn’t screw up! Everything has a purpose. The clay can only produce what they have been developed by the potter to produce so a competition between clay is meaningless.

This is not an issue of religion because religion is something that has been developed by the clay. NO, this is simply based on the facts of our creation-nothing more. The Earth (being run by Satan) has created things specifically designed to confuse us (the clay) to hopefully make us become confused about the fact that we are the clay and that we have a creator because when we do that (unknown to us) we become followers of Satan instead of God which although we will be eternally unhappy, it makes him very earthly happy. With everyone else and society telling us something different this fact is going to be difficult for us to see but the decision to do so is ONLY during our life on Earth and not later.

Reality is not what we can see or know on this Earth! Have you ever heard of a miracle? A miracle refers to something that only God can do. Humans can’t perform miracles although humans think that they can but since the Earth is being run by Satan this is a real reality check for you. Your choice now on Earth indicates your destination in eternity.

You can do very well on this earth if you become a follower of Satan who runs this earth but you will pay for it eternally and I would like to save you from that. To neglect to talk to you about this is something that I couldn’t do. I have absolutely no reason to exist but to attempt to tell you all of this. That is my only goal in this life so I would be happy to talk to anyone (my email is but I suggest that you read the Bible because I do and it says what I have said and that’s why I have told you. This is not a “trust me” kind of thing rather it is a “trust God” kind of thing because after all, God is our potter.

Humans often want a very high level of security for themselves and they view earthly things such as education, income, job position or even the existence of or number of children as a means to get that security, however as never ending people earthly (temporary) things supply a very limited source of security. As never ending people we have got to look for a more permanent level of security. That means that we have to look beyond this earth and our current future in this life to our creator and what He says about our security. And He’s been very frank about what He wants from each of us. He says that we have to be fully dedicated to Him and this world isn’t like that.
To be fully dedicated to God is going to make us very different from most people and society won’t like us and that means that college education, job title, income and other stuff will promote us via society but not with God and Jesus was not promoted via society either but He was promoted by God.

That is what Jesus meant when He insisted that we “carry our cross”. His life on this earth was not great (His mother was an unmarried virgin and He was born in an animal barn) and as His body, ours will not be great on earth either but it will be great in our next life with Him, we just have to wait for the best times which is not only hard for us to do but it is unheard of on this earth.

Waiting is something that Jesus had to do and, as His body on earth, we have to do it too! In the Old Testament there are stories of humans making it big and doing very well but in the New Testament those stories don’t exist because we are under the new law. We will do well, but as with Jesus it will not happen in this life! If it was supposed to happen then Jesus wouldn’t have been crucified. But as His body, it won’t happen for us either! So we have to wait. While we wait we may still be helped but we will not get the benefits that people in the Old Testament did we just have to wait for the benefits. That is why eye candy is so stupid! Eye candy is meant to satisfy you right now and as Christ’s body we will be satisfied much later.

Now our society teaches you that “You are #1” and to have to wait to see realty is completely unheard of so this is a real reality check! Reality is NOT something that you can see now because reality will not occur until our next life. So “eye candy” simply becomes “now candy”.

Let’s talk about illusions. An illusion is something that “seems” like one thing but it is really another and who is the master of illusions? SATAN! Who runs this earth? SATAN! So society “tells you” that money is the ultimate answer but it’s not! It takes good care of you here on earth but money is non-existent and not applicable later. It is an illusion and unfortunately people think that it’s the real thing.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:5:
5 "You're blessed when you're content with just who you are — no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
Can’t be bought? Now that’s a reality check!

Here’s yet another HUGE reality check: Matt 5:13
Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth.
Will society tell you this? NO!

It’s not what I do rather it’s what He does! This is His world so all of the glory goes to Him and we have to be happy with that.

On earth there is such a strong push to be better. Hmm, that sounds just like the garden of Eden to me… And the push to be better implies that your creator left things out that you have to make up for and that’s not true. How is it possible that everything was created with a purpose except you? This is where free will comes in. You can choose to believe what your creator tells you or not-it’s up to you.

Mankind has developed colleges to enable people to either make up for what was left out when they were created or to deny creation. Either way, God’s power is put down. I don’t feel good about that. And constantly coming against all of this is not easy so here is where when Jesus asked: “are you prepared to drink the cup that I’m about to drink?” begins to have real meaning. The cup that He was about to drink has many meanings but a big meaning is being so different from other people.

As a follower of Christ I am very different than other people but having read the Bible, I wouldn’t change a thing even though if I did, life on earth would be so much easier for me! But life on earth would have been much easier for Jesus too! I just don’t fit in as a “usual adult” and I don’t feel that I have to change.

Humans (mankind, the clay) have developed many ways to make them “appear” to be smarter and more intelligent than they were created to be in the first place by the potter and they have attached things to them (like money) to make them appear more real. And those “things” have become the methods that they use to evaluate each other. So the clay is rating the clay and the potter is just an afterthought. And, they celebrate those people that have those “things”! So rather than celebrating “the potter”, the clay celebrates the clay!

Another key thing to realize is that at the end of time, God is going to do “The Great Reversal” where what was considered to be the least will be the most which is NOT what we are taught but it is in the Bible. So this big push to be the best on earth will end up making you the least at the end of time. This isn’t talked about enough, but it should be because it will happen! And I don’t mean to be a broken record but, remember creation? Satan (who runs this earth) tried to be the best in Heaven and as a result, the punishment was HUGE and I don’t want for you to experience that!

With the huge importance being placed on money, people tend to sacrifice things that shouldn’t be sacrificed in order to ensure the appropriate income for themselves. Never in the whole Bible are there any stories of people sacrificing anything for income. There is a saying today that says that “He who has the most money wins” and while that may be true in today’s society it is not Biblical. Just to help take the shock off of you let me ask you: who is managing this world? SATAN IS! And Satan has a history of lying!

So the question comes down to: Who do you want to please: God or Satan? Your decision applies to much more than a lifetime on earth, it apples to eternity!

Think about this: Noah and his family were the ONLY people on the entire Earth that were saved during the flood. No one else! The Bible says the road to Heaven will be slim and FEW will find it which sounds just like during the time of Noah, so wouldn’t you prefer to be among the few who go to Heaven rather than the many who will be approved by society on Earth and go to Hell?

Here’s another HUGE reality check! God has said in the Bible that every part of us has to be totally His! Every part. God created this earth and it is His! So “our” plans may not be His plans. Did Abraham just decide to leave his country or sacrifice his promised son? Did Joseph plan to go visit his brothers so that he could get beaten up, thrown in a cistern and be sold as a slave? Did Jonah plan to be swallowed by a fish? Did Paul plan to be a prisoner? The list goes on and on in the Bible which leads you to believe that God has a plan that’s bigger and more purposeful and more certain than yours.

I know that my view is very different from most people. LIFE IS NOT LIKE TAKING A TEST! READ YOUR BIBLE!

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