Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I am where I am and how I am and I can’t change those things even if I wanted to which is difficult because everything is based on money which I don’t have and can’t earn which leads me to the question of why I am here? It’s quite obviously not so that I can be successful because I can’t be but I am young. Which forces me to ask: What does success mean? Now I’m getting somewhere. ..
Success in this world means: 1) How much money you have 2) Your job position 3) Other stuff like your car, your house, your spouse, your kids, foods, vacation spots and the like. All of which I will never have so I have to look for success from a way different perspective, which I have done. I am in a place where I can never be successful in this world so I have to look beyond this world!
Beyond this world means beyond this life and success beyond this life is there but it doesn’t involve any of the things that success in this life (this world) does. So the big question for me is: Is it sufficient to be successful in the next life or do I just give up now? I believe that is sufficient to wait until the next life, case in point: Jesus. He left everything to come here and after 33 years and being killed He went home and got way more than He had here, so wait I will!

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