Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I have read the Bible completely several times but there is one thing that’s consistent. I will name a few of the people that God has written about for your benefit: Abraham, Noah, Joseph, Jonah, Hosea, Job, Jesus & Paul. In all of their situations the things that happened to them were not impressive by man’s standards but they obviously were impressive to God. The “cup” that God gave them to drink was not easy or pleasant to drink but it’s the cup that God gave them so they drank it.

Did Noah wake up one day and think: “hey, I’ll build a huge ship!” NO! Did Joseph wake up and say: “I’ll go to meet my brothers and they’ll beat me up, throw me in a cistern and then sell me as a slave to some people? “ NO! Did Hosea wake up and say: “today I’ll marry a whore!” NO! Did Paul wake up and say: “I’ll be a prisoner for the rest of my life!” NO! Is their situation unique? NO! Look at the children of Israel. They were taken out of physical slavery in Egypt by miracles and put into the wilderness where they had nothing and they were never happy! Even though every had happened instead of trusting in God (who took great care of them) they only trusted in what they could see.
So the cup that God gave them to drink was not pleasant or easy for them to drink but it was part of His plan. The “cup” that God gives you may not pleasant but this is where: “more than you can ask or imagine” comes in.
My situation is no different! I was abused BEFORE I was born and after I was born it just continued so now I live in a wheelchair, have 3 BLOGs, am very happy and am impacting people all over the world for God. But I’m unimpressive by man’s standards and this cup is NOT EASY to drink. So is that consistent? I’d say so.

One time Jesus said: “are you ready to drink my cup?”

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