Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Tree of Knowledge

At the beginning of the Bible, in the garden of Eden there was a tree that God said not to eat from and it was called the tree of knowledge. God said that if Adam and Eve ate from it that they would die so He told them clearly not to eat from it. Well, Satan told them that they would enjoy it AND that they wouldn’t die so they ate from it and the lifespan ending with death began and Satan was thrown out of Heaven and given the earth to manage.

Surprise surprise but we have the same tree today represented by colleges and degrees and the earth is being completely run by it and people don’t see the danger and they enjoy the fruit of the tree but judgment day is coming and as Adam & Eve paid, so will we.

Knowledge is helpful but God didn’t create you to need more than He gave you. Case in point: I have a degree from a college but I don’t recall studying anything to get that degree that helped me in what I did but God did create me, so I was created sufficiently in the first place. Plus, while my injury has had no effect on my abilities I am not allowed to work at a job! I do work a lot on my own though for God and He pays me money, just like He was taking good care of Adam & Eve. AND I tried to go back to college after my attack but oddly enough, I couldn’t understand anything.
So knowledge is important but it is given to you by God when He creates you.
What God has given me is more than sufficient for me.

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