Monday, August 15, 2011

My life has made a 180 degree change but at least it has made a change.

Prior to 2000 I was an executive making tons of money, married and traveling all over the world. However instead of focusing on the one who had given me everything, God, I focused on myself and all I had. So in 2000 I was beaten up, my brain stem broken and several other things but I didn’t die contrary to all the predictions but I was in a coma for 5 years and I live in a wheelchair and can’t work. I’ve lost my job, my wife and my money. It’s no longer about me and what I can do but what God does for me. That’s a 180 degree turn for me but at least I got another turn. I didn’t know many things before but they have been revealed to me now.
It’s been difficult for me because I am still fairly young and I am still capable of doing many things but because of many things, most of which I need to trust in God, there is no way in this world for me to move forward.

I need nothing but I do volunteer a lot so I’ll have things to do but I have to be very patient which is much the same as is required of God so I’m learning to be patient which is not easy for me and it’s NOT COMMON in this world.

I don’t know that I would have said this before but because we were created by God to have a relationship with God, He writes down ALL THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES IN HIS BOOK BEFORE WE ARE BORN and forms us in our
Mother’s wombs a relationship with Him should be our top priority which is not what we are taught by this world. We are taught that WE are #1 and that everything revolves around us but that’s not true. If it was then I would just be an accident.

So I encourage people not to focus on getting what they want to get but to focus on what they have been given by God and why they are even here. It won’t be popular in this world but Satan runs this world.
So you can’t get the best of this world because it does not honor the best and the best is God.

Since Satan runs this world the thing to encourage people to do is simply understand that the big push is against God as it was with Adam & Eve so they should focus on God instead of anything else. What you can achieve on Earth will last only on the Earth but there is an eternity coming and Earthly things won’t matter.

Surprise, surprise! Everything in this world IS NOT for you it’s for Satan! So the bounty from this world will not help you in Eternity! And since we do not know when Eternity will begin we have to be ready.
This is all written out clearly in the Bible so I am NOT making this up.

I am very thankful to know what I know and that’s why I am passing it on to you with the goal that we will all spend Eternity together with God. I am only 1 person and there are many of you but the effort is worth it. God wrote the Bible for everyone He created and this is in conjunction with that and He did it so as His child I will do it.

The BIG DIFFERENCE is focusing on Eternity and not your life on Earth. Earth is right now and Eternity is forever.

This will not be easy for you to see and don’t believe it just because I said it. Read the Bible because God said it first and He will be in charge at judgment and no one else because life is His game.

Regardless of what you think about yourself, what others think about you or your job or title you are only a being that God created for His benefit as part of His plan.


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